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Akasha Sternberg

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Everything posted by Akasha Sternberg

  1. ohh I´m at Big Daddy´s right now^^ after I took some pics at Dead End´s rezzing area earlier:
  2. who´s Sasha? ^^ ohh it is plus we´re going to explore the city where he lives and it´s sooo beautiful^^
  3. Wish it was friday...miss my bf and I´m seeing him tomorrow^^ can´t wait! Good morning everybody
  4. I change approximately once a day, usually some nerdy-comfy style ... or summery/according to the season... Or I ask people for a colour or style and wear something like that...
  5. there are a few skin stores which are "safe" quality-wise (I´m so out of my game, unfortunately.... - I´d suggest 7deadly skins, Glam Affair, WoW Skins - I know those are still around - there´ll be others who are more up to date and will have suggestion, too). But in the end it is YOU going around, grabbing the demos she can get and try and look what suits your taste and shape Have fun doing so and keep us posted hahah anytime - I´ll just exchange the link when you got round to do it^^
  6. I think this is going into my profile... I should have a pick left.... hmmm or mention it in one of the existing... but yeah this needs to be out there!!!!!!! edit: aaaaaaand it went in there... shiny new pick but DAMN!!!!
  7. Santuary Rock is still going strong as Sanctuary of Rock (It was my first job dancing there back in ´07, danced there in ´11 again and got offered to work there in ´15 and just recently when I came back^^) Danced at Demonic, too but that seems to be quite inactive yet still around^^ Dead is the new alive is both a song I love and that reminds me of my time in SL between ´11 and ´13 , along with: Korn´s Twisted Transistor Buckcherry´s Crazy B Rev Theory´s Hell Yeah Uberbyte (?)´s Money shot Hollywood Undead´s Lights out *can´t remember the name*"s P..... Star Dancing (some DJ)´s Pretty Rave Girl ohhh the days .... the memories...
  8. I completed a little challenge my bf gave me before driving home last night... finished the outfits yesterday and took some pics today: "hm maybe style 1 or 2 outfits that are light and summery and good for a bbq with friends? If you have a BBQ/Grill take some pics with that? You´ll do great" ok I have an outdoor kitchen prop and a photostudio, because finding a beautiful beach where you can rez ... yeah... that´d have taken forever he´s out to have lunch so I can´t say how he reacted just yet ... but yeah...^^ <- oh he came back and he likes the pics^^
  9. insanity isn´t necessarily negative you know I like having a huge diversity ...plus when you return to all that it IS insanity in EVERY way until you got some orientation and know what´s there and what´s what. To me right now it´s oh...there´s another one... haven´t heard of that either... so yeah.... insanity^^
  10. I´m lazy today as I´ve been taking care of my neglected flickr and sorted my newest inventory additions into their rightful folders after taking pics for my hdd-folders of course^^ so... yeah I´m not fully done yet but here we go - S O S Stormtrooper white suit and MA Martin boots^^ it is not accurate of course but it´s a great hommage and I like it^^
  11. aww bless Mad nah my bf will be over for 2nd brekkie and some couple time and then it´s a costuming event we attend
  12. just had a look into my flickr and updated it ^^
  13. you lil friggin troll *lashes out to grab Mad for a good tickeling*
  14. I went rollerskating, rollerblading later, rode my bicycle, sat on my computer to write cheesy little girl´s romantic stories, played Formula 1 on it ... yeah ^^ that´s pretty much it
  15. just hanging out in the countryside once more... don´t the trees left of me look like hearts? It´s so peaceful to look at while I continued to process things and did some RL stuff I´ll go see what to do next and if I change or not... decisions decisions
  16. I´d never rent land without security options... I had ban lines as high as I was allowed to, land set to my personal group only and what else - oh and Wooden and Stone walls along the edges ^^ too delicate or not if I want Akasha´s naked arse to be out there I take pics and post them to flickr or here (gonna get said arse slapped for doing so I spose XD) or go to one of the nude /sex sims ^^
  17. been busy already, cleaned the flat, washing basically everything and even had both brekkie AND Lunch... now I can be a lazy git for some hours^^
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