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Everything posted by Mayalily

  1. It's hard to say if killing zombies is "sexy". I think the killing zombies video would have had an equal impact whether it were a man or a woman. The woman was attractive but I don't see the guns as making her sexy because she is fighting zombies, and Zombie movies and Vampire movies I completely avoid; they are not my thing. I like drama, comedy, and foreign films. I don't even like action films except a few exceptions like Lethal Weapon; well, Mel Gibson in his younger days is a plus to the Lethal Weapon movies. Mel Gibson just looks sexy to me no matter what role he has played, guns or not.
  2. Oh yeah sure Void, most of our vocabulary has brackets around the words. It's a type of journalistic "code", if you prefer the parenthesis. As though we need to go here again. No, not really. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/code
  3. Yes, I pretty much agree. They remain attractive with or without the guns or weapons, so I really don't get it as an accessory bridge to sexiness. On the other hand though, it does conatate a sense of an independent woman in a visual MMO world. What's inside a person (their soul, heart, mind) is what is really "sexy" (attractive) in the long run either as for a friend or a potential mate. ETA: Sexy is often used to describe "attractive", not just sexual, such as certain stocks that have an attractive valuation are described as "sexy"; however, a stock is not a sexy thing visually but these stocks are often called sexy because there is something attractive in them that people want to take "a look" or it peaks their interest. The word sexy has a lot of differing meanings in today's modern world; just wanted to clarify that I may use the term sexy differently than other's do.
  4. Oh I see, I had no idea gV was a forum? I thought that was one of Storm's codes like sic or other abbreviations he uses. Anyhow, similar story but different. My sister used to take off her clothes and go running down the street buck naked. It upset me a lot for some reason when I was about 5 years old. Don't ask me why? It just did. I didn't want my little sister running around naked on the sidewalk. We always caught her and she had to put something on. I don't even remember if she was talking at that time, but she loved to try to run down the street naked all the time. She finally grew out of that though. We were all kind of pleased about that. And yes, America is very different than Europe. In Europe, whole families can skinny dip in lakes, etc.
  5. Yes thanks for sharing your reason here because my first instinct was it is kind of hard to answer because of 1) We cannot see the picture ourselves, and 2) It could be a naturist, as Immy has said she is. Not to mention 3) Different cultures/countries. But since the picture was not posted, it could lead to thinking why can't it be posted? So, was a tough question to answer because of no photo, and that leds to thinking if photo is not allowed then it must be bad. So was a bit of an odd thread because there wasn't much to go on here to really make an informed decision without an actual photo to go by.
  6. Are you protecting your wardrobe from Keli? (p.s. That other thread was too funny, and I didn't have time to reply!)
  7. Yes but that doesn't explain the what or why is it sexy? I could say I like or don't like pizza, but people wouldn't have any idea why, unless I told them it's the cheese I like about pizza. Not to mention I really only like New York thin style pizza and/or veggie Sicilian style pizza. I don't like American style pizza very much at all except for the cheese, but East Coast pizza is pretty darn good, but I'm West Coast so hardly get any New York Style pizza.
  8. I think you look sexy there Venus. What I'm wondering from Storm when he posted that picture though, is would the women still be as sexy without the weapons? Imo, I think all these photos would look just as sexy without the weapons. So I'm looking for why it is more sexy with the weapons and then explain why, such as is it power like that BDSM power, or is it something else?
  9. Everything? Could you explain? I'm wondering if you like the braless look or the force of a women saying "get in here".
  10. What is sexy about women with weapons? I often come across photos like these and was looking for opinions as to why women with weapons are sexy? If you think it's sexy to see women all geared with weapons, could you explain why you find it sexy. Also, if you don't find it sexy and find it a turn off, could you please explain. Thanks for thoughtful replies! You can't see the other photo, but it is of a women with weapons also.
  11. No, nudity does not equal sexual otherwise we wouldn't go to museums or take kids to museums, but putting a picture of nude young girls on one's desktop photo that they are always looking at is odd and unusual behavoir. What do they find interesting about it that they'd put it on their desktop photo? Did they say?
