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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. yes it's a forum, discussion in the right subforums and questions too .. thats all, and not too difficult
  2. if you now also start reading the messages you will find it it will lead you to this page https://community.secondlife.com/t5/help/faqpage/faq-category-id/ranksroles#ranksroles
  3. how many accounts are using the same paypal? long ago i had the same problem and got the answer that it wasn't possible to add more than 5 sl users to the same paypal account.
  4. if it would cost a few hundred to remove a virus i would first look for another technician.... and than download sl again, because whats told is ... ehm... not true
  5. the answer is at top of the page... start here. http://secondlife.com/whatis/?lang=en
  6. Splatulated wrote i want you always want something and more than i ever seen ask somebody else..... advise tips help and now also being teached building and sculpting You ever plan to go do something yourself? About building there are thousends of tutorials and youtube items.
  7. perhaps go look here... that's the firestorm team http://www.firestormviewer.org/
  8. think you have more chance to find this on oculus forums, there aren't so many people using this
  9. when you had taken a look at MP you would be finished building by now... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=G&search[keywords]=megaprim
  10. well the answer "wait a day or two" is a bit strange, since when stop AO work for two days because of maintenance ?.... to the OP, do you use the build in AO of wear one? if you have the build in one check your animations and the config. Try resetting it, if the animations work manually perhaps reload it in the AO to create a new set. if you wear one, be sure you are in a area that allow scripts
  11. ehm.. what exactly happens kicked out can be lot of things, freezing, simply crash, get a message ..blue screen, total shut off your machine ? ....
  12. how about looking around here : https://marketplace.secondlife.com/
  13. you will have to adjust the maturity setting in the preferences, after that it should work If not, there's a chance you didn't reach the legal age yet....or did put a wrong dob in signing up process
  14. @Muletta of course a club is a bad idea too, but imagine 40+ tenants... with their s*xbeds, cuddles and scripted items rezzed....bad textured items and much more.... you can't ignore their load, even when they'r not in the same timezone. I keep my point of view that the OP isn't less abusing the sim resources than the breedables.
  15. most likely it's a mesh problem, can be for many reasons. Perhaps your connection is to bad for all data and mesh won't render. copy from the lumiya website: f you have any questions about Lumiya, please contact the developers by email: support@lumiyaviewer.com Alternatively, you can contact Alina Lyvette in-world, but please note that she's quite often AFK. E-mail is far more reliable, and preferred, method of communication. Any feedback, positive or negative, is highly valued and appreciated. Thank you!
  16. if you don't have a decent dedicated graphic chip SL on any laptop will be disappointing, hardly able to run it on a acceptable level of details. If i had to run sl on 64m and low....omg i'd prefer to stay out, that's even worse view than 9 years ago when i joined.
  17. i totally agree with you Jenni, but if the OP states he has 40+ tenants/renters, it's somewhat strange to blaim another for overusing resources, 40+ on a single sim is way to much, for sure when he doesn't own the whole 65k sqm.
  18. if hundreds of posts with rentals are moved from this forum, don't you think you'r posting in the wrong section by that?? sighs
  19. i'm using the preview on my pc for some months now and it works perfect, no driver disaster as with vista .
  20. well..... i can imagine the breedables are a pain when the owner doesn't disable animations and sounds BUT... the same as you do, as long he pays his rent/tier he simply has the right to do what he does. Using to much resources can be reported, but i also could think that 40 renters cause quite some lag ... 40 people on a sim isn't really a fair use of resources either, unless you own whole sim.
  21. posting in commerce forum... think everybody knows what your services for money mean... your "qualities" belong in the adult section....
  22. you can't buy instantly.... all sim sales with ownership are managed by LL
  23. insead of keeping relogging and rebooting your machine, reboot your modem/router. Be sure to be wired and not on wifi, than check your connection for speed/ping/ packet loss ... or read some info here https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-improve-Viewer-performance/ta-p/1316923
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