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Everything posted by Mayalily

  1. Didn't care for the song, honestly, but YAY do care for Fridays! ETA: No, actually I care for everyday. I like everyday. Some days are better than others, but I like everyday.
  2. No, no scammers, 'cuz each person is their own moderator of their lindens and it's your own secret. No one will know how much you gave nor who you gave it to, except you yourself. Something that could possibly be done in the future is to have some of your linden account set to charity, then when you hand out lindens as a charity gift, it would say to the person receiving it CHARITY GIFT JUST FOR YOU... or something like that....?
  3. These pictures are cute! Well done bedroom Jo, I love it! You are very blessed to have such a nice place. I had considered putting my avatar to sleep before I log off, but then the stand icon shows up, and I thought that might 'cuz some probs for my finicky computer, so I always left her standing. For relaxation, I liked this meditation sim that was created, kind of sleeping but sitting. However, it was taken down.
  4. Well, I do. See here's the deal: Okay, if you send someone some lindens because you want to be charitable, some avatars might think you are trying to hit on them or something, when all you are doing is wanting to be charitable. Maybe someone could make a free t-shirt that avatars could wear when they want to hand out some free lindens, 'cuz strangers could get the wrong idea if you shoot them some lindens. Like I said, they might think you are trying to hit on them, and having open a lot of IM's crashes my system sometimes... so IM'ing strangers that you are just being charitable is kind of a pain. But I need to do that in order to let them know I'm just being charitable, no strings attached, etc. So, I'm trying to think of a better idea on how to do this so people don't get the wrong idea and also to avoid the IM'ing that it's a charity gift. Oh well, thread not going well.
  5. No, no central anything. You could just give to your best friend for example if you wanted too. Like for instance, it's a secret to you only who you gave too. You can just give to one person if that's all you have to share, even 5 lindens for example. Maybe we could call it SL Surprise Day? hmmmmmmmm? Doesn't seem like anyone likes this idea. I thought it sounded fun because it's a surprise. ETA: But no transfer stuff would be allowed 'cuz I'm afraid someone would make something corrupted, then try to transfer it. That's, again, why I say lindens only.
  6. Try switching to basic first to see if you can connect. If that works, move around a little on basic; log out, then switch back to advanced. If done this little trick several times, and it's worked for me. See if you can log onto basic before you throw viewer 2 out yet.
  7. I understand this idea could have a lot of variables, but my thinking is along the lines of first just giving to whoever you want, it doesn't have to be a newbie, though newbies were the first thing in my mind because they may want to buy something other than the general free stuff, like saving money for a good skin or hair. ETA: Or you could just bestow your best friend with some lindens. It's a whatever you want to whomever you want to give some lindens too. I don't like the transfer idea because it could transfer some viruses. It sounds better if it's lindens only; I want to bypass some griefers here who might try to transfer corrupted items, that's why I say lindens only.
  8. No, the t-shirts would have to be free on Marketplace only; one for male avi's and a cute one for female avi's so no one can take advantage of the t-shirt idea. So free t-shirts only, and if the t-shirts are free, how could someone take advantage?
  9. Please reply and tell if you would like a charity day for SL. I was thinking one day a month, say the 5th of each month ('cause people need to pay their bills first). It could be a lot of fun to see how much charity we bestow on each other one day a month. I'm thinking of this to help out some newbies, but SL Charity day would be for everyone and anyone you wish to bestow some charity upon with lindens only, not freebies transfer stuff. If all one has to share is 5 lindens, that's fine. It's whatever you have to give. What's your opinion on this charity day idea, fun or not fun? We'd need something created for SL charity day, like a t-shirt or something that says It's Second Life Charity Day.
  10. I'd suggest just don't read the blogs that are making the OP upset. Just don't read the blogs; put poster on ignore, etc.
  11. Oh, I forgot to say THANKS CHARLOTTE, I have no more avatar imposters thanks to your help! Woots!
  12. You should just try it and see if you like it. It may be a hassle or it may be fun for you. If you're asking me if I'd like to be on voice my answer would be yes and no depending on the difficulties or problems with it. If it's too much of a hassle, I'd say oh well I tried, move on, and still have a great time on SL!
  13. Attack blogs? I don't understand your point either? ? Can't they just put the poster on ignore about the IM's? I hardly ever read blogs anyways. I don't see the forums here wrecked or anything with trouble so I have no idea what u r talking about?
  14. Hi Charlotte, I removed my other posts. I'm back on SL and will call HP for support about graphics card. Thanks for all the help everybody! Keeping my fingers crossed.
