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Starberry Passion

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Everything posted by Starberry Passion

  1. I'm Omnisexual, basically pansexual don't want to get into the differences, and it doesn't mean I want sex with everyone, just means I am willing and or potential will fall in love with anyone who identify as a certain gender/sex, as long as I have an attraction to them in general. I have to be comfortable with them and get to know them and there has to be a connection, for me to want to have a sexual relation with them, even in second life.
  2. Thank you for understanding what I was saying. Also, some people don't understand that Second life is a Multimedia platform with social media aspects that focus on creator content, that's why you can compare it with traditional social media.
  3. I am referring to people that you cannot please. They saw you play a Korean song, that wasn't doing or hurting anything and yet they were upset about it. I'm telling you you can't please everyone and that they will never be happy no matter how much you try. There are LGTBQ that are normal people and then there are the few, small group who are just negative.
  4. From what I experienced, on Twitter, which seems to be the case for other platforms and inside of second life is that there are a lot of LGTBQ that are activists that dislike Asian people, the way they look, the way they dress, how they talk, how they act ect even if they are apart of the LGTBQ. There are so many who call a Japanese woman "pedobait" or "pedo-enablers" slandering them and anyone who like them or anyone inside of their culture. They attack games from the East, example is Stellar Blade, because the model looks good and people love it, many activists were upset, claiming she was a little girl "btw, they used a real model and scanned her body to create the female lead, she's 36 years old." There has been an increase of defamation and attacks towards Asian people, for some strange reason when they have done nothing, it is sad that it found its way to Second Life. I didn't think it would be this bad in second life, however it has shown up. Also, this isn't Japanese, this is Korean. There are a few bad people in the LGTBQ community that make the community look bad, like this. You shouldn't waste your energy on people who can't and won't be happy for something.
  5. The only G-Rated sim I go to is Monso, because I love their hairstyles.
  6. I did the same thing, not to mention I dislike being tall, personally. I like others being tall. My brothers are taller than I, my dad is taller, My mom is taller I'm only taller than my grandma. hahaha, she's 4'9"
  7. Imagine second life becoming like facebook. I can see advents happening that can potentially effect the community at large, like a child come in to adult spaces because people get upset they can't bring their children or something, or something happens and now children are allowed to be everything, then everything must be censored, we have to watch what we say, we can't do certain things. Have to censor ourselves because it might cause trauma. Then you have to question everyone and everything, you don't know if you're talking to a kid or adult at this point. People are like "child avatars are adults playing children in s.l." you allow child avatars in and they use adult avatars then that's a problem, because now you don't know who's adult anymore, since you can use an adult avatar and call it a child when it's not, or they can just buy one and pretend to be adult, especially if they know how to get around the systems there-in. Then what if they do actually become child avatars and turns out you're talking to real kids well now you have to explain why you're friends with a real life minor, then their parents, who btw didn't watch their children, get upset at second life for not protecting their children when it's the parents job, now second life have to change and adapt and then more things get censored, now you're quickly running out of places where you can be an adult. You know, stuff like that that can potentially happen. lol
