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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. Nice shirt, been wearing the same for two days now. Where'd you find that camera? Been looking for one for a while, but I could only seem to find ones fitted for female avatars.
  2. See, how would one say no to a 'pretty please'?
  3. One can get a long way with asking nicely. smiles
  4. Hm, why did seeing this make me think of Tenacious D...? ... Oh yeah, that's why. Airguitars like a silly person doing his best (horrible) Jack Black impression; "We don't mind sucking on toes! Good luck finding a boyfriend who sucks toe, ow! "
  5. @Elora Lunasea - Love it! Here's what I did today with Mon. I like trains.
  6. Don't worry, it's only 36,512 days left to your 111th.
  7. I'm no expert, but I think you might need another skeleton to get a pair of legs that work with that ankle.
  8. If you've tried relogging into a less crowded sim, try rebuilding your avatar manually. Just take everything off and put it back on bit by bit.
  9. Are those two things one can do at the same time? Thinking about the world stresses me the Hell out.
  10. "I remember how she left me on a stormy nightShe kissed me and got out of our bedAnd though I pleaded and I begged her not to walk out that doorShe packed her bags and turned right away"
  11. A friend asked me to do a full-body version of my shot from yesterday. There's the result.
  12. I'm guessing pretty much everyone should be able to guess the suit, but, for those of you who don't recognize it - the credits are in the flickr post.
  13. After a long time with Signature, and having slowly rebuilt by wardrobe (somewhat) after all my system clothing went, I'm more concerned about having to re-do my wardrobe yet again for a new body. By the time I was looking, the choice was between TMP and Signature - luckily I picked the right one.
  14. For a leaner look, Belleza Jake or Slink, as Janet said. Signature can get a pretty lean look too, but it is a little bulkier. Aesthic is hulky, and I don't think you can achieve a human appearance on it.
  15. If you're talking system clothes, add the underwear first, and the leggings second. You can edit the order of the layers somehow but, I haven't used a system avatar for a long time so I don't quite remember.
  16. Did a photoshoot with @Elora Lunasea today! Here's one of the photos. More photos are in the stream, and the credits are in the flickr credits.
  17. Hm, I don't know if I ever wrote that I wasn't looking for any more friends. Might be the one where I said I wasn't looking for any more volunteers for my photo shoot practice? Feel free to give me a nudge in-world if you'd like. I may not always respond right away if I'm tabbed down, but I always try to keep up with people talking to me.
  18. You're not being mocked by me either. I've seen you posting earlier in Looking for Friends, and I've checked your profile - I just don't know if you'd enjoy my company. I've got no issue with being forward about who I am and what I enjoy; if that hurt people's feelings, I figure it better to leave them be.
  19. I'm a reactionary monarchist, a cynic and a satanist. I have a fascination for the macabre, a dark sense of comedy and scale my admiration of art directly by how twisted it is. I'm a history buff, a grammar Nazi, and I judge people cruelly by their lack of eloquence, intelligence, wisdom and etiquette. I'm not a cat person, but I do love dogs. And goats. Goats are awesome. I have apprenticed as a baker, a carpenter and now as a bookbinder - I love working with my hands and paying attention to materials, method and detail. I think that people who refer to themselves as 'designers' or 'artist' with that pretentious glint in the statement should be hung, drawn and quartered. ('Oh but my shelf is -designed- so I want 10 times the price for a perfectly fine, practical shelf'. Well surprise, surprise - anything manufactured by man is 'designed'.) So, if that sounds at all interesting, send me an IM. =3
  20. Criminal animal neglect (had this cat in my inventory since forever). Possession of fire arms without a permit. Driving under influence. Driving without a permit. Flying without a permit. Breaking and entering. Grand theft helicopter. Pushing people off piers, cliffs and ledges (attempted manslaughter?). Abduction (rezzing prim boxes around AFKers in sandboxes for funsies). Disturbing the peace of the grave (corpses, corpses everywhere!) Forgery (paintings).
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