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Everything posted by Mayalily

  1. Okay, I watched half of that. That explained and showed the tools much better, but then my brain timed out sadly about half way through as she is talking very fast and that is a lot of info to try to comprehend in such a long video. I'm going to have to watch that again tomorrow.
  2. After watching that video, I'm like huh? Everything looks different. It looks like I'd have to go to SL college all over again. I hardly understood a thing she was saying as she was speaking just to fast. It might as well have been in Japanese as I pretty much understood nothing she way saying. Anyone have a beginner's Firestorm video to share, or are there several step-by-step videos for newcomers because all of that was Japanese to me, and I don't speak Japanese.
  3. Is it easy to understand since I'm used to the v2 LL tools? Or would it be confusing, and how might I find it confusing?
  4. Oh, I tried about three weeks ago or so. I clicked on use multiple viewers inworld and then download Firestorm. It downloaded fine, but than I got an access denied window, so I took it out. My computer is heading towards it's seventh year since it's build; it's getting old I know but in this economy, can't get new pc right now, plus have had house maintenance issues that were very costly. Took a big chunk of saving for the new computer budget away. Not to mention we experienced a near monsoon after the Japan diasater that just about ruined most people's roofs, so we have new roof to budget for now, too. The force of the rain and the winds were near hurricane level. It was a horrific storm and one I have never experience the like of before, so pretty much ruined parts of roofing. I don't want to do uninstall/reinstall stuff just to try it, so that's why I'm asking for some info here. All I can say is I can try again to see if I can get two viewers on my machine, but not right now. I can try again tomorrow to see if I can get two viewers working and will get back with that answer tomorrow.
  5. Hi Firestorm users! Could you explain the differences between Firestorm and V2? I've never used Firestorm, and I know it's hard to describe visuals into words, but could you explain a little the differences, how it's better, how it's not better? What features are different? What visuals are different? What tools are different? etc.... ETA: I've also heard users say Firestorm is more stable. Could you explain what more stable actually means by trying to explain it to me in visual terms?
  6. I don't know what this means exactly "inventory lag"? Mine actually seems faster on the new update. I changed five times today because I couldn't decide what to wear, and that is unsual for me, as I usually change 2-3 times a week. But today I changed five times and it was great and fast with rez during changing, no probs for me. Hmmmmmm....? Anyhow, no, not on my end with the new update.
  7. This is was so funny, I almost fell out of my chair. Anyone want to hear me sing in Mermaid?
  8. Hi, My name is Mayalily. People call me Maya for short, but I would prefer to be called May for short. However, either one is okay with me, but my preference would be to be called May and I'm from California, USA.
  9. Oh, that's bizarre. I did see one avatar today going through the floor, but this avatar was a child with her Mother. I hang out with some Mom's sometimes because I am a SL Mom too, though mine are just newborns. Anyhow, the child avatar was going thru the floor while we were dancing, it could have been she did her shape wrong or something. But I've never seen anything like you are describing. Before this latest update of V2, people would rez as tiny's and then grow into giants; that was bizarre, but after running SL viewer today and after this new update, things seem pretty much back to normal. No more giants going thru the ceiling, and my chim was working great again. It was so bizarre before with that stopping and starting as I've never encountered that before. Mine is back and doing great. Hope yours is back, also. My AO's are doing fine and back to normal as well.
  10. Yes I have been updating every single time. I didn't know I had an option to do otherwise as so many things are transferring in SL every day, I thought these were kind of security updates or get rid of de bugs updates due to so much transference, not to mention we have our banking info in here somewhere. I'm very happy with the new V2 update; it has new tools and features; it's pretty cool. I can't complain, and the prim readings are back. I'm seeing shadows now, too, among other features, and I will keep updating, as I'm sure more features will be added. The only thing I don't like about the updates is SL keeps resetting my preferences after update, so that is a bit of a frustration, as SL runs fine with my preferences set the way I have them or like them. Is this what is bothering you Marrianne, that you get reset to default settings and have to do your preferences all over again with V2? Just wondering? But also wanted to add that yes V2 does now have some new features in this latest update so you might want to check that out.
