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Everything posted by MBeatrix

  1. The same applies to textures scrolling and objects rotation, unless the script sets them on/off.
  2. It would be possible to test it more or less properly if the new code had been rolled to RC Magnum, at least for me, as there are quite some contiguous Magnum regions I cross daily.
  3. I just went from Nuggy to Honah Lee Trudeau (as usual, via North of Nautilus City and turning South at Crows Nest) at high speed — and I mean HIGH speed — on two different motor boats and back without any issues. Actually, crossings were quite smooth. Many of the sims I went through were restarted afresh today with the new code, so it's early to know if it all going so well is due to the new server version or part of it (no idea to what extent, of course) was due to the fact they were restarted. [EDIT] Running Firestorm, as always. [EDIT 2] Oops! No, I was wrong — most regions I went through are on the Main Channel and RC Magnum. I just hopped around them to check. (laughing at myself now) So, I went at high speed through more than 50 regions and only two of them got what was rolled today. As I wrote above, no issues at all, and crossings were even quite smooth.
  4. Support person didn't know what they were talking about — something that used to happen quite often. I haven't contacted support for over a year, I believe, but since LL's CEO changed Support got much better. The increased number of ghosted avatars is due to an increased number of crashes/disconnects crossing regions. This is an issue that never went away, so after some point I started taking it as a "normal" thing. Nothing to worry about, I think.
  5. Ghosted avatars are fairly common after a crash. That's something I've always took as "normal", as it's something I've always seen around since I started using vehicles. What's not normal is the crashes rate crossing sims on a vehicle these days. But that is something that's always happened in cycles, it seems — it comes and goes away without any apparent fix.
  6. Well, as I wrote a few posts back, I seem to be having less disconnects on teleports during my daily time in-world, but crossing regions got noticeably worse. Still, in both cases it's random/intermittent. For example, I can sail over 50 sims without being logged out and hours later I am disconnected while trying my third crossing. One thing is sure, even when not being disconnected, sim crossings are quite rough. As for teleports, I'm am having much less disconnects than I had before the last roll, but sometimes two TP attemps out of three fail. Of course I'm just guessing, but most probably LL's "workingonit" is browsing logs for the moment. So, it's important that we keep trying to do what we usually do (sailing, flying and teleporting around, in my case.)
  7. As you pointed before, it can be a lot more than a bug. Also as you and others pointed before, SL regions suffer from a performance problem that I've been noticing for a few months.
  8. Hmmm... A bit too early to enter panic mode, I think. For the moment, I'm just in upset mode. And angry, at times.
  9. No idea. And also no idea why no one else mentioned that.
  10. I just hope you are right, Qie... And yes, I was overreacting back there.
  11. If what Fluf Fredriksson wrote above is true, they are now paying for not having fixed some long standing bugs. And maybe some of them should go back to school. As you can tell, I'm very upset with all this.
  12. Teleport failures are striking hard now. Just got two within less that 10 minutes, trying to do the CarperTech Eggs Hunt. This is going to kill Fantasy Faire, as crossing sims isn't working there most of the time... 😥 [EDIT] And another teleport failure... So, 3 in about 15 minutes.
  13. The thing is, whatever was rolled yesterday to the whole grid didn't fix the issues. Only made it a bit less bad, maybe. We'll see how it goes till the end of next week. The funny thing — not — is that teleports seem to be working better and crossings got worse, at least for me.
  14. Making short what you wrote there: they don't know exactly what they are doing. 😞
  15. @Fluf Fredriksson What is really worrying is that they don't know what they have done... Or if they do, why have they done it, then? It doesn't hold much hope for the future.
  16. Yes, it may be a little better, but issues are not fixed.
  17. Yep, I already got a couple disconnects. [EDIT] Crossing sims just walking was one of them.
  18. Interesting... I attached a new item but didn't save it to the outfit, and went hopping around till I got disconnected. When I re-logged to the last place where I had been, supposedly, I was placed where I had first logged in, but the new item I added was still attached, despite not being saved to the outfit. How about that?
  19. Exactly. I bet that changing a texture or a worn attachment shape manually won't be saved, either. Anyway, I'll keep testing stuff.
  20. The disconnect is during the teleport, or so it seems. It gets stuck on the TP screen and logs me out after a while.
  21. Oh, something just occurred to me... Let me explain what happens exactly. I start a new session and change my outfit. In most cases I have to change the body alpha cuts for the outfit I changed to. Next, I change the shirt's texture from the HUD provided by its maker, for example. Then, I try to teleport somewhere and the system logs me out after a while. When I log back in, I am wearing the outfit I changed to but the body definitions and the shirt are back to how they were before I changed outfits. Thus, it seems only definitions changed by scripts or whatever are being affected...
  22. Right. Except that now when being logged out nothing is saved. I guess the outfits or whatever info doesn't reach the other end, just like TP's info doesn't. 😑
  23. Um... wait. What do you mean "the item is no longer associated with the account"? It has to be, or else how would I be able to attach it? Also, even if I don't have it attached but it has been saved to an outfit (which is always the case for me) the link to it is in Outfits. We can't go around and pick items not associated with our account unless they are free to copy... 😛 [EDIT] One more thing: I have never had this issue before, and of course that over the years I crashed many times.
  24. Good thing you're around. For all reasons I can think of, not only this one... How on Earth are we supposed to know that? 😄
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