  8. I'm glad you understood what I was talking about, unlike some person who just keep. 😕 my posts.
  9. It is true that the forums do not reflects a lot of the population of Second Life, inworld. I think this is why the Lindens are able to make some of the decisions they made, that ticked off some of the people inside of the forum. I feel like they do the same thing I do, instead of going by personal feelings and opinions, they look at it as if they were someone else, in someone else's shoes and try to make a judgement based off of that. Like I look at things from others perspective and not just my own. Why do people want to come online and make this avatar or look, aesthetic? Maybe they want to feel girly, feel cute, look like a princess. Maybe they had a bad upbringing, so they want to experience what it's like to have a good family. Why is this person tall? Must be because they were either picked on or they like really tall people. Some people, for example, hate the anime community but in Second life, anime community is not as small as people think and people like it, they see people liking it. The small group, in the forums, are like "Shut them down." Second life is like "No... the community is just fine and we know about them. They're not hurting anyone. Same with Furries. Some people hate furries, but inworld there are far more furries than furry haters on the forum. There are far more Kawaii community than kawaii haters on the forum. I don't think the Lindens look at the forums as an end all to be all, but a way to just give opinion and talk about some small things that go on in Second life. It might not feel like it, but I think Lindens are far more active inworld than people give them credit for. Look at Kiera for example, she came to the meeting in kawaii fashion, comfortable hot pink girly outfit, hear done up in twin puffs, she came in cute and some people were like "Are you going to get ride of the kawaii aesthetic, what about BBG?" I don't think Kiera is a BBG but I high no doubt she already know about it, she's probably seen several people say it already and yet people still see her dressed, sitting there asking her if these things are banned. She came there a girly girl in an adult avatar.
  10. Imagine how an EvoX body would be like, with 2k/4k textures, if it goes without a problem for the majority of most people.
  11. I didn't even know there was a teen grid, so not sure about the teen grid shut down. What is the sense about it?
  12. I honestly still believe that if you're underage in real life, you should not be allowed on second life. I'm sorry, people can be upset but aye, look at second life as a whole and then look at what was said at the meetings "Second life is an game for adults to create and explorer, to have fun. It's an adult space." If we start letting little kids in more and more, it only serves to ruin that adult space. Will I stop Second Life from allowing it? No, it's not my place to do that, but look at other social medias.
  13. I'm 5'1" in this photo (according to the appearance editor) and with my platforms, that adds at least 6 - 7 inches, my house makes me look like the tiniest of people while I am inside of it. It's like I'm living with a giant but I'm on my own. My door to my house that I purchased is at least 13 - 14 feet door. 14f x 5.5f at least This makes average height look even smaller than it is, not to mention camera placement, so when you're looking at some and your camera over shoulder, will make them look smaller, which is technically how taller people see shorter people. But this isn't fair to average height people that everything is this big, then you tell them they are children on top of that, because you're some giant. Second life, for a long time, never looked at height as child, but the community always believed they did because of scare tactics and people pushing height rules, since many male avatars, yes it is because male avatars mainly, are 7 ft+ individuals that make shorter women look so tiny in comparison. You couple that with those people and it's suddenly "That's a child avatar" making everyone afraid to be a realistic height in second life. People, also, have been advocating for more realistic things, except when it comes to height that's out of the picture to several people still. I don't have a problem with giant people or tall people, but other complaining about shortness is b.s. and chases people off. it's not my fault this door is this big and if second life didn't want me to be this short, they would've disallowed it in the first place, and we'd be all giants. There have been more and more people starting to go realistic heights, however. More people are going less giant, they don't want to be a stretched out version of themselves and a lot of women now don't want someone to tell them how tall they have to be to enjoy themselves. I, myself, like to see a ride variety of avatars, short to tall, skinny to big, I don't mind it but you cannot go around and call people what they're not because of your height and or viewpoint. Yes, second life scales things up but Lindens didn't give a rule that everything has to be tall, it was the community. The community started that, from what I've been told by several people. What happen, according to them, was "some guy maxed out his height and then everyone else started doing it and it stuck," then every time someone new came into being, they looked so tiny that it could only mean one thing, it's a child. What people don't understand is if Lindens view second life as if it was real life, despite it being a fantasy world, this means that they take into the account that there are different people, short people, tall people, big people, little people, dwarfism and many other things. This also mean that they take into the account fantasies that exist inside of people and they want people to feel comfortable with their world, this includes height. I know someone is going to say "no one made them chose to be that height, they chose to be that height." What's your point? No one made anyone be any height in irl either, unless they go online and pretend to be a different height. Let's say you're 5'3", average normal global height, women are and have always been short, really short, on average, no one made you be that short, it was a natural thing. There are those who love their height, there are those who want to be short at the same time. My point is, Linden's didn't make the world of Second life a place where you have to scale everything to fit into the world, the Community did. Look at several of the Linden's avatars, you'll find some of them to be short, reasonable heights, while a lot the community tower over them. Then you have people who get defensive over certain things, when the lindens too are inside of those groups, not talking about child avatars, Not Kiera Linden, when she was at the round table meeting, she was in Kawaii fashion, yet the Kawaii and BBG community was thinking they were going to destroy the community while Kiera Linden looked like she enjoyed kawaii looks. She was in hot pink, wearing hot pink sneakers, an adult avatar. People are starting to move towards expressive themselves how they want to express themselves and some people in the community are upset about it, same with height. Some people want there to be a Height limit to adult, that's why they scale things up to be taller so that they can force you to be a certain height, it's not enough to ask someone their age, look at their profile for information. So it's not really that Second life has a scaling problem, it's the community have a controlling problem that make people believe second life has a scaling problem and they are forced into being slender men and slender women and making giant things for giant people and people believing that second life still has a height limit, when it doesn't have one.