  11. I'm not sure it is lag related because I am having the same problem both with AO stopping and starting as well as chim stopping and starting, and I never experienced that before. I wasn't sure what it was either? I've been having this issue for about 4-5 days with AO or Chim. I just got the new 2.8 update for V2 yesterday and some bug issues have been fixed with the new update as well as new tools added to the 2.8 update and I have to say it's pretty darn cool as far as a new update goes. I just love the new added on features. However, I did not have a chance yesterday to check out either AO or Chim after the update because I needed both AO off to go horseback riding and other things where an AO wasn't needed, and then I went to lunch with a friend on SL yesterday and didn't have any time to check or work my Chim. Anyhow, I will be checking AO's and my Chim today to see if this problem is fixed or if my AO and Chim got corrupted somehow because I am also having the stopping and starting AO or Chim difficulty and I never experienced that before. It's like jerky movements, and stops and starts at will? We are on different viewers, but I can attest to the fact, I'm having the same problem. ETA: I don't know exactly what you mean by standing on the ground, but I have noticed avatars rezzing as a tiny person, and then they grow into a giant, taller than the normal sized avatar. Is that what you mean? It's like Alice in Wonderland or something; small, then giant. That's the best I can describe this.
  12. Oh that's a good idea. I even have a book of all the great fairy paintings. I'll have to try to do that. I collect all kinds of fairy art in rl, so you and your sister did an excellent job! Just fantastic and very professional!
  13. Yes I like very much too because I am into Fae role play but don't have the money to go extravagant on SL at this time. But I liked your picture so much, I thought I might suggest that perhaps you could sell some as SL artwork as that was lovely! And, I tried looking for fairy artwork to put in my SL home, but came up empty-handed. I found a few, but nothing as artistic as yours.
  14. You need to place a little about your OS here, such as laptop or pc; windows or mac; if windows, which windows; etc.... Just place a little something here so people can help ya! You don't have to give away your whole system but people do need to at least know whether it's a laptop or pc, and which windows version you have. Okay, I'm going to try one more time with a question: What viewer do you have? You could start there.
  15. Okay, you're on XP. SL ran better for me after I did a disk clean-up (although I do have random probs from time to time as with SL you need to be very patient at times). To find your disk clean up, follow this path: All programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Clean up and chose run. To defragment on XP, follow the same path above, except chose defragment instead of disk clean up. Try the disk cleanup tho first as defragging usually needs to be run overnight because it takes a long time. Yet for me, SL was so much better after I did a simple disk cleanup. You could try the disk cleanup and see if it helps. Also, are you on a laptop, wireless, or what exactly? People need to know so they can try to help you here.
  16. Thanks Marrianne. There was a song called Marrianne that I love, but I don't know who it's by? It's not the old song Marrianne I came across when I tried to do a google search. I was going to play that song for you, but I can't find it, but I found some cute happy monkies photos for you. This is me, one happy monkey now that I finally have something for my windows. For Christmas time I may change to clear crystal stained glass and lace, that might look nice for the holidays. Oh, and I just happened to find this cute picture when I was trying to search for that song called Marrianne, but I can't find it!
  17. I think that was some kind of freaky fluke going on. I tried five times to pull it, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail. Then I clicked on my name and had to find it via the path under my username. That just must have been some kind of weird fluke going on this morning.
  18. Oh interesting, thanks for sharing this info, as well as to others for the info. However, you have to make sure you don't have automatically do updates or whatever it's called checked in your inworld preferences. Make sure to uncheck the automatic update 'thing'. I'm not sure what the default is with the viewer? Is the default set to automatically update, and then a user needs to uncheck that because I tried to over-ride an update just once, but then it automatically updated itself or it wouldn't let me log on. Learning something new everyday with SL, that's for sure. However, it's not really every time you turn around. It updates about every 7-10 days or so.
  19. I have to agree with you, but add more... it should be our right to know. Or maybe not... as not all these are not LL viewers but third party viewers. However, in our right to know, it should be spelled out if older pc's can even run mesh before we start spending a lot of money on SL items, and then get the BLACK SCREEN OF DEATH. I think I'll hold off on major purchases until we get more info on this as my computer may not be able to even handle this mesh thing? If I were LL, I wouldn't have gone with mesh in this economy. I would have created off shots of SECOND LIFE, and called these offshots SINGLE LIFE (a separate platform just for seriously looking singles) and MUSIC LIFE (music life could have gotten the backing of I Tunes and other things; it would/could have been great.)
  20. I read some of these TPV's haven't been updated in like a year and a half. I have no idea what's going on, but I'm sticking with V2 just as I started unless mesh is too difficult to work from me. If mesh is too difficult for my computer and the LL V2 viewer, I may have to go with Firestorm, I think it's called. Only time will tell what's going on here as there are so many different opinions and I have no idea how difficult this mesh thing is going to be for my computer. Windows wasn't really designed as a 3D platform. Windows is designed to be a sort of compacted filing cabinet, or was designed to replace the filing cabinet. The early Mac's and other Mac's were more designed with 3D modeling in mind. Bill Gates needs to catch up, imo. In these terrible ecomonic times, I'm not so sure it is a good idea to do this mesh thing and/or get rid of these other viewers as most people can't afford to update their OS right now just to include mesh.
