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Ina Fairport

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Everything posted by Ina Fairport

  1. Something else..... And more : https://www.openculture.com/2016/10/the-night-when-charlie-parker-played-for-igor-stravinsky-1951.html
  2. Relaxed cool jazz from the West Coast The pianoless Mulligan/ Chet Baker quartet
  3. hmmm...maybe a silly question but do you have sound at all ?
  4. Dutch New Jazz Orchestra plays Cherokee, a Charlie Parker composition
  5. Ok, one more. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_Time:_The_Complete_Recordings
  6. The most memorable concert I've ever been to And the last time that I heard Stan Getz live He died 11 months later. The band is outstanding.
  7. I don't have a solution but maybe a helpfull tip Did you try to listen to the stream with external player ? Ask the DJ or the clubowner for the music url and open it with your mediaplayer.
  8. A big change came when LL started heavily promoting the marketplace. The Sim/clubs/shops formula was broken. Sim owners saw their income drop and many sims and clubs disappeared. And nowadays many clubs are deserted and residents do their shopping at the marketplace. I really miss the busy inworld shops.
  9. You're not alone. I miss the old days too I still enjoy SL but in a different way compared to 15 years ago Nothing stays the same. Life is changing all the time. RL and SL
  10. I have a folder in my inv with 19 shops that sell ( or used to sell) flat chested clothes. I did not check them all but I think that a lot of those shops are gone. If you want I can send you the folder Vtech shop is still a good one. I have a ton of their clothes : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fedora/176/93/24
  11. I wonder what the red and yellow squares on the Bellisseria map mean ?
  12. I finally did it My first Linden Home since I joined Second Life in 2006 I never liked the Linden Homes in the past. I have a houseboat at Bellisseria now. And I am looking forward to the 2048 sqm homes. I am Premium Plus.
  13. Exploring Route 6 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Deltote/124/194/126
  14. This topic reminds me of those sailboats in my inv I hardly sail anymore I have a lot of Trudeau boats and most of them are not rezzed for a long time... Other brands came and the Trudeau's were sleeping After the topic about the Trudeau One I sailed her again. More than ten years old and a Golden Oldie now !
  15. I love to drive the roads of Heterocera continent. Especially the cobble roads. By car, bicycle, motorbike and horse. A great way to explore. And dont forget the SLRR.. Forgotten or even unknown by a lot of SL residents The roads are empty, The railways are deserted. Along the railways you will find beautyfull builds, villages and much more. All worthwhile to discover And the lag of the old days is gone and much less now. I can drive pretty fast and don't crash very often.
  16. the white arrow indicates the boat speed The black arrow wind speed black triangle the apparent winddirection Info hud tells you the apparent winddir boat and wind speed and water depth The info hud is often used for racing. It should make the sailing less laggy About mooring at a no rezz location. It depends on the autoreturn settings if the boat will be returned immidiately or after a couple of minutes after you stand up. For racing you need to be close to a windsetter and accept the windsettings. There will be one at Nantucket.. I guess.
  17. It is simple. When flying is bad I go sailing I love sailing So I am always happy 🥴
  18. I just flew from SNO (Second Norway Airport) to Aerodrome Amelia Earhart at Corsica Continent. A flight of 25 minutes with numerous simcrossings. It was a pleasant and relaxed flight. No crashes or nasty crossings. That used to be very different in the early years of flying in SL ( 2007/8/9 etc)
  19. Flying can be fun in SL as long as you know what you are doing... Learn how to navigate Use the minimap while flying to avoid simcorners Buy an easy to fly seaplane and READ the notecard before you try to fly Here is a spot where you can rezz your seaplane. Lots of oceansims around you without obstacles : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blake Sea - Crows Nest/225/225/45 You may IM me for more info
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