  12. I think it's exciting and new, but was sad to hear in this thread it's going to take high end builders to do this as some posters said in this thread, that could drive up the costs way too high, as there would be less creators then. I've already stated I'm excited and nervous about it, as I think most likely I'll need a new computer build to run it (but I need one of those anyways soon), I'm just wondering if the current computer specs listed to run V2 will remain the same once mesh is fully here? If I get a new computer build in six months, I hope it will be the correct one to run and work mesh properly. Me, being not a builder and part of my name a complete coincidence to the Maya software (as I was looking for a name with May in it but all were taken of the other ones I tried), I know nothing of the technology of it. But if costs are driven too high because of less creators, that could just end up sending people to basic?
  13. I love lavender, how gorgeous! Me, to several beaches and art festivals, such as the one in the following link: The Pageant of the Master's is beyond magnificent! It's too hot anywhere else nearby, but the whole California coastline is pretty gorgeous, cool and calming. Oh and Laguna Beach puts out a parade of orchids everywhere. It's so gorgeous with all the orchids everywhere! http://www.sawdustartfestival.org/ Here's a link to the pictures from The Pageant of the Master's. Real people dress up as the painting and have to be motionless for a long time; it's quite amazing. These might look like paintings but they're not; they're real people. http://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hl=en&source=hp&biw=1115&bih=567&q=laguna+beach+pageant+of+the+masters&btnG=Search+Images&gbv=2&oq=laguna+beach+pageant+of+the+masters&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=s&gs_upl=0l0l0l3673l0l0l0l0l0l0l0l0ll0l0
  14. Well, the loans were so cheap, meaning they were interest only loans so the payment was about $500 a month on what was really an inflated housing bubble price of a mortgage more like $4000 dollars a month once the interest only time period ran it's course, and the real mortgage price kicked in. The homes were not worth that much; it was a bubble caused by speculators trying to flip properties for a quick profit, which Greenspan opened the opportunity to do by getting interest rates down to their lowest level in 40 years at the time of real estate bubble. It eventually became a pyramid scheme this house flipping, and somebody always gets stuck at the top with no where else to sell. They reached the top of the pyramid and then it all collapsed. I suspect it was a way to get property taxes for a while to support the Bushes administrations "war effort". These people are a bunch of talking heads. There are a lot of people "in the shadows" and we (the little people) have no idea who these people are. One who does stand out from the shadows though is Greenspan. I blame the housing bubble on Greenspan, and then the greedy and under-handed loan officers took over from there. As far as your OP, the economy already has effected my SL. I try to stay on budget, but even if I spent one dollar a day, that still adds up to 30 U.S. dollars a month, and I still think that is a little too much to spend on an internet world. I think about $20.00 U.S. a month for an internet world seems a little more sane to me. I'm not paying what it costs for a loaf of bread for a pair of dolly shoes. I mean these items can be copied so easily, that some of these prices merchants charge aren't worth it. I'd rather give a loaf of bread or some eggs to our local food bank in our neighborhood. I'll buy something if it is a reasonable price; but if it's too expensive for something that can be copied over and over; I'm not spending my money; it's too selfish for me to do that, imo, not to mention other dealers have just as cute or cuter items at a far more reasonable price. About $20.00 dollars a month is what I would like to get my SL down too, and if I can't tip that much, I can't tip that much. I'd like to stick to my budget as I'd like to have a RL too and RL entertainment also. ETA: I wish they would change that "linden loving" thing to "give what you can", as money in no way equates how much someone "loves" nor does it reflect how talented the rl person is who is providing the entertainment. People give what they can and I don't like "love" attached to the linden too much. That linden loving thing becomes a big turn off to me at times. Big turn off. That linden loving thing is one of the reasons I haven't taken a job as a hostess. I just don't like it. I think they should change it too "give what you can to help support _______________" fill in the blank. I'd prefer to be a manager, at least a manager does something for the club to help newbies. I help newbies more than some hostesses do, and I'm not the one getting paid. I'm often like why should I pay a hostess when I do more work than they do? I'm in IM helping newbies, not them. This is the big turn off for me about SL. Hostess' should be supported by the club owners. I don't really see a need to pay a hostess as much as a Dj, as the Dj is the one providing the entertainment and doing most of the work. I'm helping newbies more than the hostesses, so why should I pay them? I'm beginning to ask myself this question. I'm working; they're dancing with their boyfriend or girlfriend and playing linden loving gestures, while ignoring the newbies.
