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Akasha Sternberg

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Everything posted by Akasha Sternberg

  1. Oh well yeah that´s how you do it your first style card YEY YOU!!!! Love the pics, my editing skills are just at the same level Now I´m trying a very lazy Style Card method on you lot this time: https://i.gyazo.com/2e99f5da5f31e29691ebe832cfcc5bad.mp4 Avatar complexity is.... 231425 oh right... and the outfit is: I know... it´s been 1 am for me and I was dead tired plus I didn´t know where to go where I have water access and rezzing rights (Maddie?^^ Do your magic hun^^)
  2. ok pirate day might be over for an hour for me now but I FINALLY made it through my RP mission and inventory sorting... being able to take a nice pic...or well at least try to...
  3. ohhh my thx hun I kinda made that pic for you to mess with
  4. see @Clover Jinx one door closes another ...well you know the saying @Skell Dagger meh that blows, love that you turned into creativity again I second both the party at @Elora Lunasea´s and the Pirates Event - please consider going long enough to cover us europeans, too
  5. you´ve come a looooong way I watched a styling show called "Shopping Queen" on tv while having brekkie (it´s on German TV, 5 women, 5 days and each gets 500€ and 4 hours to style according to the week´s topic) and the topic was Lace - so I put Kasha in lace. As the Top appears too dark when I did the on location shooting I took another one in my studio, no fancy pose, just my AO, very simple. Yep I´m lazy today
  6. they´re the same as starter areas - safe for new people to "find out how it works" as a synonym for "do whatever they like and get away with it cos they´re new".... I REALLY gotta force myself to keep in mind that not all new residents are *enter a good handfull HEAVY swearwords in here* and there´s hope for some of them....
  7. what? NO!!!! Akasha has her hands in her pockets alot - THAT IS ALL!!!!! even if there are no pockets- but that´s how it is!!! (and I went for an AO which is relatively harmless on that but still ... meh I kinda got used to it but then I didn´t so... HANDS ! IN ! POCKET! nothing else !! )
  8. That and.... we spend a *****load of money..of course our avatars are sexy and pretty and whatsnot... I hate the IM with such containts more than the textspeech in that case but DAMN!!!!! you are right ^^
  9. hmmm while Rhonda and Clover will do a great job maybe Skell and his partner would be interested, too.... Forumities as models? hrhrhrhrhr Plus both Skell and Clover are epic bloggers
  10. I have my own FB account, scroll through the timeline, like and comment occasionally, haven´t posted in months^^ Kasha had it all...or has... FB, Flickr, Twitter, moolto, I can´t even remember them all (this was pre instagram) because of the blog... I haven´t logged in for 2.5 yrs now
  11. I´ve been bus styling 3 completely different looks today after some ranting and whining because my mood dropped: BF´s inspiration was "green", the pic was shot at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Milkyway Island/50/70/1501 using an adorkable pose called Je t´aime both other looks were suggested by our beloved and infamous @Rhonda Huntress : goth and sky blue - and pine that´s what I made of those suggestions ^^ (both Rhondas suggestions were shot at milkyway, too, but with my KaTink studio and random Posestand)
  12. 3... and ...I need choccie.... pics will be posted in How your avatar looks today of course and flickr and ...stuffs.... ^^
  13. hahaha hmmm interesting BF just came up with green so I got 2 outfits to do (he came up with green) ... thanks hun
  14. oh yes let´s have some mopey whiney time.... I really miss having a home... and I miss my SL sis... I told her I wouldn´t be returning to SL when I poofed 2.5yrs ago so she unfriended me there.... I´ve been strolling around for weeks trying to muster up the strength to poke her... I´m so NOT proud of it but I stalked her profile earlier and went to the RP sim she plays in now... they have this cute house for rent at 625L/week... for 250 prims (well it´s a bargain but still it sums up to 10€ a month for me.... ) 250 is nothing but... meh ... better than a friggin sandbox to change and set up- take pics and clean... ARGH I can´t really work in SL cos I don´t have regular on times and my online times will decrease next month when my job training starts (still on a tight budget then)... meh... just needed to rant cos I had 1/8 homesteads and 1/4 corner parcels and stuff and even a full homestead for a month and I SO MISS THAT TIME *pouts* I know it will be back but ... running around, having to clean up, all those compromises really lower the fun.... spech if you got time to kill like I do today... busy again tomorrow... but... yeah time doesn´t really want to go by today.... does anybody have an idea for a style or colour I could use as an outfit inspiration? Asked the bf but he doesn´t have any either... I need to change Kasha but ... yeah
  15. love the places shown and will explore them one after the other, maybe even find some to contribute to the group (and of course Strawberry´s name alone is a guarantee that it´s nothing but epic^^) ahhahahahaha typical for you
  16. well yes, maybe few more hints on shopping, groupjoin boards of free fashion groups and promotion of starter packs would help with encouraging them to do so... When I run into starters they hardly ever care bout their looks... so general "cool vs not cool " behaviour hints would help, too. If you look at me in RL you´ll see a mid-chubby girl of average height in jeans and tshirt, no makeup, caring eff all bout fashion... funny enough compared to my beloved Kasha having had her success in blogging (she did have more success than I´d have expected her to XD) and even switching to the styles like red light workers through their clients *coughs* Maybe classes ... but the starter sims just don´t care...they´re not interested... I´ve been trying to make that happen for years... since 2012 if not earlier... oh well
  17. you mean a stylist^^ so yeah I did and would operate the same way as Callum. Furthermore look at blogs, flickr, groups, if you see people wearing something nice ask them (if you ask nicely most will be happy to help), you know... explore, play around with demos, HAVE FUN!!!! (oh... it´s addictive... I should mention that)
  18. SO MUCH YES! With the teens nowadays you just can´t tell anymore... I had the same till I turned 30 and my grey hair started to peak out of my skalp. If my hair falls nicely I still get asked for ID when buying wine ...which makes me blush^^
  19. ok while it is a short post for you.... how much choccie did you have to type those four words without swearing TH is known to make people swear like a sailor for a reason hehe good luck with it though
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