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Everything posted by Christin73

  1. As much as I don't like all the sex parts of SL, drama and gossap isn't that much fun either.
  2. Loading speads of pages are a big issue. So is the proccess to purtchas something even if the item is free. Seems like the proccess has gotten longer with the addition of the new check out system. There has to be a better faster more efficiant way to check out then what they currently have.
  3. What I want to know is if there is no nudity in M rated sims then why do I see some strip clubs in M rated sim?
  4. Yes it is true you can be and do anything in SL. LITERLY! (provided sim owners let you). In a way SL gives freedom's that in RL we sometimes don't have. As for the use of the word "cult" I am not offended by it.
  5. 1. Do weekly restarts at off times when not many people are on at the same time. 2. Allow anti griefer patrols by groups like the Green Lantern Corps. 3. Make things more friendlier and easier for new people that would improve their expierience on SL. 4. Make it easier to cash in L$ for real money. 5. Make it easier to cross over sim's perticurly in the Blake Sea.
  6. I dont think you can make money doing serveys on SL. I have not seen that. Hies owever, Most newbies start out entering club contests. Some of the contests have 500 to 1000 L pots. Also there are the "camping" chairs if you are lucky enough to find some. Basicly what you do is sit certain amount of time for like 1 or 2L every 10 minates. Hope this helps.
  7. It does get boring after a few weeks of the same old ghost's, graveyard's, and zombie's. Some sim's have zombies all year lol. It's like ok can we move on to christmas already.
  8. Now that I have to find. Now you have me curious. Thanks for all the responses. If there is no effect on those outside of bloodlines then whats the point of biteing outsiders?
  9. Fortunantly no hud and my friend checked the bloodlines site and found nothing about my soul being taken. So apparently its not official bloodlines activity.
  10. Today in a club I had someone IM me to tell me my soul is in limbo. I TPed a vampire friend in and she confirmed that indeed my sl soul is in limbo and was able to see who bit me. I don't recall ever clicking on anything or aaccepting anything from some one I don't know. Anyway, it doesnt seem to be effecting my avi in anyway. Just wanting more info about the whole limbo soul thing.
  11. To my knowlage there is no other way to sell L$ other then through LLs. They used to have outside "banks" but did away with that with the new TOS. I think LLs charges 10%. Not sure.
  12. Glad its not just me as a new merchant.
  13. Thanks that helped sortta. I tried dragging the items to the Merchant outbox and it wouldn't let me. At least it didnt work directly from inventory.
  14. Mesh has its advantages. It is can be lower prims in some cases. In others it doesnt matter.One thing I notice about mesh is when SL or your computer goes screwey so does the mesh objects. I have a mixture of Mesh and prims on my platform and when SL goes screwy it tends to not show the mesh and or show it deformed. So there is good and bad with mesh.
  15. I just created my store now I have a few questions. 1. how do you list items for sale? 2. What does LLs charge for selling Items for 10L or above?
  16. I am not a big fan of mesh. It seems to shave free mesh crew up alot. They have free mesh costumes at a place i visit. They are nice costumes but they are all one piece including the shape. Its not easy switching back to reguler cloths from it. I have a saying "they are free for a reason".
  17. Out of curiocity I downloaded Inworldz the other day. I found it looked and acted very similer to SL. Going on there reminded me of my noob days in SL. I came in looking for freebies but didn't find much. It isn't that well established. I have only ran accross a couple of people in the sims I explored. WIll it ever get the numbers SL does probably not. People say there is no drama on Inworldz. Thats because theres hardly anyone around. I won't give up SL for it.
  18. Light bill lol who the hell has a light bill in SL lol. It is obviously fake.
  19. Is it just me or is the SL voice not working? Seems to have been acting up lastnight now its gone totaly. Hopefully LLs is working on it.
  20. SL Heros is a group of SLers who enjoy hanging out dressed ass heros. We also have villons too and am planning RP soon but for now we are a hang out group to meet new people interested in superheros. If you would like to hang out please IM me in world.
  21. I find it wierd some items read prim count as one thing and then go into edit mode and LI Land Impact is something diffrent. Like one thing would be 5 prims but 150 Land Impact.s Strange. Maybe someone has reason for that. I always thaught Prim count and LI was the same.
  22. Most female AVIs are perticuler how we dress. In the real world our shoes are our passion. However, it is hard to pass up free. Although there is usualy a reason it is free lol. SOme may not have the RL money or the L$ to buy a decent pair of shoes. Perhaps gift her a pair of decent shoes. Doesnt have to be expensive just decent better then the 1L freebies.
  23. Here is my answers based on my expieience and training as a Host. [1] WELCOME MESSAGE - b) when I come into view, closer to the stage. [2] GESTURESbased b) Some gestures are OK but I'm bored seeing the same gestures all the time and everywhere. (When hosting I use a combanation of Gesters and personal emots. [3] CAPITAL LETTERS c) For general announcements everyone in the club should see they are ok. But not for normal talk. [4] WOW WORDS (e.g. wow, omg, sexy, awesome) b) Hey, sometimes it's just true, no need to hide that. But don't over use it. [5] TIP SHOUTS (hosts asking patrons to tip the DJ, DJ's asking on mic to tip the host) c) Once every 30 minutes is ok. It doesn't hurt to friendly remind people that someone is working for their entertainment. [6] NOTICES . c) Most of them look all the same, I want a more creative touch so it's actually fun reading them. (When sending a notice I usualy capitalise the headline and come up with something creative to get peoples attention. Give it a personal touch. and people are more likely to read it.
  24. I have gotten it in several group notices. It is always a good idea NOT to accept any request to animate or object unless you know the person sending it and have talked about it before they send it. Just keeps you out of trouble that way.
  25. With the right furniture or house, its amazing what you can do with only a few prims. Lean by expirimenting with things to find out how to use less prims.
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