  15. Another interesting thing about Lucille Ball is that she didn't buckle under the pressure of society at that time that was basically saying to her "you're a Mother now, you should be home with your children (referring to Lucy and Desi; their real life children), and stop being an actress. She refused to buckle under the pressure handed to her about that. She was a pioneer for the early working (celebrity) Mom, and the I Love Lucy is almost the early prototype of what we now call "Reality TV" as the I Love Lucy shows incorporated aspects of her own real life children in them, and the struggle between being a Mom and wanting to be an actress too, as shown in the Vitametavegimin episode, as what Lucy Ricardo really wanted was to be an actress and a Mom too, as did Lucille Ball. Notice how she changes her name to her maiden name in the Vitametavegimin episode. Maiden name in that episode could refer to "not being a Mom", therefore it's okay to have a career. Lucille Ball received tremendous flack at that time for not being just a stay at home Mother. There are lots of biographies on her, and her children say she was pretty great Mom, but not perfect. No one is perfect, but she was a pretty amazing women for the time, and an incredible Comedian for all time. Lucille Ball's motto could be described as "don't tell me I can't". She refused to listen to that, and said instead "Yes, I can, and I'll even show you, too". And, that she did.
  16. I think Vitamegavegimun is the absolute funniest. But my rl family has "it's everybody's birthday" events and it's so roll on the floor funny, we always get to laughing about I Love Lucy shows. I think "She's a-My Birthday Too" was most likely filmed while Lucy was in Italy; perhaps doing the extremely hilarious grape foot stomping. Lucille Ball may have actually been away from "little ricky" or "little Desi" in real life when they did this episode. It shows Lucy extremely sweet and vulnerable side too. She was a strong cookie and an ultimate professional at her craft. She was amazing, but not perfect. I heard she had her flaws too just like anyone else. But, Happy Birthday, Lucille Ball. Amazing talent.
  17. I love Lucy! This is my favorite: She's-a My Birthday Too My rl family has everybody's birthday's together, and we call them "She's-a My Birthday Too" every time in remembrance of Lucy. Love Vitametavegimin too!
  18. Oh, I see. Well it does sound a little unfair for all your avatars. Isn't there a way to make a compromise, such as keep the V1 code to show the invisiprims, but also make sure that all items that do have invisiprims are listed correctly in Marketplace and inworld, to at least slowly faze out the design of these invisiprims. And when I say they are unsightly, I mean mostly on furniture or gardens, things like that because the avatar has to be close to the object for the prims to rez, otherwise they look like a bunch of blurry lines if the avatar is standing far way; that's why I don't like them as they don't look like objects, they look like blurry lines of nothing. But anyhow, we all feel the pain here because it sounds like if we get a new mesh avatar, we need mesh type clothing? Some things about these changes are still undefined in many ways to me, especially to us who are not creators but just customers. Invisiprims should be listed in the description of the item on Marketplace though; that should be a requirement, especially with furniture or garden items, etc.
  19. Feel free to post pictures here. lol (if they are allowed, that is). Sounds like fun, so I hope you have tons of fun!
  20. Do we need to get alpha layers to support our whole wardrobe and avatar that we currently have because of mesh? Yes or no, with an explantion would be appreciated.
  21. So now we have to wear alpha layers or get alpha layers for all the things we already own? Huh, say what? ETA: I posed the question of whether we have to wear alpha layers for our current wardrobe items and avatar in the answers section, and the answer was no we don't unless we get another avatar; but for furries, dinosaurs, etc, might be different, perhaps because they don't have the original skin, or something like that?
  22. Regarding invisprims, imo, it's good if LL gets rid of them because they are unsightly. And, although someone said "creators aren't to blame", well of course they are, they don't even list invisprims in their items on Marketplace. It doesn't say invisiprims, it says prims, and there is no explanation of invisiprims in their description of Marketplace. But if LL gets rid of them, it's good imo, invisiprims are not visually attractive, they are a nusance. So yes, creators are responsible for writing out an appropriate description of what they are selling.
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