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Everything posted by DejaHo

  1. I love when ends don't meet. Your opinion? PS And believe it or not I am OCD.
  2. Venus Petrov wrote: DejaHo wrote: ZoeTick wrote: My friend wants to know if you can ride a horse from Wisconsin to Wyoming, or if there are Great Lakes in the way that would require him to get a ship or plane. Disclaimer: I am inner city boy, born and raised. Can't horse swim? Yes but not in water that deep or that far across. Every oater I ever watched horse were the ride of choice when crossing the Rio Grande. As I wrote here.
  3. Stay out of my psychosis and I promise to stay out of yours . . ..
  4. ZoeTick wrote: My friend wants to know if you can ride a horse from Wisconsin to Wyoming, or if there are Great Lakes in the way that would require him to get a ship or plane. Disclaimer: I am inner city boy, born and raised. Can't horse swim? Every oater I ever watched horse were the ride of choice when crossing the Rio Grande.
  5. Truly great madness cannot be achieved without significant intelligence. Henrik Tikkanen Who am I to judge.
  6. ZoeTick wrote: Between being banned and having your account suspended? Being banned is 5 less keystrokes to print.
  7. I love when you post with emotion, Madelaine. And your post suffers from a hemorrhage of emotion. Funny how I know that.
  8. There is only one way to get to Wyoming. And that's by horse. Tell your friend to saddle up, cowboy.
  9. My take on British cuisine: (yes, I know I am a twit, but . . .) A man walks into a bar. There is not a soul in the joint but the bartender and a tin filled with peanuts on every table. The man sits down and he hears, "Nice suit, very dapper" "Great shoes!" "Love the beard!" .... The man cries out: "Who said that?" The bartender looks at him and smiles, "Oh, those are just the peanuts. They're complimentary."
  10. ZoeTick wrote: Forum respect is a very different thing from friendship. Re: your OP My alt had written a quote from Confucius in his profile: "Have no friends not equal to yourself" People use the term friendship so loosely. I don't - not in RL or SL. For most of my SL I have considered you a friend -- one of the few, very very few. I do not have the education standards you demand, but I try to post intelligently whether it be humor or opinion, and I know I fall short at times. I also know we share some interests; reading and sports to name two, and there is more.. I've never met you in-world but I have my other few friends; and I adore and respect Venus, Cinnamon and Keli Kyrie, as you well know. I share this same sentiment with you. I learn from you, and I laugh with you. I felt like I lost a friend when circumstance kept you from posting. Make me laugh . . . tell me I ain't your friend.
  11. I thought LL did bring them back. When I try to log in with some of my alts they all have the same 'Banned' surname.
  12. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Fuzzy Logic was all the rage when I was in engineering school. It's an approximation based logic system that absolves the designer of really understanding the thing he's trying to control. I don't hear much about it these days, perhaps because designers who don't understand things lose business to those who do. Perhaps. Perhaps it is why you draw this parallel. I sure hope that not all labs are expected to do research. If they are, I'm going to be more wary of blood draws for my annual physical. How cute, you made a joke. And I don't think they are, because my clients would have been peeved to discover I was doing research in my lab. I was hired to do development. I hope LL is doing the same. Is the above sentence your application of Fuzzy Logic? ETA: I'll also note that innovation does not necessarily require research. Nor does it assure business success. Is innovation even possible without research? Seriously?
  13. Ohjiro Watanabe wrote: I hope Linden Lab don't waste their time publishing articles like this and they continue to simply plug in the Havok physics engine. Your carping criticism is pointless and dull. Where did you read criticism? I asked a question. Don't 'labs' test theory, product, code, and everything else within their domain? Should not a lab do this? Should LL not test everything that has potential to make a more efficient environment. Or does Linden Lab just buy other companies to see them amount to nothing. I never said or implied, and nor did the article, that approximate computing is the answer. It is the responsibility of a lab to test and see if it is the answer. PS I would never hire an individual with the attitude you have. FACT: If LL does not innovate or want to innovate within their environment then they are dead in the water, as would be any other company with lab in their name.
