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Everything posted by Orwar

  1. Another shot I uploaded today. With Amanda from her shoot!
  2. And today I did a shot with @Catrie - giving chocolate to people is a great way of making friends, it seems! Steampunkyness.
  3. ... You look confusingly much like my daughter.
  4. No. If they were 18% charming, and upped it to 32.22%, a 79% reduction would bring them to 25.4538%. Adding a percentage to the number and then retracting the same percentage from the sum does not restore it to its original number.
  5. I suppose that depends on how charming one was to begin with. Prods up my glasses on my nose.
  6. Purses my lips. Too bad I don't like wine.
  7. ... I knew bringing a ferret in here would have consequences. ( Just kidding <3 )
  8. I suppose the silver lining is... Wine?
  9. I do prefer shooting others, but if no one's around for a shot or if I buy something I'd like to show off I'll model for myself. I still consider myself a novice as a photographer though, I don't get a whole lot of paid jobs - but I enjoy doing it, and made many friends through it. My Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/160224995@N04/
  10. Happy Valentine's, ladies and gentlemen! Being single on Valentine's sucks.
  11. Oh dear. I'll see if I can find some duct tape and popsicle sticks!
  12. Oh. So I should send a friend request to get better chocolate?
  13. Will you share the chocolate? ... ... Please?
  14. People say I appear annoyed or angry, but it's just my standard facial expression. We should start a club.
  15. ... ... I'll just go sit over yonder for a moment.
  16. You expect the guy with a handkerchief over his mouth to 'ask' if you'll share?
  17. I'll have to take the handkerchief off my mouth for those, though.
  18. Hops in out of nowhere, wearing a handkerchief over my mouth. I don't care where this was going, now we're going to Switzerland!
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