  21. Google epiphany jewelry, it's gorgeous and it's platinum plated and not too expensive. I liked your poem, Dres. My sentiments, exactly. I can't get enough of them white hot metals; silver is considered the shiniest of all the metals and there are ways to keep it tarnish free. I've been investing in silver since it was like $4 U.S. dollars an ounce (in India that is thanks to eBay and being able to get silver so inexpensively; silver is still much cheaper on eBay). This silver is for an inheritance for my family tho. I have no intention of selling any silver. It will go to the next generation. This white metal collection is my gift to them after I am gone. I hope it's worth something someday for them! Who knows? I'd rather it be kept as family heirlooms, but when I go, it's up to them what they want to do with it - sell it or hold it for future valuation as I won't be here, but it's going to be left to them. Who's them, well my family. Thanks to everyone who liked my pic! I finally got windows for those empty hallway windows.... finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (this is an understatement about those windows!) Gorgeous last photos ladies, they are very serene and have a wonderful peaceful feeling to them. p.s. We might need a Vanity Thread II as I was having difficulty pulling up this thread in search? But it could just be SL acting up or somethin? Anyhow, I tried like five times just now and couldn't pull up the Vanity Thread. Vanity Thread II, anyone?
  22. No, I don't think your formula's compute too well in regards to gold and dollar. The low valuation of the dollar is due to Greenspan, but Bernanke has been no better. There are articles out this morning that Greece, even in spite of bailout packages and the gold you are posting here, is nearing 100% territory it (Greece) will default on it's loans, leaving that debt responsibility to Germany. Not to mention, Warren Buffet believes the euro will disintegrate altogether as it's not working too well. I wouldn't invest anything in the euro right now. I'd go long the dollar soon here tho if I had money to invest. And if I had money to invest, I'd go long the U.S. dollar, and short the euro. That's what I would do, but not exactly right at this juncture, but fairly close (a few months), if I had money to do this. Or perhaps I would go long the dollar and short the euro today if I was brave enough. I'm not, but if I had the money, I'd do it fairly soon. http://www.cnbc.com/id/43876647 However, this is not to say that the USA isn't nearly heading towards the same boat of uncertain debt. I think gold is going up because of fear, and because we are having a new type of war, and it's called global banking wars. (oh and this default spell checker on SL forums wants me to capitalize the words dollar and the euro, that's why I have euro and dollar capitalized at times, but I don't think either are capitalized? Not sure on that one, but the spell checker here seems to want the word dollar capitalized. Dollar capitalized, now that sounds funny!) I think gold is skyrocketing because of fear and global banking "wars". Through all this, it's called breathe and take it one day at a time. Not much else the world can do right now. I still think they should let Greece go tho. I feel like Moses on that one.
  23. I don't agree that the U.S. government takes actions on our behalf. I'd agree they take actions on their behalf. And I don't agree that any of the little people of any government represents 'them' (them, the people). No governments represent themselves on our behalf whether we like it or not.
  24. No, the EU is no better shape than the U.S. You haven't heard that Greece has had bailout packages? Greece, Italy, Portugal, Ireland, Spain (those are the ones I know of for now) ALL want out of the EU and the Euro as those countries are all teetering on defaulting on their debts. Greece should be allowed out of the EU imo, as Greece is a basically a club med country. About 50% of jobs in Greece are tourist related and about 50% of people who work in Greece work in the tourist industry. With the Euro so high, people aren't vacationing in Europe so much anymore, but I know some who are chomping at the bit to go to Europe when the Euro starts tanking. Also, you haven't heard about all the rioting that's been going on in Greece because of this nonsense, as Greece wants out of the EU as do other countries. Greece has been rioting for months because Greece doesn't want the bailout packages; they just want out (of the Euro and EU) so they are rioting. Also, with the Euro and the EU having such incredible debt default issues, the Euro doesn't seem to be devaluing all that much at least not yet, so with all this debt in the EU and all this gold, something doesn't jive here as it relates to currency that seems to be spoken about in this thread. If what you all are saying is true, then the same thing would be happening in the EU with all it's current default issues, bailout packages, and risky near junk level status debt for some of it's countries. I think Greece was rated as near junk level. The other countries: Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy not running too far behind that status. A junk rating means more or less it's certain they cannot pay back the loans for the bailouts they are receiving from the EU yet the Euro has been fairly stable in price, with the exception of a few quick drops, but the Euro recovered and has stayed fairly flat for a long time, even though people are rioting in the streets.
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