  14. Venus Petrov wrote: I can understand the challenge development teams have in determining the quality metric to define the acceptable level of end-user experience for 'good enough' computing. Sounds like there are some big brains looking at this problem. I ain't talking about quality... I'm talking about whether they ( the LAB) is being a lab or not. . . what is the CIO doing?
  15. Venus Petrov wrote: ZoeTick wrote In other news . . . has anybody seen Larry recently? Larry is alive and well posting on the feed and occasionally inworld. I chatted with him inworld a few days ago and he said nothing about hiding out from the authorities. I'm sure Zoe was just askin'. It ain't like it's an impossible scenerio.
  16. I hate sticky bans. But I love sticky buns. Go figure.
  17. No player just three months old is possible to be verifi. ed or otherwise. Mick Mercy wrote: How does my friend of 3 month age verifi.
  18. Yes, that was an emotional post. If Dillion can post with emotion (I'm sorry Marigold) then so can I. Shame on you Dillion, but Hi anyway
  19. I was born with a delivery button. I'll need a lot of counseling before I can even attempt a redelivery.
  20. I wonder if Ebbe Linden uses a fur club on his approach? Nah, nvm, no way. . . right? RIGHT?
  21. LordHappycat wrote: I was wondering if there are any good, relatively medium sized or small, non laggy fur clubs left? Have you searched for PETA? They seem to get smaller and smaller by the day. PS I prefer hybrid clubs when hitting my approach shot.
  22. ZoeTick wrote: There are numerous mechanisms whereby sloppy users can be convinced to allow trojans etc to install themselves.. No! say it ain't so, Zoe! Please, say it aint so.
  23. I read an interesting article. DBA (Doing Business As) Linden Lab supports a product that is so dependent on the physics layer(s). So, I wonder if the 'lab' end of the Linden's has researched new developments for which the 'business' end of the Linden's is so dependent. Isn't that what a Lab does? A snippet: "Luis Ceze and his colleagues at the University of Washington (UW) have been working on approximate computing for more than five years, using a more coarsely grained approach to approximation than other researchers. One unique aspect of their work is hardware-software co-design for approximate computing. Control in modern processors accounts for a significant fraction of hardware resources (at least 50%), which fundamentally limits approximation savings. The UW team found that using limited-precision analog circuits for code acceleration, through a neural approach, is both feasible and beneficial for approximation-tolerant applications. The UW group's hardware model—SNNAP (systolic neural network accelerator in programmable logic)—assesses the effect of approximation output. It works with the neural network, accelerating approximate code, removing the need to fetch and decode individual instructions. Says Ceze, "Applications that we do well in the digital neural processing unit on FPGAs [field-programmable gate arrays] (that is, the SNNAP work) are financial analysis apps, robotics control systems, and computer vision. The analog version (http://bit.ly/1zLkric) also shows great promise in game physics engines and machine learning applications." For your consumption, the complete article: http://tinyurl.com/mppjzna By Logan Kugler Communications of the ACM, Vol. 58 No. 5, Pages 12-14 10.1145/2742482 When is a lab a lab? When does LL start publishing stuff like this? PS I'm a buyer when the do.
  24. ZoeTick wrote: You are PJ O'Rourke and I claim my $5! In other news . . . has anybody seen Larry recently? "For one thing, telling the candidates apart. To American eyes and ears David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg and even Nigel Farage had the same accents, same suits, same gestures - four British Mitt Romneys. We too had a Mitt Romney, but we could tell him apart from Barack Obama. Of course, I could tell the difference between the men and Nicola Sturgeon. Nicola bore a strong resemblance - not least in the demands she intended to make on Ed Miliband - to my ex-wife's divorce lawyer." Imo, all you Brits look alike. Re: Larry
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