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Everything posted by Mayalily

  1. Duh, I know you have free health care, but it takes months to get an appointment because of it. People waiting for days, weeks, months. If a tooth needs out, it needs out, so yes it's clearly been documented that people have had to resort to pulling their own teeth. I for one am so glad we won our freedom from the tyranny of Kings of Queens. What utter rubbish. The Queen is taking 82 million in a U.S. dollar figure a year for doing nothing. In comparison, our President makes 4.5 million a year. So yes, people do take America over England, anyday! Get over it! lol And I'll bid 1 dollar on those 40 euro's from Jo because pretty soon they are only going to be nuttin' but collector's items. http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/166694/20110621/euro-collapse-end-of-euro-eurozone-greece-jean-claude-juncker-italy.htm The debt outlook don't look too rosy for England anywhere on the internet: http://www.debtbombshell.com/ I'm like so duh at your response because I wrote I know doctors in RL who worked in England but now reside completely in America. So I'm still like, duh. I know doctors. What more do I need to tell you?
  2. I'd don't think the USA would actually release how much money it has. Let alone do we know how much Steve Jobs alone takes out of that Apple as his salary but I'd bet it's quite a ginormous bite. A lot of political things merely exist for one sole reason: to manipulate the stock market and cause panic. People make money shorting stocks (shorting means you make money also when stocks, commodities, currencies go down). That anthrax scare is one example of pure manipulation. The stock companies that had the antidote to anthrax were going up 8000%, 12000%, 15000%, etc. And, I called the FBI and I said I think it's these companies who are planting the anthrax. And guess what, it turned out I was right - that the stock companies that had the anthrax antidote were actually the ones that planted the anthrax scare in the first place. They murdered people to manipulate the stocks and make themselves rich. This is just time stalling so the elite can buy puts and make loads of moola when the market does down. It's a lot of manipulated bs, but people fall for it every single day, and it never stops, bird flu, swine flu, it's always going to be something to manipulate the stock market for the world's global government elite. This has got to be one of the worst. We are having a major global slowdown due to machines replacing the need for workers; it's not just happening in America; it's happening everywhere around the world. The euro could completely collapse. England has been far worse off than America with it's tax level to support some outdated monarchy breeding nonsense. I've heard of people in England who have to pull their own teeth with a string attached to a door. At least America is not that bad, yet. Hopefully, we won't get as bad as England. Good doctors don't even want to work in England because of all the backlog and most of their hard earned money going to taxes. ETA: The horror stories of the taxes and the horrific health care among so many other horror stories come from people I know in rl who have both lived and worked both in England and America. They said they'd chose America anyday. I think the America people will definately get through this, and rise and shine.
  3. ((rofl)) It's 95 dollars, now it's 6 dollars, now it's 75 dollars, now it's 5 dollars rofl! Yeah, that about sums it up. I think I can make an inworld 10 dollars stretch to about 75 dollars on Marketplace. So I said: SOLD! I'd have to say Marketplace is what sold me on SL. It rawks.
  4. Well Marketplace is like eBay to me because I'm a keyword searcher. I love keyword searching with both eBay and SL Marketplace and I can put in words like glitter, pink, lilac, rose, all sorts of cool keywords on Marketplace and eBay, but the keywords in the inworld guide in comparison to Marketplace are horrible. It's also an incredible time saver. I think I have saved hundreds of hours of useless searching BECAUSE Marketplace exists. So, in that sense, Marketplace is like eBay to me because of the incredible search engine Marketplace has. I think it would have taken me three years to find what I have found in four months on Marketplace. Big difference there. People want easy browsing for shopping. That's just the way the world has turned; it's a time saver for the comparison shopper also, as I do find the prices higher inworld than on Marketplace. I'm not paying no 600 to 800 lindens for shoes. No how, no way. We are like little dollies, but these little dolly things can sure add up. Before you know it inworld with 4 items, you've spent 10 dollars. I can make that 10 dollars go a lot further on Marketplace that is for sure! And I mean a lot further. That gives me more money to pay the entertainment because when the entertainment goes down there isn't much to do is there? I'd rather spend my money keeping SL entertainment alive; I think that is a far greater necessity.
