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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. ^^ This type of work is definitely my thang! Beatiful poses, dark-ish surrounds, and wonderfully lit! ❤️👍
  2. I forgot to mention this in the other thread, but I'm really loving those blue and yellow nails! ❤️ Nailed it! (OMG, that was B-movie bad, LOL, but it's written). And I'm pretty sure I have the matching blue and yellow ear pins myself.
  3. Yes, it's just the 3 Seasons. It was pretty good, though.
  4. I'm always a bit behind the times, it seems. 😍 But I've just been watching all 3 Seasons of Jessica Jones, last week.
  5. You hit the nail right on the head! That was precisely the MMORPG mindset I was talking about above!
  6. Less gothic than your forum profile may suggest, but absolutely adorable and cute. ❤️
  7. ^^ Civility, I love it! ❤️ Methinks the whole notion of seeing SL as a 'game' is somewhat problematic. It's a virtual world. I remember, when I was a total noob (in many ways I still am, but I digress), I was talking in channel, using the term 'in-game', and ppl (rightfully) corrected me, saying 'inworld' is far more apt. And I agree. Why did I say 'problematic'? Because 'game', by its very name alone, already gravitates towards a kind of free-for-all experience, where everything, from faires, to exhibitions, to homes, etc, is like a 'ride' you can take. But SL is not an MMORPG**, as it's not a game. It's Massive, it's Multiplayer (kinda) it's Online, and role-playing certainly takes places... but it's not a game. See, the distinction matters, as the purpose of an MMORPG is precisely to be together, and do the game together. But SL is just a virtual world. Being a world of sorts, ppl naturally also meet, date, and such, but the purpose of SL was never primarily to do things together: it's just a byproduct of being a mirror of RL, as it were (albeit with more options to let one's fancy loose). See, in a real MMORPG (like Star Trek Online, for instance), players often get mad at others, who just want to solo missions and such. And they'll say stuff like "Remember, it's supposed to be an MMO, jerks!" And for an MMO, that's actually a sound mindset. At which point I hope I made sufficiently clear that treating SL, as if it were an MMORPG, is problematic, as ppl are being constantly deemed anti-social for not 'participating', as if going against the grain of the game -- except that it's not a game. ** It might be, if you're going with the alternative meaning of the acronym, as often seen in typically male oriented games: Many Men Online Role-Playing Girls. 🤪 ETA: Few typos, and a few extra words to streamline some sentences better.
  8. Nah, we'll just say you were doing a small jump in the air for having gotten the windlight, pose and perfect spot so right. Don't Panic! 😜
  9. Hehe, love seeing you use a wee overbright facial look too. Especially on your avi, which is so Angelic to begin with. ❤️ N.B. I've been raking my tiny brain on why faces actually almost always look better that way. My preliminary guess is, that, in absentia of true facial detail, our brains just resort to interpolating a lot, just fill in the blanks, as it were, with what we know a face should look like -- a process in which the details are just assumed, whilst hidden (as opposed to visibly not there). I tried this earlier, on another Chloe picture of mine. And just a teensy bit of overbright really works wonders for me!
  10. That has the ring of truth it. The Depth Map method, using the 'levels' trick, is rather elegant, but probably not a 100% foolproof (when doing the 'quick-and-dirty' demo version of it), as white/black around edges (that would normally already have some anti-aliasing going on at their borders) may not be selected to become fully black for the alpha map. You'd need some anti anti-aliasing tool for that. Or maybe just a thin 'feather' around the alpha mask, who knows? Of course, I feel dumb now even talking to you about this, as you, very obviously, have a tenfold better understanding of PhotoShop than I do. 🥰 Just meant to say, I feel you're probably onto something with the alpha-layer borders.
