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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. the parcel experiences it as you want to rezz it out of the borders. Try rezzing it in the middle of the home, or rezz a simple prim first and rezz it on top of that.
  2. Alwin Alcott


    as little addition to the other perfect answer: don't forget to set the right permissions to the object you want to sell itself, not only to the box
  3. Alwin Alcott


    fhs ... don't edit your post to somthing totally different you initial question was not giving any of this info you put in now. Smply do what the message says.. download the newest drivers. Go to the amd/nvidia website to get them. If you system is pretty old you'r possible out of luck and not able to run SL.
  4. don't post things double please, you already got answers on your post from yesterday https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/nearby-avatar-colour/m-p/3045257
  5. If you aren't premium, you have less slots, so to get more... get premium. Otherwise im affraid it's not going to happen. Groups are a huge pain for the servers, and just since short time functioning a bit well. It's not to expect getting more slots is near. Pick your groups carefully .... 42 slots for basics and 60 for premium ...it's not much, but if you can't manage with 42/60 you won't have enough with 100 either.
  6. think you must be the first one to catch a hacker, there aren't many around in SL, if any, but there's a lot of griefing, harrasment and phishing attempts but no hacking. So be very precise if you report, LL will not investigate things that isn't possible to verify for them. If you try to report by the webpages, and keep getting failure messages, try another browser. If you try reporting in a viewer, perhaps a reinstall or other viewer can solve it. But for both solutions it's only a gues because your post is a bit limited source for info
  7. Alwin Alcott


    yes, but in general nvidia has better performance but nobody can look in your wallet, or what components you have in the machine, and your own opinion of course... have also a look here https://secondlife.com/my/support/system-requirements/index.php?lang=en-US
  8. since a couple of months SL has a new handler for payments. Prepaids and Debits give problems for most, if not now it will perhaps later, there are lots of posts about that here in the Q&A section. Also in the knowledge base only the CC, paypal and skrill are mentioned as only valid payment methods.
  9. perhaps you dragged it into another folder and just not find it? type the name from a item in the searchbox, it might pop up. If that's not the case, check your trash if you don't fin dit, clear your inventory cache, go to empty sim and let it totally load again. or/and log in at another viewer.. if nothing helps contact support, be sure to be on the official viewer than or they won't help, but if you, by accident, deleted it there's not much that can be done.
  10. perhaps there will respond some landlords to your post, in the meanwhile you can look yourself for places here in the landforum section, mainland or estate rentals and you can look in MP for real estate rentals. Also inworld you can look by using the search function.
  11. go to the preferences in the viewer and disable names
  12. yes perhaps it would be a idea to keep up with the changes in sl and read the forums/blogs now and than https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Why-are-all-these-people-made-of-colored-jelly/ba-p/3031255 http://blog.nalates.net/2015/04/13/second-life-the-jelly-babies-are-coming/
  13. outfits are just links, when empty the trash the count of items will go down, because you delete lines from your trash, but normally no originals disappear.. check it : make a copy, create a outfit, delete it, and check if the copy still there
  14. for me in the Netherlands nothing different than usual ...(firestorm here)
  15. hearing your OS it's perhaps that the machines simply aren't up for the tasks anymore. XP isn't suported anymore at all, not even by Microsoft. Perhaps a light weight viewer will still work, or also possible.. your W7 could perhaps handle it for a while after a huge clean up ...disks, ánd hardware.
  16. you can disable groupmessages in the group menu ( in firestorm at least ) but you will get no messages at all from that group. You will keep getting IM's and other announcements. You also can disable email forwarding in the preferences and the account web page. In this last option you will not get any messages at all, also no offline IM's and too many saved ones between login sessions will get deleted.
  17. nothing wrong here, using firefox with all privacy settings a as in the past, nothing broke or gone here.
  18. Quinn Lysette wrote: have u noticed some ppl send u a tp and u accpt but it doesnt go anywhere just locks up yr viewer and u crash and your point in this question is?
  19. normally you have to do nothing and is your USD balance automaticly the first source to take any costs made in SL. If you buy a little amount you can just click and see what happens. If it really bills your CC/paypal/skrill, contact support to see if they can solve it.
  20. define "hubs" ... can be a lot of different places... from just meeting to some very special adult oriented
  21. you can check at your profile page... but because you say prepaid card, i really doubt your payent got through, prepaid and debit cards are rarely accepted for SL Look at your payment history if all went right.
  22. first 6 ... expand that to "more" ..and most likely next day 3
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