  15. Update for Peggy: The manuel doesn't say anything about a wattage rating, but I found a free Vonage thing in there that might be worth something. lol I'm going to call HP Support and see if they can tell me what my wattage rating is.
  16. Hi An, No not yet, but I'm thinking I might have too. This last update for v2 is causing me a lot of probs right now. So, I may have no other choice but to try reinstalling.
  17. Well we need the drivers to run the media. Okay our driver is Realtek I just checked in my programs.... sooooooo, I'm wondering if I set that in SL preferences (to Realtek) my media will work better because I get this message every once in awhile, which reads like this: media_plugin_webkit failed. What does that mean?
  18. Okay, checking media under preferences (viewer 2). When I looked in the media section I saw a few preferences to chose from; one was Realtek (can't remember exact spelling) and the other choices I've never heard of? I think we have Realtek download, but I'm not sure it is updated? What media would be best to download and then set to in the preferences? ('Cuz the other names I didn't recognize at all). Thanks for any replies.
  19. My thinking to try this Luc was that basic doesn't give you an inventory; so I thought less things for basic to download? Anyhow, it works for me; why exactly, I'm not sure either, but people can certainly give it a try 'til we do more brainstorming on new SL v2 update.
  20. Good morning Charlotte! (well it's morning for me). I used to be able to see about 7 avi's close and about 15 avi's all around me were still good, now it's kicking me to about 2 avi's and all the rest are frozen like a sketch or something. So, this is in my graphics area, okay... I'll check that out. Also, this particular software is not fully updating yet. They are sending me a message in the report now that I can remove the software. I'm very leary to remove this software because that software says last used on March 26th and that's my rezz day (ETA: It says this software was last used on March 26th my rezz day, but runs frequently). It's some kind of software through Microsft, though, as I said, that software was lasted used on my rezz day (though again I'm adding in here that it says it's used frequently). So, I'm afraid of a wipe out altogether if I remove that software. I'm at a standstill about how to just get back to where I was with SL. I had a good, no great time on SL even though the graphics weren't optimum. I just want to try to get to where I was with my computer. I might have to do uninstall/reinstall on the viewer? What do u think? And should I just remove this software that Microsoft is telling me to remove? In the report it says remove software if you cannot update it. Very peculiar? ETA: This software has sent me about ten reports already. It doesn't seem to want to update? I did send the report again this morning as soon as I logged on 'cuz I get this needs report thing every time I log into the computer now. Perhaps I should just stop sending it. Microsoft doesn't seem to want to deal with it; but it also says in the report that the software is outdated and needs an update, but it won't update. I've tried already to update it through the reports link. No success yet.
  21. A little trick for Viewer 2 if you can't log into advanced first is to switch to basic, get moving a little on basic; log out again, and switch back to advanced, and you might just be able to get back onto advanced and stay a few hours. I did this trick twice now, and it HAS worked. Just wanted to share.
  22. Okay Peggy, I'll get back to you as soon as I find the manuel. 'Cuz I guess u r saying we could have a meltdown if we have too high a graphics card. The computer we have was built for media, not gaming unfortunately. I have to find that manuel tho and get back to you. Update: I got on SL by doing the following trick (which worked for me once before) Log into basic first, get moving a bit on SL. Log out again and switch to advanced and voila I was on SL for about 3 hours! I also think the software updates finally got through, but unfortunately I could see my avatar very well, but not the others like I used too. All the other avi's looked very stationary, not moving much when dancing, and they looked dorky like not much detail to their avatar at all... it's hard to explain. But my avi looked fine, other avi's no, except for a few ones that were very close to me. I hope this mesh thing is going to work, eventually. Thanks so much Peggy and everyone, and I need to share this trick about switching to basic to get things going and then logging out and switching back to advanced; that works for some reason for me.
  23. Okay, thanks so much so far! I sent you another message and I'll copy/paste here so others can read too. ________________________________________ Message to Peggy: I don't know Peggy. I can't log in to SL at all now.... but I think this is the issue. A software program is trying to update. When I checked what that software is... it said it was last used on March 26th, which is my rezz day. I'm trying to send them the reports they want and do the update, but it's not working yet for some reason. I'm completely down for now. My SL is down. 
  24. This built-in browser is Google Chrome I think which I downloaded and set as my default browser (somewhere in this thread it says what the built-in browser is and that it's magic, which it kind of is. It's very fast). Now sims load so fast! I was jammin' on SL on my first run with the 'use built-in browser' checked to "yes". But, as you say, things were still rezzing slowly -- so that's the graphic's part I need to tweek now. Still not sure I need this username thing?
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