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Starberry Passion

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Everything posted by Starberry Passion

  1. K, just telling you, the Moles have already threatened to close the thread. Keeping it civil is within our best interest so trying to avoid unneeded slander, calling of names. It has been the same thing over and over.
  2. Second life is based in the U.S. it is not illegal here to like fictional characters, however I'm not justifying the actions of underA.P. Second Life is not trying to remove child avatars or use fear tactics to control the users behind them, or make them feel bad as a whole. just so you are aware of that. This forum is not about that, it's about the change of the ToS and about Modesty.
  3. So does a lot of the Porn, The Adult side of Second Life is Important but it can hurt a business if all they see is just the Adult side of second life.
  4. Do you not remember Pet Cemetary? The Orphan, The Shinning, The Omen?
  5. The reason why sexual undera.p. is illegal in Second Life is not because of a U.S. law, it is because of the Community's dislike for it, as whole. If you take the time to read up on the law you can find out for yourself, it would have to be indistinguishable from real life because the law only protects real actual children. In the laws eyes, someone on a child avatar doing things with another child avatar isn't a pedophile, unless they are with an actual minor. So you're slandering those people legally. I am not defending sexual under-A.P. but I am trying to make it clear that L.L. banished it from the community because the Community at large had spoken out against it and they want to do business with other countries This Forum should be more respectful to one another and more kind to the other side but it's always someone being nasty, talking about burning child avatars, calling them nasty little pests, trying to make the user feel bad behind it.
  6. They are not ignoring this, they are quietly watching and observing.
  7. It they did that then it wouldn't be a good thing for Linden Lab, because then child avatars would feel too restricted, and potential newcomers looking to make a family, build a family rp, have a wholesome environment, people who can't have children irl and want to have a chance, they will feel it is too restrictive. Think of M-rating in real life. M rating is for 15 and up, however, it is not illegal for a child to watch something M rated or play a Game that is M rated, as long as their parent and or guardian is okay with it. If you allow your child to watch PG-13 movies then they are watching Mature rated stuff. Second life is following this principle and treated Adult areas exactly like Adult areas as if it was P*rn, even if it isn't all p*rn. And that is why The are most likely banned from Adult sims, as a whole.
  8. The very fact that it was posted, left up for a little bit and then randomly taken down after it got people to read it, does not sit right with me. And it did not show enough evidence of foul play from the alleged situation that made anyone look guilty. However, the punishment is weird to be put out, if nothing happen BUT you have to remember, there was an angry mob and people who were hunting child avatars. I think second life did something because those people were up in arms and I think that their lawyers thought it be good idea to make sure things like this don't happen again, so they're putting a lid on it.
  9. I have no idea what you're talking about, someone asked if the person responsible was dealt with. I said no one knows if the whole thing was true or not.
  10. Petite has nothing to do with child avatar, they already said that. Slim and Petite and Height, has nothing to do with child avatar.
  11. Second life is a place of Fantasy, you don't have to be a human, but if you want to then that is fine.
  12. Technically true... The real avatar is the Linden Avatar inside of us all.
  13. I am a firm believer of evidence, if there isn't enough evidence then I don't believe it. I need to see several evidence in order to know. I won't just condemn anyone until I am looking at proof of what happened.
  14. No one even knows if the whole thing was true or not, how do you expect us to know if they got dealt with or not?
  15. If a full sim was 30 - 47$ I'd definitely buy it, make a sim, sure but that's wishful thinking. But I'd still make it an Adult sim though and it would be most likely have a Cafe on it because I always wanted a cafe, lol
  16. I don't think they will but some people are bringing that up, because some people argued that maitreya, legacy and reborn can be made into child bodies, which I can't see how adult bodies marketed to adults, built as an adult woman is used in such, other than labels and clothing they drop onto those bodies that are labeled as outfits for children or just us an outfit for an adult and say it's child etc.
  17. They're not but they still might have them cover up. A furry isn't a human avatar, it is humanoid but it's a non-human avatar so it's probably different for them since they're most likely to be seen as non-human animals.
  18. Because skin color was brought up and someone said they don't hate black people. I said "I prefer dark skin" and I also said "to me, I'm just an american with brown skin." I don't understand.
  19. Did you not read what I said? "To me, I'm just an American with brown skin."
  20. It would be, at this point, ask people who play inworld and ask second lifers who have a twitter about what concerns them There is, also, Discord and or Reddit. You could make rooms for this very kind of things, questions and concerns.
  21. If you want to do that, do that all you want, don't let someone else stop you or get you down for doing that.
  22. I'm a human, I accidentally didn't type out without. It was a mistake, thank you for the lesson. All I was trying to say "express yourself without hate" I'm not a perfect human being.
  23. It means breasts and butt, they're pretty much projecting that I'm talking about outfits that constantly show those.
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