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Everything posted by Frawmusl

  1. I'll be sure to make some with my next batch release
  2. NO HOPE AT ALL! Just kidding, I've seen a lot of stores on the MP that cater to that category. I would take a little time popping in different words into the search and seeing what it churns out. Im sure one of our lovely forum ladies will be like "OH HERE, AND HERE!" But I just wanted to give you some hope, there is stuff!
  3. Im a bit confused as to why it would break peoples experience? From what I read it doesn't force a persons graphics any higher, It is just a new way to receieve and transfer data relating to avatars? There is no forcing people to run anything above low? Transferring avatar data tothe server and from the server to you wont break anyones computer, might hamper your internet connection a bit? Or do I have all of it wrong?
  4. I do see it there, The mesh seems darker with more shadows. Not intense no, but it is there. Try putting a prim light up and moving it around the object. I find that normal maps in SL have to be REALLY intense to show up. Such as this linen map I made. Now I know its a silly question, but are you sure you put the maps into the object correctly? I would love a TP in-world if you would like me to come help you troubleshoot, Always a chance for us both to learn more
  5. Alt will zoom in and out, Alt+Ctrl will circle around your object.. Alt+ctrl click your avatar until you're at the front and the release control so only alt is held and zoom in on the face. Ctrl+Shift+S to take a snap shot and save to inventory or disk. Drag and drop the photo onto your profile or upload it on the website/profile
  6. These requirements seem a bit ... Cliche..
  7. Any object that had a yellow dialog box appear and you gave access to use your lindens can take money from you at any point. Had you given acess to it when starting the radio?
  8. Make sure your normals are all correct in your object. You can enable the normals on the right side menu (Hit N in edit mode) under mesh display. Click the face under "normals" after selecting everything. Make sure all the teal lines are pointing AWAY from the faces, If they are pointed inward your normal is Flipped. On the left side you should have the option to RECALCULATE or FLIP NORMALS and once they are all facing outwards it should have no normal problems. er.. And alt+z will allow you to see your texture in blender, Even if its white it will show which normals are working, other ones will be invsble like they are in SL
  9. As of right now I am a huge fan of clone painting Link for anyone who is interested, great for organic work! Really neat way to go about it, but I woud still love new methods!
  10. Frawmusl

    UV map mess

    Oh very true! I do agree with Gaia! Much better way, I always forget about pinning because I rarely use it >.<
  11. Frawmusl

    UV map mess

    Look like you deleted or removed something after you had already unwrappe your model. I suggest reunwraping it, but you could just use clone painting to get it back to where you were in texturing.
  12. Most of my texturing techniques and approached lie out of the program, IE I use gimp or PS combined with a UV map and AO map to get my texture back onto the object. Now this works great with inorganic objects and a lot of static objects. But as I want to move away from those and start to create full characters I sort of want to expand my texture technique book. Do any of use something besides UV maps and AO's on an external editor? I would like to know your techniques and maybe a link to a video that shows you how to use them, I have looked into UV clone texturing which is pretty neat and I will try on my next creation, other than that I'd love to know some of your styles. I persoally use blender, but im sure most ways can be adopted in a blender form some how, so go ahead and share if you've got something :D?
  13. You should be happy she went through that much trouble for ya', Google the rest Its easy to edit scripts from a base like that. For the yellow text its llOwnerSay where no others are able to read it so there would be no need for the names, Because no one else can read it.. And if you're confused on who you are you might want to look into philosophy and not scripting
  14. I think this might belong in roleplay?
  15. They had a free starting weapon, ammo is free etc. Bring friends and it becomes easier if you're all using free gear. 200L for a weapon to play a fun game is like 20c.. I'd support them if it only cost that much for a better playing experience. Its under developement and is only getting better~
  16. Well you aren't the only one who finds it difficult. Lets just assume its a clothing item, So they need to create standard sizes as well for it. There is a lot that goes into rigging and it could be really easy to hours of work, either way $3.50 USD isn't going to entice many people to the job. Best to learn for yourself and be able to do it later on too.
  17. Im not that great at scripting, but I do have a bumper script that you can take a look at if you'd like. Ill toss you that in-world float volume = 1.0; //Volume 0.0 - 1.0;default{ collision_start(integer num) { if(llDetectedType(0) & AGENT) { llPlaySound(etcetcetc)
  18. True. I will go ahead and grab the casper ones. They will be almost negligible in the end
  19. I've just received a parcel for my store, and I was wondering about vendors. Should I go big with things like CasperTech or hippovend? Or are those more commercial oriented so I can set them up everywhere. Wait on that until I get another location? Should I just use basic vendors and not worry about the web hosted ones that store items in a box somewhere else etc..?Invest early so I don't have to update to a caspertech etc? Just looking for a little advice!
  20. On the SL Viewer there is not much you can do to get a smoother camera except practice(or at least as far as I have seen on the options). Now if you look into other viewers such as Firestorm ( think) and Nirans(Machinima based) it becomes alot easer to get that nice smooth camera that you'd like when taking photos. I recommend Nirans, Its high quality and very very smooth. Lots of buttons you can push to make it even smoother
  21. Those laptops are so close I do not think you will see a performance boost using one or the other, the graphics will not change much when you get to that high level of a card. I recommend choosing the cheaper one and upping the RAM to max (16gb). That will see more improvement then one step more on the graphics card
  22. ^.^ It would be a delight to talk sometime! Toss me an IM whenever you feel like it, Im usually sitting with my head stuck in blender so I might be slow to reply intially
  23. Well I mean just think about it even from a non-technical point. When animators make movies they spend hours trying to get the clothes to fit the movements right even though they designed the entire character. When you have hundreds of thousands of different characters all wanting to wear the same outfit, but rather than weight the clothes to each individual one you are trying to use a system that does something instantly, where as it takes hours to do on its own? At least thats how I view the deormer, Its a really powerful tool and I can understand why its taking so long, that can't possibly be easy to write. The amount of math involved and testing to get the deformer to work with thousands of skeleton shapes, along with the combination of high poly, low poly etc weighted mesh..
  24. Toss an IM at Syle Devin,or Even Domsson lean both have nice really nice work! I would if I wasn't so swamped atm :\
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