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Starberry Passion

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Everything posted by Starberry Passion

  1. I would complain, as well, if I went to a sim for so many moons, knew everyone, got along with everyone and then suddenly banned from my favorite sim I spent so much time on and established relationships with people there.
  2. And this is why I said there needs to be an incentive for more sim building so people can feel more included in areas. There is either someone accusing someone of being a child, being childlike, being too short, being a walking ToS. If only Sims were not as expensive.
  3. His character is 6'4", 6'4" is allowed on every rollercoaster that I can think of.
  4. That still doesn't make it right or give an excuse. Yes they can do what they want and kick how they want or do what they want but The T.O.S. states that height is not an issue, it's still discrimination based on height. It's in their right to do so, can't do anything about it, I understand that but it doesn't make it right.
  5. Huh? I wasn't upset or thinking you were attacking me, was just saying what was happening to him because I thought you thought it was something else.
  6. No, this is not about the faq, some stores made a height thing that ejects people that are shorter than what the ruler says, automatically.
  7. True, we are in the dark about certain things but with that said, They can keep threatening me all they want, I've been around adult sims as an adult for a long time, no one has said a thing to me, save for a few rare times when I've met an amazon with a massive chest and a table butt telling me I'm too short because they are 7'8" and I come up to their crotch. Like seriously? No wonder I come up to your crotch, you're a giant. Duh... It's unfair that I have to meet someone else's standards to be comfortable where I am.
  8. True. A lot of people do tend to get cruel and nasty here, which I've experienced trying to love my body, in rl and on second life.
  9. It's like Everything else real is allowed to translate to sl scept height. Then they're like "this isn't real." If it isn't real to them then no reason to get upset over it, so why did they reply in the first place? I don't understand. They're trying to make second life realistic, many people talking about I.Ding people, getting mad about real life things but this gets "it isn't real life."
  10. Yeah, the average Asian woman is 5'1" to 5'2" average breast size is A cup to B cup, just like global average and compared to U.S. women, who average at 177Lbs, Asian women average around 122Lbs American Women, however, isn't that taller on Average because the average American woman is 5'3" 5'4". Japan, however, is Ranked at 118 in height, while America is I think 47?
  11. Hence why I maid the observation and pointed out that there are so many fictosexual people here.
  12. the Rebirth body does change but not how you think it does. It's a hybrid body, not just a child body. It goes from Child, to Teen to Adult. The problem is how it changes and what it represents because of what they advertised it as. If it wasn't marketed as a hyrbid "be a child, teen or adult, and it was an adult body, I can see it being fine for adults to use as a body. It won't stop people from discriminating against you but It changes breast forms, why? because people think breasts are the only way a woman is a woman in Second Life. That's how it changes. It's why I dislike the body, because it just is like "I now have big breasts, so I'm now an adult."
  13. A doll and a puppet can also be an extension of yourself.
  14. pup·pet /ˈpəpət/ noun a movable model of a person or animal that is used in entertainment and is typically moved either by strings controlled from above or by a hand inside it. doll1 /däl/ noun a small model of a human figure, typically one of a baby or girl, used as a child's toy. Similar: puppet marionette figure figurine model toy plaything
  15. What is the definition of a puppet and what is the definition of a doll?
  16. To me, This thread just feels like an experiment and a testing ground. Not only did they use it to see what works and doesn't work but they used the thread to, also, show us "This s*** is hard, let's see how you all deal with it."
  17. How is that confusing. If you can control your avatar, you dress it up, you spend money on it, you rp on it, you are playing with a doll, scept it's digital.
  18. If you have an avatar, that is technically your puppet that you are controlling, so technically we are all puppet masters, controlling a puppet so if your puppet is you, you're technically a puppet. We are all playing with dolls here.
  19. LL just sitting back in their chairs like "Have we gotten anywhere yet? Did they make a breakthrough? No, then let's let them continue until they stop being interested, 10 bucks says it goes to 160 in a few hours!"
  20. Opinion: | The fact that L.L put this out here and allowed this to continue as long as it has and got it opened up for discussion, to me and I've thought this a while ago, is them saying. "We want you to see how hard it is." Like they're probably watching, eating popcorn, having a blast. There's probably a party going on and they're like. "Hey, let's make bets to see how long this goes on for!"
  21. Its in the very definition of subjective. It's a personal opinion. Objective is FACT subjective is Personal opinion.
  22. No, we said that subjective is a perspective or information based on feelings, opinions and emotions.
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