  14. Yeah, like I said, second life updated their Height scaling, if you were tall, and you want to be that tall again, you have to technically get taller, since you're now shorter by Second life metrix. You can stay the new height or you can grow even longer.
  15. It just looks like you are trying to put an adult head on a child's body. Doesn't AK have child heads?
  16. Yeah, it's like that and If you are on the latest version, or on a Beta viewer of Alchemy or Firestorm latest viewer, the height scaling has been changed. For example, Though they said that height does not show you are a child or not, they changed the height in general. Instead of 4'7" being the shortest, now you can be 4'0", or shorter given the right shape and know how, for your child avatar needs or dwarfism or little person needs, you are now shorter on the Second Lab viewer than you are on the firestorm viewer, as well. It use to be the other way around, that's most likely why Second Life users on that viewer seen Firestorm viewers as shorter than they though. How I figured this out, when I logged out, I was 5'1" then a new update appeared, logged in and was 4'7". I asked in Firestorm group, they said the scaling/height was changed. I logged out and logged into the second life viewer, I was 4'4" on there, 3 inches shorter than on firestorm viewer. It use to be you were at least 6 or 7 inches taller on Second life, over firestorm viewer. So if you were 5'6" on firestorm you're like 6'0" 6'1". I had to re-adjust my height to 5'1" so I wouldn't be a dwarf anymore.
  17. Second life is a tool to escape reality. People come online to be a different them, over the one in real life. People forget that this is a place of creativity, fantasy, the freedom to chose and create what you want to be and who you are. I never said to be mean to people, I simply stated that the community push people away on their own. Second life didn't do anything wrong, the community is what is doing wrong by its people. The fastest way to get someone to hate you is to restrict them, tell them what to do all the time, constantly governing their life. Every time I've come to the forums, it's been about "This person is doing this." "This avatar is too short." "This Giant makes me look bad because I look like this beside them." "This outfit is too colorful" "This lady has too long of a hair." "This anime looks like this." and similar things to that. The quickest way to make people hate you is for you to tell them what to do, outside of reason, and try to be the moral police. Because you hate this look, everyone else has to hate this look? Because you don't like this kink, everyone else has to hate this kink? Because you hate this aesthetic, everyone else must hate this aesthetic. The issue is too many people are trying to morally police people and not try to understand others. The ToS has been changed, child avatars are more protected but it feels like everyone is targetting everyone now. That's over, we should be pass that but the first thing someone doesn't like someone is running to the forums to talk about like it's some sort of moral dilemma. I'm not going to stop them from doing that, it's within their right, but I'm not going to stop having an opinion and the fact is, is that the more you put rules on things the more it will ruin what you have. At the end of the day. ------------------------------------------------------------- People want to escape reality and be free to be themselves in a fantasy and be as unrealistic as they want, or as real as they want, without someone else coming in to ruin their vibe. I am talking about adults doing adult things, as adults on a 3D social multimedia platform that is a playground for adults, as Oberwolf put it, yet too many people make it into "A playground for me, and you must follow my rules" That's the issue. And I'm not talking about their very own personal sim, I mean these same people try to govern everyone all the time, disallowing people to create, be creative, look creative, act creative. What I am talking about, why some of those people are just in it for the photos, is because they are tired. It doesn't mean everyone taking photos feel this way, but at the end of the day it is the community, driving the direction and the more it pushes people out, the longer we stay in limbo. -------------------------------------------------------------- I want other people to be able to enjoy themselves, come in and feel welcomed just as much as you seem to do. I want them to be able to express themselves, be what makes them happy, do the things they want to do, inside of SL that they consider fun. I want to see new things being created, new ideas, want new adult to show new things I never even thought about. I want to see the creative avatars, Furry, Anime, Dwarves, Gnomes, Elves, Faeries, Minotaur, Dryads, I want to see amazing things people bring to the table. The ToS doesn't stop people from doing this. It doesn't prohibit people from doing this and it doesn't force people away, the Community Does, this is what I'm saying.
