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Super String

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Everything posted by Super String

  1. Maybe they're trying to create a distraction for merchants and hoping that we can find some other things to do instead of paying attention to unsolved DD problems.
  2. Finally.... Sera Lok gets a response from Linden CEO Radvik Humble, which is " No, I don't think it's an overraction, It was not an acceptable level of quality roll out. I will say the team is crunching hard " Thanks to Sera :matte-motes-grin: I know some other merchants also sent messages to Rodvik, let me say it again--thank you all contributors here, this merchant community rocks! see more responses on Rovik's twitter
  3. yes, this issue was solved by merchats themselves (by re-naming items), and since then I was not to expect that an issue would have really been fixed by Linden team, but now it seems to be ok when I renamed my items back to unicode characters...so let's keep watching if there will be happy endings for other issues next... I personally will keep doing delivery tests and keep monitoring if anything abnormal in my transaction reports and paying attention to other jiras and issues in this forum--till SL Marketplace can prove itself to be a honest and reliable commercial environment.
  4. Hi my "colleagues" :matte-motes-wink-tongue: Finally got a good news from Linden Lab...issue 4580 (unicode issue) was fixed yesterday ( Marketplace Current Note: Direct Delivery inventory items are now delivered with the inventory item name as opposed to the listing name, which will allow orders to complete quickly...) Thank you all contributors again. This merchant community rocks!
  5. Kenbro thanks, it's helpful to have such a "wrong listing" index.
  6. Couldbe, sad to say it, but up to now that order hasn't shown in my transaction history. I think I should continue to do some experimental tests randomly to examine the reliability of marketplace. Sometimes your sale volume shown in the transaction history can be as descriptive as statistical raw data which is able to estimate the entity. I personally use my store's sale volume as a nonprobability sampling of SL economy, but what I've observed and got these days are not available estimators but only technical errors of this marketplace itself. I believe most merchants are actually very sensitive to any abnormal behavior of MP, because the sale volume has a steady and expected tendency for most stores. That's why a merchant can be pretty aware of any abnormal signal in the marketplace if something unusual is happening.
  7. A new issue I just found: a sale doen't even show in the transaction history. When testing by myself, transaction history can show the order. But when asking a friend to test, transaction history doesn't even show the sale.
  8. Sadly, SL marketplace is gradually losing reliability and credibility. If you're a customer, you can't rely on misleading product informaion when you shop. If you're a merchant, you can't rely on this kind of dishonest system which occasionally takes advantage from you. If this marketplace can easily take 10% commissions from Parrish without telling him, what other advantages it's taking from other merchants but won't let them know?
  9. looks like ghost haunted Marketplace:matte-motes-stress:
  10. This is too bad for you, I wrote a comment in your customer's review.
  11. Couldbe Yue wrote: There's nothing worse than silence for an online brand, particularly when there are many more, easier to use entertainment options out there. So I thought I'd post this so just for a moment we could all savour that parallel universe where this organisation treats us as a valued customer. (you'll note even I'm not brave enough to put in things about contacting support with problems... I might be trying out a parallel universe for size here but that's just too crazy a notion to entertain!) Am I dreaming? Is this my virtual destiny to have contributed to one of the DD issues and have been seeking this parallel universe with you folks only because of that my name is Super String?? ...superstring theory happens to be which is going to prove the existence of parallel universes... ------------------------------------------------------------- Couldbe, emotionally your email comforts me, even in "current" universe it makes me feel better ------------------------------------------------------------ For potential merchants whose name might be Big Bang or Quantum Physics, pick a safer name to open your store...this is an advise from Super String:matte-motes-shocked:
  12. Flea, your case makes me worried. This sounds like the payment system is still not reliable... Besides, in fact I've heard many people told me that they hardly have had sales since moved to DD or since the Search Results becoming different or since a particular issue... very weird...:matte-motes-frown:
  13. Arwen, I also had a "Quened" order (an order on 3/30 which hasn't been delivered now...) I guess this system is still very problematic...
  14. yeah I think it's possible. Probably they just change the weights of variables.
  15. Josh Susanto wrote: My own sales seem to increase every time I post a complaint. LOL...
  16. I'm afraid it's NOT just "not being updated"... It seems more like a sudden change or alteration or messing up in the marketplace search results (roughly since March 30).
  17. I've also noticed that search results are very different.
  18. 4598 is a nighmare for people selling no-copy objects.
  19. Josh Susanto wrote: I feel like I'm in a Tim Burton movie where Rube Goldberg and Franz Kafka take control of an online virtual products market. Lindens: Welcome to second life!
  20. I assure you if they continue to escape the truth that "their behavior is not different from steal", it will soon really becomes a collectively lawsuit-happy case on a worldwide scale. could you imagine that how many quiet Japanese merchants using items with Japanese characters have been victims of this case? French and Spanish as well.
  21. Darrius Gothly wrote: Personally, my morals just do not get along with that. But I do understand the thinking behind it, especially in this world of lawsuit-happy craziness that goes on here in the USA. I assure you if they continue to escape the truth that "their behavior is not different from steal", it will soon really becomes a collectively lawsuit-happy case on a worldwide scale.
  22. so they just aviod it deliberately, they have tried to change the tittle 3 times during these days in my JIRA to eliminate that fact that this issue is about "payment".
  23. Darrius, no, so far every thread and jira related to this non-payment issue has just been suspiciously quiet from this Linden Team. I noticed that they have confirmed problems of other later JIRA and posts but been avoiding even admiting this issue. Not to say this issue has been proved by us. Isn't it suspicious? I know why.
  24. fast probably because few people there, customers have been confused by listing disorder.
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