  5. ((rofl)) Maybe they don't have as much culture there because it rains a lot? lol Anyhow, nice to see English people getting to enjoy a nice swim with an orchestra floating. I live in a place where the average rainfall is about 9 inches a year, so I don't know much about rain. Rain is okay, but I don't like a lot of rain nor humidity. Yes, I'm American, I don't do centimeters. ty for sharing Dillion.
  6. Yes pretty much what Ceres and Keli said, it makes me think they need a shower and need to wash their clothes if they only have one outfit. I vote for you getting at least four to five other suits, so you look clean and fresh. But who are we really to vote for you? We can only give you our opinion, but the no changing thing makes me think of get them there stinky clothes off, throw 'em in the wash, and put something clean and crisp on. Why don't you change into jeans and a white shirt once in awhile if I may ask? Nothing sexier than a man in jeans and crisp clean white shirt, imo. Just pretend it's casual Friday. Why not? You haven't given us a reason as to why not change, Kolby? ETA: In your OP you asked how many outfits we have. I have hundreds, that can turn into hundreds more because I mix and match and create my own sort of outfit most of the time. I rarely wear an outfit that came from one folder; my outfits usually come from at least 4-5 differing folders. I love making my own sort of creation that way.
  7. Okay, let me go login to the viewer and see what's up. Let me clear my cache, etc, and then I will report back here. ETA Update: Clearing cache is not necessary, but at first I thought it was because I remember having around 7200 thousand items about a week ago, but now I have over 7600 thousand. It reduced it by about 400. I was hoping to get back around the 7300 thousand level at most as I haven't bought that many things recently. Before the SL8 birthday I was at about 5000 thousand, now I'm at 7600 thousand. I haven't bought that many things in a month? My inventory does keep jumping way up since the SL8 birthday. I have in no way bought 2600 thousands items including notecards, instructions, separate items and landmarks in a one month time period. Something still does not compute nor seem logical?
  8. Marketplace is what completely sold me on joining SL. Marketplace is amazing! It's the eBay of the virtual worlds but even way better, and I don't know if I could love Marketplace anymore than I already do. Marketplace brought me here and keeps me here. I get lots of enjoyment out of browsing and buying on Marketplace. Now, I'm not a merchant, so if you wanted just a merchant's perspective that would be for the merchant's section as I'm not a merchant and most likely never will be a merchant unless I come up with something very unique or decide I'd like to design clothes or furniture, but I really have no desire too learn 3D design right now. Maybe one day, I don't know?
  9. Mine is not very exciting at all. I saw the rollercoaster and I saw the red dress period costume on the SL front page, and I wanted to log in so I could ride that rollercoaster and buy that red dress period costume with the mask. Not too exciting, eh? I also fell in love with Marketplace! I was sold by these: virtual rollercoaster (I wanted to see how it would work), incredibly gorgeous period costumes, and especially Marketplace. I think Marketplace really sold it for me because I thought oh the rollercoaster will be fun, but this Marketplace deal here could be endless. So I was really sold by Marketplace, though was intrigued to see how a virtual rollercoaster would work.
  10. Is it closed business meetings? But even if that, I don't consider that particularly "safe". This is only my opinion. We had a hacker break into our Paypal account once already in our lifetime, and I hope that never happens again. How these hackers do these things, I have no idea? This could have been someone who once worked for Paypal when it happened to my rl bf and I, who knows? Why exactly do you think you need your real name shown since you are asking the question? ETA: The authorities may know who did this hacking into Paypal, but they never told us who it was. They charged a bunch of things on goodwill.com including beds and other items, and we (my rl bf and I) never heard of nor ever visited goodwill.com. The authorities never even told us what happened. It all just happens on the credit card end. But it was scary. Be wary.
  11. Thank you so much Ceres. I'm so happy to hear it's not a breeding virus of some sort. What a relief. :matte-motes-smile:
  12. I have inventory growth again of about 800 items. Recently I have bought some things, but that should have added at most about 70 items including landmarks and notecards to my inventory, not 800. Anyone have any idea why my inventory jumped in the last week from about 7200 to over 8000? I in no way bought 800 items in the last week. Wondering what's going on here? Hope not a virus breeding in my inventory or something else breeding in my inventory?