  18. I've been shorter than 5'5" and never relatively been given crap about it, unless I'm in a sim with giant bimbos Honestly the people mostly that gives any hate or trouble or threats are tall overly sexualize female avatars. This is only sometimes. Why just the other day I was standing minding my own business and someone was like "Congratulations on your A.R." and they mentioned they reported me because I'm too short and said what I wore was a child's outfit. It was a really tiny cross bikini with a fur coat, 6 inch heels, collar on my neck and had cuffs on. I replied "...Where do you live that they would allow a child to wear this?" She was the only one in that entire sim, out of so many others to have done that. It blew my mind that she said what I wore, the most revealing outfit, was a child's outfit. Since when is Belzebuble child? What child wears 6inch heels? Like come on.
  19. culture wars do seem to be the main driving point in many discussions. There are so many standards of beauty, self expressions being trampled over, opinions being mocked. People want more interaction, from what I heard on Youtube, and seen sometimes in the forums but people don't want to meet, why meet when you get ridiculed for what you find sexy, what you're wearing, what color you are, how big or little you are, how you talk, what hair you use and many other things? . The forums are an extension of that at times. It's coming across more cancel culture-ish.
  20. The reason why people feel second life is a platform to take pictures, instead of a creative outlet is because the community itself. It's not Second Life's fault, it's the community that run it. Like I said in another forum, the more people push people away, the more people try to tell people what to do, the more people will be and feel alienated and want to just go take photos. No one else appreciates them or want them around so photos is the thing.
  21. People are starting to get bent out of shape about elves now?
  22. Yep and the thing is is that people are getting too comfortable.... with telling other people what to do. How they should look, how they should dress, what aesthetic they should and shouldn't wear, What avatars they should or should not use, what hairstyles they can and can't wear. How tall they can or cannot be, how skinny someone can be. If people keep trying to dictate what every adult can and cannot do, it'll chase off people from the platform. Continuous dictation of how one express themselves and how they want to interact, especially when they keep it all in the adult community, or Mature community, It's just going to drive people away and people already complain about "No one wants to get to know people anyone." "No one wants to come to sims and hang out, no one is trying to meet new people" Of course they don't. You're out here telling them what to do every time they come around and if they are not to your liking you ban them. Now too many People come online and stand around in a circle because they CAN be sexy to someone, they can see sexy creative avatars but they don't want to talk to anyone. Then you have people who just say "f it, I'll just stay home and take photos" because they feel like they have nowhere else to go. Cliques are the safest thing you can join because at least those people accept you for you. You can be anything, a bimbo, himbo, anime character, Asian, business man, a furry, a green woman, a giant, a dwarf and people will chase you off and tell you it's not realistic then tell you "Second life is not real." This just adds another thing to that large list of things that people are doing to tick people off and drive them away further, going after their profiles now. Just recently someone argued that women shouldn't be able to wear ponytails or pigtails. Allow people to have something that make them feel like they belong, even if it's just their profile.
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