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Alwin Alcott

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Everything posted by Alwin Alcott

  1. if you rent it, you need to contact the landlord, only he can give you an answer.
  2. of course you can report it, using the ticket system... but save your time for better things and move on is also an option... in cases like this the last sometimes is best... of course it's not as it should be, but nobody really gets hurt by it.
  3. making pics has nothing to do with any setting for the home or land. She must do something wrong.
  4. not sure you know what you ask... most creators will not even think about remaking old stuff. There are so many new mesh dresses and gowns, they won't like to spend lot of time to work on the old outdated one. Get newer ones... much easier. There are several group gifts/sales and other ways to find good mesh things.
  5. reply to 09-07-2012 09:07 PM is kinda little bit late? ‎
  6. Adamburp Adamczyk wrote: The best fix I have found so far, is to set a script limit within my secuirty orb (it's a conover one, 300l$ off marketplace), so that those who ARE way too high are removed automatically. sometimes the improvement doesn't come from removing scripts, but by removing the items holding some scripts with a giant rendering cost ...hairs... shoes... clothes and other, mostly useless, attachments. When you would allow only a certain renderering cost for your customers the result will be most likely the same, or even better. I see some walking around with 300 -500 k, and up ... thát are the real laggers... The new jelliedolls are a good thing for lot of people ( of course "we" will always keep the low end machines yelling they want to run around on ultra)
  7. Teagan Tobias wrote: . I double click on a dance and then play it, if I can't do that then I leave, I don't know it that has to do with allowing scripts or not. that way of using dances, or better "dance animations", has indeed nothing to fear when scripts are disabled. It will work everywhere. Some dance huds are a bit complicated at first sight, but modern ones often only need to drop the animation in it, and it will work. Sometimes a little config on a notecard or webpage. Huds are a nice tool to invite others to dance with you, and create sequences so it's not just repeating the chosen dance animation again..and again...and.... Some are also able to hold couple dances.
  8. i don't really mind, because all i need will still work The reasons to prevent scripts you mention are btw all false, it's still a huge misunderstanding for several years it does not cause lag it doesn't prevent griefers it won't prevent craches and yes you can still use your own dances if your dance hud is configured/scripted the right way. The most lagging feature in SL is the avatar. [edit] i agree with Aethelwine ( sorry but this time i really do ) about the dancemachine/ poseballsevers Some clubs should be forced to close for still useing the horrible freebee dances from 10 year ago
  9. you have put this quesiton on several places now... and answers will get posted everywhere. It's a lot easier to keep it to one post and have all answers together there.... perhaps try the solutions offered in the other ones first...
  10. if you get such programs as updates i would first start with cleaning your machine, i guess you have some pretty bad spy/add ware installed...or might be triggered by another connected program as "usefull...."coughs ... tool Check your virus and spam protection, and be sure it is up to date. Do a clean install for S, reset your connection and try again. If that fails, add some info to your post and add at least your system info, you can find that in the help menu of the viewer. (copy/paste)
  11. those huge, and themed avatars are rarely meant to wear clothes... and IF they do, it will be custom made for that avatar shape
  12. spend your time at more fun things, what you mention is a resident to resident issue, LL will not get involved. In rare cases they might come investigate when it appears to be a huge scam, involving serious money and lot of people. You can always open a ticket in the support system, if you think it's worth a try, but don't be surprised nothing will happen.
  13. Aethelwine wrote: . They disrupt the enjoyment of mainland for the majority of paying land owners who are paying a premium to use those waterways and to go exploring. this is simply not true, you don't pay for use of other mainland than your own.
  14. there are two things i miss in your post: 1. is your paypal verified 2. is your buy and sell limit high enough it's also possible you didn't update your browser/viewer to the newest versions? There's been a safety update few weeks ago. and as last...it of course also can be just a little hick up and might work ok later again.
  15. Airikk Ellisson wrote: .. this NEW platform is what is needed tor SL to take it to the next level. you didn't really read all discussions i think... there is no SL 2 beta , there will be no SL 2 beta and there will be no SL2 at all in any meaning. it is called project Sansar, and will not be a new SL, SL will stay here as it is, and will get updates and new things... project Sansar is aiming at a total different user base.
  16. are't you a little tiny bit impatient? it's still tuesday... and will be for lots of hours... 7 AM slt ...
  17. contact support, or just use the forgot pw on the log in page...if the email still is active you'll get a message
  18. there is nothing against using your sl name on FB as ALIAS... not as main
  19. wherorangi wrote: They only got 10L bullets so far. how about making it 1l$ per added second to pass safely? so also slower vehicles can bring in some money safely pass
  20. DonnaDK wrote: As Rizzy has helpfully suggested helpfully in what way?...he was just venting his opinion about this subject... nothing helpfull in it.... if you want inworld isolation, buy an island and leave mainland to those of us who value interaction and interesting things happening! if you want to fly, buy an island and leave mainland to those who pay for it the circle is round again... and nobody got wiser...
  21. Rhonda Huntress wrote: Do you watch SL TV shows? - No Music Videos? - No Do you have a SL TV - No and have channels like metaverse - No or do you watch online only through YouTube? - No why write it myself when it's said so perfectly by Rhonda
  22. Phil Deakins wrote: I was going to reject that statement but that Alwin beat me to it. i can remove it if you like
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