  13. Cool Cerice. I never knew that existed. Now I like gestures in certain sims because they are classy with them and it's funny and definitely not overdone. There was a live performance I went to once and the gesture spam by one person was so annoying and took away the whole sound of the live performer I had to keep asking her to please stop but she wouldn't. I kept asking kindly, but no go, and then I finally said: Mayalily gets out her gun and shots so and so's GESTURE INVENTORY to smithereens. That finally shut her up and the live performance finally went on. Now, I know about turning off gesture spam as I hadn't known about this option before. But for the most part, people are usually very classy with gestures and I find them funny, but they are not funny when they drown out the whole performance of a live entertainer. I was like where did this person learn manners? Jail?
  14. Oh, well we were both so busy with RL, I think I said I had IM chat lag, and that you might have a fix for me for that. However, you may have said you have a fix for me about double click as I had too much RL stuff happening to give you my complete attention in IM yesterday. Anyhow, thanks for the help yesterday, Dres. I think overall the tools are easy to figure out; the IM chat lag, not so much. However, I don't have IM chat lag on V2, so I don't see how with Firestorm it could be a LL problem? I'm assuming they have voice on Firestorm due to the IM chat lag... it could be, it could be not, but it is a logical conclusion nontheless as again I have no IM chat lag on LL's V2.
  15. Yes, that's the perfect term, greyed out. Yes, in v2, the area for shadows is currently greyed out. I had bought some things with shadows attached and that's where that confusion came into play. I will write down in my notebook what Void is trying to say to do in the post above and check it out asap.
  16. Yes, my first experience with Firestorm is LOVE IT! It loads so fast, it's unbelievable! The only prob I had was IM chat lag, not local chat lag. I IM'd Dres, and he thinks he may have a solution for me about the IM chat lag, so we'll see, as we both had to log off and get back to real life. So I will wait to see what Dres has up his sleeve for me to try as far as reducing IM chat lag. As far as what you described in your post above mine Tamara, is it seems double clicking seems to be some kind of a faster shortcut to do certain things. I may be able to reinstall double click. I'll have to check that out at a later time.
  17. Okay, I got Firestorm added on my computer along with LL V2, so I have both now. I think I was blocked access due to that software obsolete issue, as I was blocked access to other downloads when that software on my computer went obsolete. From what I can tell so far everything works with single click, and yes my double click feature seems to be unworkable. But in Firestorm, single click is just fine from my first trial here. The tools don't seem all that difficult; the graphics and loading time was super fantastic! I've never loaded or been able to teleport that fast before. The only I got was terrible IM chat lag, perhaps that's why Firestorm has a lot of voice? Not really sure about the chat prob here with Firestorm but I feel like a chicken pecking at keys. Chat IM is very slow, local chat much faster. My first impression overall is that it is great, with the only exception of IM chat lag. ETA: Tamara, we posted at the same time, so we had a crossover posting, i.e., posting at the same time, so this post might read a little funny. Now I need to read Tamara's post. hehehe
  18. I don't know, Dres? I've already posted I tried to bring up the destination guide with a double click this morning and it would not work. The only way for me to find out if Firestorm is double click only, is for someone to go into Firestorm viewer and start single clicking on things and let me know if single clicking works in the Firestorm viewer or not, and then post that info here such as Firestorm works both with double click and single click because the woman in the tutorial said to double click and then do such and such. In the meanwhile, I will double check if my viewer says allow multiple viewers and then I will try to install Firestorm again. I'll update on whether my computer will allow two viewers or not.
  19. Oh security updates are mandatory, that's good to know. Also wanted to add: The shadows are NOT enabled in my V2 viewer yet. I just purchased some items with shadows. The shadow area option in my V2 preferences neither opens nor closes, it is just stationary with an inability to change it right now. They could still be working on it as I tried to get a drop down menu on something that said shadows but I got no drop down menu, so that was my bad, unless shadows are somewhere else?...
