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Starberry Passion

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Everything posted by Starberry Passion

  1. Yes, because it's the biggest group, the lion's share of second life. You know it, I know, everyone else should know it.
  2. Exactly, people already get offended by everything else! Should be able to have something.
  3. I agree, this is a good idea. I said something along this line. People can tell me "no one wants to see adult content all the time" or "You don't have to show your sexual size 24/7" but the truth is is that it is the most popular thing to do. You can be against it all you want but it's in groups, it's in profiles, picks, sim photos, everywhere. You go into a sim on an adult sim, you're going to see photos of a sexual nature. Rather it's softcore or hardcore. You can be upset if you want to but the proof is all around. If they go in and tell people "stop being adult" it's going to hurt several, rest assured. You can hate porn all you want, you can dislike someone's profile as much as you want but you cannot hide the fact that adult content is the most prevailing everywhere. ~ People already try to force people to look like what they want them to look like, talk like what they want them to talk like, tell people what they can and can't do, what height to be, their gender, if everything gets too strict and too forced it's going to turn people down and turn people away. You can't have everything your way, people want to have some form of freedom, including the profile they make. So I agree, this is a good opinion and should be implemented. I've seen a few people complaining about "No one wants to meet people, people are bored, no one want to go meet people." Look at what's happening, why would you want to meet someone who wants to come into their space and change everything about them?
  4. I see that people only see what they want to see and didn't read the whole thing. I said "I don't know why people go snooping if someone has "warning, adult content" in their profile." If they have that in their profile and you don't want to see the adult stuff, don't go to see the adult stuff. This is what I am saying.
  5. There should honestly just be a way to make your profile rated G, M, A because adults are going to be adults no matter who complains about it. At this point, it's not fair to try to force others to generalize their profiles, when the most popular thing in second life is the Adult content. It's the biggest over all group and what draws in the most people. If your stuff has mature or Adult stuff, the system should pick that up and label your profile as M or A. I don't know why people go snooping inside of picks, especially when I see several people put "Warning, adult content." in their profile. You'd have to be actively looking most of the time.
  6. I checked out the hud, I already love it.... You can buy the item from the stores without having to leave your own sim. It shows you the items listed and delivers the items to you. It's like MP but if MP was much cooler! You don't have to deal with a large crowd of people and you don't have to deal with people telling you what to do, people complaining about spankers, complaining about other people being naked, people complaining about how someone else looks. You can just be at home and order it!
  7. I'm interested in the hud, never knew about it but if it'll tp to the locations without having to go to the site all the time, I'll use it. That's more conveniant. If it will show what the event has in it, and shows photos, that's even more convenient..
  8. I think people just want to be logged in, nothing else. I don't think it matters, I just mind my own business and let people be people and do what they want. If they want to be logged in all day, it's not my job or responsibility to worry about it nor can i tell them "Hey, you need to log off" It's their p.c and their life, you know?
  9. People do forget that it is a Creative virtual outlet set in fantasy.
  10. Idk why you chose to put fornicating inside of this when you could just avoid the adult side of second life all together. You can, like many other, create an RP sim of your own. If you cannot afford a large sim, just rent a smaller sim and make it an RP sim. I am aware that making and owned a full sim is expensive and there should be an incentive to create and make sims for more communities and have it be more accessible than it is, atm, but Adult sims are not the only thing you can go in to. Mature sims are also where adults can hang out.
  11. I rather like the day and night cycle, especially since I mainly take photos and utilize windlights. I prefer to have a day and night cycle.
  12. You heavily implied it and I responded to that implication that where you see horny aging men fantasizing over it, I see more women who do it, sexual or not.
  13. No, I'm saying that I mainly see women infantilizing other women for no reason, in order to shame another woman. They can be doing absolutely nothing but existing. You were saying it was mainly men who do that, but I'm saying that from where I see it it is mainly women.
  14. No, it's body shaming, women body shame other women when they infantilize other women. For example
  15. It usually be women who infantilize other women from what I've seen, especially on Twitter. People can see something nice or non sexual and someone will post something to rage bait about it, usually a woman putting down another woman, especially if they are cosplaying or just dressed up really cute.
  16. They already stated that they aren't trying to go after BDSM DDLG community if everyone is presented as an adult generally. They said "We're not going to go by looks, at least not alone, we take several things into consideration."
  17. I'm not sure what you mean by what you're saying this but some parts of this is disingenuous, not all of it. Linden Lab already said that they look at second life as if it is real life and determine if an Avatar is a child by several factors, not just looks because looks like these are not helpful alone, much like real life. There are several adults with babyfaces, rather you like it or not, there are several who are way more mature for their age. There are those who are big, who are skinny, who are tall, who are short, who are wide and who are thin. Just because someone's chest is smaller than yours doesn't make them a child. We've already shown photos of real people to prove that people have different looks and styles, short, tall, big, large, skinny, chubby, fluffy. What the thread proves is lookism is a huge problem when people dismiss someone else's body type, preferred look, how they want to view themselves.
  18. If seen several people saying this was a child avatar. Looking at the face, there is just no way I am convinced, with strong laugh lines and an aged looking face, that this is a child unless the owner says it is. It just looks like a person with Dwarfism.
  19. Resident is the default last name for everyone, yes. If you don't chose a last name, it's Resident. You can chose to see it or not, I think, in Preference tab. The majority of SL is Resident, due to many not really choosing a last name and many having an account before the brought back Last names, and due to quitting S.L. They still have their single name.
  20. I like the head, on the poster, but I see that I'll have to make a whole redesign of the head, as a whole. It definitely does not fight any previous shapes I've ever made. lol
  21. I hope, with the changes, it makes some people inclined to become creators, to show more life. I have been learning blender but feel like I shouldn't put stuff up, just yet. I want to learn how to make coats and stuff and other things, especially for Legacy and Reborn. I want to make stuff for slim/petite, mainly, since most stores focus on Curvy girl energy.] Also, got the group gift head. It looks nice, can't wait to shape it and blog about it.
  22. Blueberry is closing her shop, I'm surprised they are doing freebies still then. The inworld store and mp will remain open for a while but they're not making anything anymore.
  23. the high majority of my clothing is really skimpy and adult. Like I don't go to G sims most of the time. I am usually on adult sims so I never pick up general clothing. and usually just wait until late to shop, when majority of people are offline. Pop in and out and done. Didn't find a purpose for General clothing since I'm always on A sims.
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