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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. in your account history you can look a pretty long way back... i can look back till my first day ...januari 2007 using the drop down menu. It's only the account history, L$ history only works 32 days must say it scares me too much to look how much i spend in those years
  2. as premium you can donate meters to a group that owns land. If you want to use that you need to have the right tier level. As basic premium you have 512 meter available. You can use it only once.. ór donate...ór use it for yourself If you want to get higher you will start paying extra costs for that. In the case you donated it to a group, and take it back, the group will have to level up by other donators or get less land.
  3. search for sandbox, there are a lot of those some you will have to join a group, but than you can work there as much you want. Every few hours such places get sweeped and cleared again.
  4. Alstria wrote: nice to meet you too :matte-motes-bored: you won't meet me, you post a message so get, perhaps, responses...i just gave you a normal explanation how things work here, using a bored emoticon for a forumpost you don't like is really great, you will make lot of friends, if you only want to be pampered you'r at the wrong place.
  5. there are no communities in the Linden homes other than premium members. Its no groups of people living together. You will have to build your list of friends yourself. You can always try to find a suiting community yourself, and when liking it, abandon your LL home and start renting/buy somting else there.
  6. i also had the request for information for my pay out this week, after it was completed a day ago, the pay out came this night while i was sleeping (europe) so it's quickly released after completing the questions in the supportcase . Took one day and even with the added verfication it was still within the 5-8 business days. (comleting the supportcase is done by LL, don't close it yourself! )
  7. why have all phones different attachement points?....why cars different parts? well... it's not related, so is sl not to sims
  8. if you never bought L$ before you will get the limits for new buyers... and thats pretty good explained at the website https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/describe-limits.php? what payment method are you trying to use? please add some more info to your post
  9. accounts in sl don't get hacked, only phished pw cause trouble sometimes. But very , very unlikely thats happening. Did you try a clear invnetory cache and let it rebuild again on a empty sim? preferebces / clear inventory cache/ go to empty sim/log off/ log on at last location and stay there till it's totally reloaded do really nothing in that time, go for a walk or make some coffee.. mostly inventory is back after that. If you are not on the officila LL viewer, try that one too.
  10. unfair or not, that doesn't change that it happened and not reversible. There must have been a serious problem to get a rollback, otherwise LL won't do it either Only a concierge account can ask for roll back, and you are not. The owner won't let you contact LL for their sim. pretty normal i think, because you don't own it. I really think you have to get used to the idea the items are lost and gone.
  11. it looks like your landlord did what he had to do. In the answer you see he asked for another roll back, but LL told it isn't possible. I'm thinking you'r out of luck.
  12. just any on your pc, only be sure it's not longer than 9.99 seconds, wave format and bitrate 44.1
  13. for nothing on sl there are set rates... one will do it for free...others for several thousends of L$. Also depending who is buying the decor, textures, buildings.... ( if transferable) how skilled are you... references?... demo areas? It's really what the other one wants to give you, and you see as reasonable.
  14. big NO for me. my home is private ... i don't like the idea others are hopping on my poseballs yuck. Half of my sim is public, nearly everybody is totally welcome there, but my home is my little paradise what only is shared with a few that are close to me.
  15. 1 What's a prim? 2 And what is the average land rental price? 3 Will my house get taken down if my lease expires? 4 Seriously if it keeps costing this much I might just let my lease expire. 1 prim = primitive = building block ... nearly everything in sl is based on prims (and landimpact). On a 512 sqm parcel you have 117 prim/land impact ..means you can rezz items till you reach that . It is not much...512 sqm is relly a starter parcel, you will grow out of that soon if you like things around you. 2 depends totally on the amount of land. here you find nearly everything.. https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-land/ta-p/700043 For privat renting you will have to look at several landlords, most will be around the same level for rents... rental market is killing. 3 yes you can wait on that everything will get returned to your inventory and you will be out.. some will give a day or two grace, but than it's over. If you'r really overdue most will also ban you form the sim/land/estate 4 yes land keeps costing... there are also rentals for 60 L weekly...but you will not be able to do anything serious there... very limited in prim use.
  16. you are probably in a group(s) that has liabilities enabled for all members. Check that, and point the owner on that. If he does't want to change that, leave the group. Other cause could be you accepted a object to take money from you. Sometimes the account balance in the viewer isn't updating right, reloging sometimes helps, or have a look at the account page, there its showing as it really is.
  17. as you also hear from KarenMichelle, there's no exact time to put on this. Because of some delays it took me 5 days to get everything verified and 5-8 days started counting yesterday, so i also wait So as soon you get the message the support case for verification is closed you can start expecting your money in around a week..
  18. the only thing i read in your message is that your system and/or connection can't run sl, nothing else. Virusses and SL... nope... never happened.
  19. these mesh eyes are free.... fully usable demo, just have to position it https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/KMADD-Mesh-Eyes-SAMPLER-Demo/5680015
  20. it's normal the transfer is on hold when they asked for those documents. When everything is found right it won't be delayed a lot and be in the normal process soon.
  21. if you just want to make a total different look but same name, you can save your outfit and wearables in the "outfits" (appearance mode, save as).. so you can change between human, furry, robot...or what you want in a single click. but if you want a different name ánd second avatar the same time as the other, you need to create a second account.
  22. inventory / right click/ new gesture/ and modify txt and add sound ( you need to create soundfiles yourself or buy them. be aware of copyrights when you use sounds from others.
  23. i really don't understand why you are making it so horribly difficult for yourself. I really can not imagine hackers are waiting for you to come online so that you'r not able to use your connection and pc as 99.999999 ......... % of all people can. If a hacker has access you must have malware on your machine. A normal updated firewall and anti virus should be totally able to handle that.
  24. you can check that pretty easy on the https://secondlife.com/my/lindex/buy.php just type the amount of USD or L$ you want and you see the estimated costs
  25. vous êtes un membre premium? vérifier dans votre page de compte
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