  20. Oh, yes, I did uncheck that, as I pretty much thought double clicking was obsolete, and that is also why I removed the program called double click because I never use double click anymore. I prefer the single click life. So, I can only work Firestorm with double click because she was saying "double click" and then do a _______________ fill in the blank. Do you know if Firestorm is a double click program only because she did say double click and then do such and such. I also don't know if I ruined my computer here by removing that program called double click, but my thought was double click is obsolete, as I work almost all things without double click? So I don't know if I'm screwed or not. lol /me wonders if I need to reinstate some kind of double click on my computer, not SL? I don't know yet? I guess the only way for me to find out is to recheck the double click inside viewer and see if that works or not. I'll get back with update report on that involving SL viewer n double clicking. ETA, update on double click: As far as what I can see in preferences there is only an area to uncheck double click when teleporting. Every thing I use on SL I use single click. Did I screw myself up here by removing double click program from my computer? :matte-motes-crying:
  21. It's possible Dres that a pc entering it's 7th year since build may find two viewers too hard to run. I typed in Google search bar: what is the average lifespan of a pc and came across some answers that said the average is 5 years, and for gamers 2 years. Two years for gamers? That's too much in this economy for me to afford to be a gamer, so I hope that is not true! Unless they meant you have to upgrade more often if you are gamer. We are thinking of putting a new hard drive in as well as a new graphics chip as our heating system can handle a new graphics chip, but finding that graphics chip could be the hard part! Once we calculate new hard drive, graphics, plus possibly updating windows, we could be looking at about $250 dollars plus tax. That's almost half the cost of a new pc. Without an upgrade of windows, the cost would be around $100 dollars, if we can indeed located the correct graphics chip. Also, I think I may have made a big goof about three days ago when I ran my spybot search and destroy (this is a new program to me so I didn't know what I was doing) but guess what I deleted double click as I thought double click was no longer necessary as I can work things with a single click. To answer your question about what I didn't understand about the video you shared Dres, well let me tell you what I remember: I remember her saying something about a "bridge" (did not understand?) but what I did understand is that she said to DOUBLE CLICK. I just checked my double click in SL and it does not work; only single click. So is this Firestorm workable by double click only? And if so, how do I restore double click? When I tried to double click on the destination guide this morning, it appeared for like a nano second and then disappeared. When I single clicked on the destination guide, it appeared. Fluke? Or did I make a big goof here by removing double click? I thought double click was an outdated thing and no longer needed on pc's? Little confused about this one as I looked for double click download and it said downloaded by six people...six people that's hardly anyone? ETA: I did not understand anything else from the video you shared Dres, but Venus' video was better as it showed what tools she was working with what, but I had no idea WHY she was hiding things like home for example, etc, etc? And also, when I was going thru all those tickets from Microsfot and that obsolete software issue, I was getting denied for other types of downloads as well, that's why I thought perhaps it was denied as other things were denied as well that are not related to SL. Our computer was just screwy, but it's better now.
  22. Hi, I can't access the forums. Is it maintenance time for the forums?
  23. The reason I would like to try it is to see if it is more stable, and/or possibly better for my computer as my computer is heading into it's seventh year since build. Estimated time for budgeting new computer we have set for about 18 months, so that's a ways away yet. Anyhow, just wanted to see if it is better/easier to run, etc., especially since I have an old clunker. Well, it's getting there.
  24. Oh yes, okay. Yeah, I'm going to pause to understand as it goes very fast. I will try again tomorrow to allow multiple viewers and see if I can get access. I have no idea why access was denied unless it had to do with the software that recently went obsolete in my computer. However, that obsolete software has been removed and other computer issues are fixed now, so let me try tomorrow to see if I can get multiple viewers working now that I've had a computer cleanup/overhaul.
  25. Voice, an issue? Not on a personal level no, technological level it could be, but that is how all things are when learning; it takes time that's for sure. I know a person who doesn't even know where to find the tools menu on IE or that a tools menus even exists for IE. So, I'm not that bad. lol
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