  11. Awesome old-time, yet contemporary art. ❤️ Superb idea and excecution! 👍
  12. She does look like Scylla a bit, don't ya think?! But different.
  13. You realize I had to do this, right?! 😜
  14. In other (often game-) forums I dwell, re-opening a new thread with the same title (or de facto the same title) of one the mods just closed, is considered an infraction, and often harshly dealt with. I now understand it was @VaelFaye's 'How do you feel today? II' thread (at least that one seems gone). I'm sad to see it gone, as it was a laudable initiative, and I would have loved to have continuen in there -- I had many Swift images lined up already. But, objectively, I also understand why mods do these kinda things. And since this is not just an SL thing, I think I can safely say it wasn't personal. Still personally sucks to have one's thread closed, of course: but the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
  15. Lovely, lovely, lovely! ❤️ This is the sort of extremely high-quality avi pictures you see in equally high-quality stores.
  16. Windows allows for the creation of DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) links, so that Notepad and the viewer editor can communicate with each other. Nifty setup. The permissions of the notecard simply never change: Notepad simply sends the updated data back to the editor (which then, for obvious reasons, informs the user it can't save the data).
  17. I'll leave the state of your mental health to be guessed, 😁, but simply put: what you're saying is not possible. For starters, you absolutely need to be logged in to even get access to the notecard (either via your main inventory, or via a prim-inventory). You can, however, try the opposite route: instead of trying to edit a notecard from the outside, which can't be done, let the script fetch data from an outside source; see http_request. Then you can just edit the text offline in the 'other' place, and the scipt will simply use that data.
  18. What happened here?! Did another thread just get closed! Nobody ever send me a memo! Seriously, OP, I love your contributions. Please, jusy stay. ❤️ It's a bad thing when good ppl start to leave.
  19. Could you be more cryptic?! You personally don't like the Tilia changes, but you can't say that? There's a lot more to the change than you're letting on? What? 😕
  20. Even most beginners in SL know about the no-mod appearing items in inventory (because most scripts inside objects are simply no-mod). More rare, but this can also happen when an item turns out to be no-copy, after all, when it should be. Usually same reason: a script may not be copy, or a texture or something. Or even a notecard. Far more pernicious is the occurance where creators don't understand the difference between from-inventory and from-rezzed permissions. (This actually happens to the best of them.) Always, like I mean ALWAYS, set next-owner permission from inworld. If not, you can run into a situation where you can rez a copy of an item from inventory only, but which will then, once rezzed, appear to be no-copy inworld! Copy-botting has nothing to do with Transfer status. All viewers inherently know what an object consists of, textures and all. (If not, they wouldn't be able to render the objects). To be LL compliant, a third-party viewer must simply obey the rules set out for dealing with permissions. And apparently there are (home-rolled?) versions of viewers out there that don't. I stay the hell away of those, naturally, but just to make sure you understand Transfer and copy-botting are totally unrelated. There are others main reasons. Like rezzers, for instance. You cannot use a rezzer on a non-copy item. Which is to say, technically you can, but the item, upon rezzed, would no longer be inside the rezzer, meaning you'd have to go thru the whole process of having to put it back in again, each time. Plus, it's extremely dangerous, as ppl run the high risk of accidentally derezzing the entire scene, thus losing the no-copy item in the process! Meanwhile, there's only one good reason no-copy items exist: so as to allow for Transfer on a not fullperm item. Otherwise I have yet to hear a good reason, other than nostalgia.
  21. This is a known, and inherently unsolvable, alpha sorting problem, which occurs when 2 or more alpha-layers are overlapping. You'd think the renderer knows the order, and it does; but, sadly, the alpha sorting takes place at much lower (video driver) level, where the proper order can no longer be determined. You'd get the same effect, for instance, when putting your glasses on a glass table in SL. Or with add-on eye-lashes. This is not just an SL thing, btw: even the most modern of games suffer from the same issue. The only way to avoid it, is to simply ensure you are never putting 2 alpha layers on top of each other. If the hairbase uses alpha layers, just remove it (only if it's copy, of course). My Catwa head, iirc, can indeed, as Natales suggested, set (to a degree) the blend mode of certain parts. Just play with it.
  22. People seem to like you post, yea, thank you for it even. I don't. You just added another foaming-around-the-mouth, "growing the f*** up, shutting the f*** up, and moving the f*** on", ranty post to the pile. BE F***ING KIND, YOU! N.B. I don't flounce; but with this apparent new tone set for this thread, time for me to walk away too.
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