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junique Tigerfish

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Everything posted by junique Tigerfish

  1. Lol guilty as charged...like to like everything with a blue heart.😁
  2. I am only referring to the behavior,not to any person.I would never do that.If anyone has ever done this, reading about how it has affected someone might make them change.I always learn new things when I am here,never even thought about doing that. I totally suck at cam sim shopping too.I would have introduced myself and made my intentions clear.Baffles me why tho,there is so much cool stuff here to decorate with.Lol maybe thought the neighborhood theme includes furniture.🙂
  3. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you reaching out.It shows you have hope.Keep talking let your loved ones know calmly what you are feeling,they will always be there.You do need a professional team in your corner.I hope you have access to this.Take your prescribed medication,it balances things inside you.If you feel what you are prescribed makes you feel off,or want to try a different approach,talk to your doctor.Diet is important as well,make sure you eat.Spoil yourself,find your passions,don't give up.Take baby steps.Talk to people who are suffering from the same conditions,share your experiences,get it off your chest.I honestly wish you the very best.
  4. What beautiful pics.I have yet to encounter a mole.Could I attract one with milk and cookies?🤔
  5. There is nothing wrong with how you feel.On the one hand there is ,this is the best house I've ever seen,want mine zactly the same.But on the other that is so freaking creepy and weird,stalkerish.Have you met this neighbor?Like the song,I always feel like there's someone watching me.My heart goes out to you.😯
  6. Lol,so funny.Sounds like something that would happen to me.I like the new viewer.No issues yet.I have no numbers,don't really know anything too technical.My head is spinning trying to absorb all this info.🙃
  7. Very well said Akane.That is very true.Life is what we make it.We all make our choices,good or bad,smart or not quite so. If you look for trouble it will find you.I believe in positivity and I am finding many who prefer to look at the bright side.😎
  8. Lol,omg.Just love this.Totally agree cats do pick their person.Funny,cute and sweet.I have a Grey tabby named Turnip Rose,8 or 9 months old.She found me.Came to my workplace,right in the back door,cute tiny and hungry.She was a stray,little wild but I loved her right away.I think it was meant to be,I am scared of mice,one came to visit.We still had nice weather,2 days later got real cold,she would have froze.I look forward to seeing her everyday,she's the best.
  9. I am very impressed with how sl addresses rl issues.Aknowledging Mental Health May really spoke to me.Beautiful Sims for relaxing and being good to oneself,completely awesome.Shows people you are not alone and others do care about you and your wellbeing.Nice to see this is not swept under the rug and ignored.I am a caregiver for my son,hardest thing to see someone you love struggling.What I have learned is patience,listening and understanding can really be helpful.I don't have the answers but I will always listen.Anyone,if you ever need to talk I am there. Sl gets such a bad reputation and does not deserve this.I see so many here who try to make a difference,incredibly wonderful caring people.I am very happy and proud to be a part of this world. Wishing everyone a most beautiful day
  10. Lol too funny.People would follow that wooden box with the light on top.Attention K-mart shoppers...
  11. Might have been the ice cream man.No sorry,wait that was Dickie Dee.
  12. It is listed on your forum profile page.I will follow posts,I love reading the questions,opinions and answers.I don't follow people and I don't think I have ever been followed.I would only follow so I could sneak up and say Boo!🥸
  13. Kids always make use of what is available to them for their enjoyment.They don't complicate things,they just have fun.Grew up in small town,spent a lot of time outdoors,had friends,played Barbies.I can remember picking up random things off the ground and making things with them.Using my imagination and things that were there in the 1970s.Loved school and reading.Pretty calm existence. My children were 1980s.One loved music,art,Cindy Lauper,not really into TV or electronics.Next loved art,decorating,computer games,animals.Last loved sports,math,computer games,Nintendo.Pogs were big,Pokémon cards. Our experiences growing up shape us for our futures,interests we may pursue.Peer pressure existed forever,when what your parents think doesn't matter,that imo is the toughest to overcome.Once you grow up you realize a lot of it didn't really matter,but it sure can feel like your whole young world is crashing.Now with the phones,some terrible things are happening.Not just torment at school but can continue thru texts.Parents really need to know what their young ones are doing online. Fidget spinners and fidget everything now.I asked a young one,why does everyone like these.Told me it is to deal with stress.He was 8ish.That kind of stuff worries me. I think moderation in everything.Imagination is a good thing.Enjoying and being happy and just being a kid.
  14. Absolutely beautiful.Very well said.We can only do our best.Mine are all grown now,all still have 2 legs and 2 arms.And now grandkids.Now I know why I had kids in the first place.Lol.
  15. Me too exactly.And customer is not always right.I am sorry that Marianne feels she had a bad experience.Maybe sometimes things get lost or misconstrued in translation.There are a lot of choices here,shop elsewhere,read the fine print.This really reminds me of Soup nazi.No soup for you,come back 1 year.Lol
  16. Love this.Persephone you have the power girl.Force be with you and all that good stuff.Oh my,you look so calm and peaceful,never imagined you had a Dr. Evil side too.jk lol have a great day
  17. I really don't know all that much about anything here.I have never been able to devote the necessary time to learn.So I kind of learn things on the fly.There is a lot of really good info here,very helpful.I would love to learn how to design,scripting,animation just for the knowledge itself.Baby steps is okay for me,in no rush,probably wouldn't sell stuff.The most minor achievements give me the jump up and down happy dance feeling.But I am really good at shopping.🤔
  18. Would love for ppl to come to live in Canada.Myself,every winter I wish I could live somewhere else.Our free health care is a really good thing,hopefully we never lose it.Sadly some of our politicians would like to see it privatized,especially our Alberta idiot.Canada is changing tho,more terrible things happening than before.Economically we are in tough shape since Covid,same as the rest of the world.I am so fortunate to have a job,everything is going up like crazy.I have always thought about somewhere tropical,but then you have different weather issues to watch out for,maybe some snakes and spiders big as my head.It is neat to dream sometimes about being somewhere else,but at the end of the day I am happy to be where I am.
  19. First time ever was here for me.Lots of things happened when I left.It has become such a beautiful place.Everything looks so good,animations work and I believe it is because of the extra alts.You should all be very proud of your creativity,not settling for things that are just not right in your eyes.A real stroke of intelligence to figure out how to test your stuff without having to rely on others.I have learned so much on this subject.Even the photos are amazing.I love how your alts become part of the family.🥸
  20. A music lover,cool.I can't say I have ever heard a professional recorder player,only my kids.If it moves you,makes you feel alive cheer loud and enjoy.Music is amazing one of the greatest treasures we have.
  21. Very admirable,time well spent.Kids can learn many good life lessons just need ppl who care enough to pay attention and teach them.Too bad sometimes the parents wreck the experience.Should always be about having fun.We can also learn a lot from the young ones,they are very honest and don't sugar coat anything.Well at least till they grow up.I agree that pro sports is about money but there can always be an upset,just because of that human element.
  22. Yes I agree they are on my list of favorites too and Washington Capitals,New York Islanders.Nice to see ppl out enjoying life again.Doesn't surprise me your partner was Canadian,you are a smart lady.😁
  23. 100% on the money you are Ceka.Nashville Predators.Awesome girl,high fives.😎
  24. True nuff,and the Canadian I am I always come back for the next year.And I didn't eat paint chips as a child,no explanation.Old...you are gorgeous,what do you mean.😏
  25. Oh my gosh.Absolutely love this.Just got to be smooth,never let em see you sweat.Sometimes have to stop and think about 5 mins ago.It is a talent to be able to manage alts.
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