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Everything posted by Mayalily

  1. I was thinking pretty much the same thing that with a bad internet connection, no viewer may work. If I had a bad internet connection, I'd talk to my ISP about that one! lol Or change companies altogether.
  2. What do you mean by a bad internet connection? Also, LL V2 has been rendered useless to my older computer for the last two days and since the OP says he has a bad internet connection, my opinion is the OP should go with Firestorm. LL V2 just keeps getting worse, not better. Firestorm is the way to go until some of these bugs get worked out with LL V2, imo.
  3. Yes, that's true, but to get prepared for when the V1 viewer stops working, the Firestorm Community is running a serious of videos right now on how to customize Firestorm like Phoenix. To find the videos on You Tube, follow this path - You Tube, and then type in the You Tube search box 'Firestorm how to customize like Phoenix" and that should bring up several video tutorials for you on how to customize Firestorm like Phoenix. This is just an FYI, in case you want to start watching the video tutorials on how to customize like Phoenix just to see if you like it before the lights go out completely, and as Peggy said, probably by January. I told a club owner yesterday about the tutorials (which I just recently saw on the Firestorm viewer when opening) about this customization, and she was pretty thrilled to hear Firestorm could be customized like Phoenix. Here's one link: You might want when you have some time to download Firestorm and try some of the customizing like Phoenix tutorials on You Tube to see how you like it. I'm not sure if this is the exact link to finding the tutorials on how to customize Firestorm like Phoenix, so if they aren't, someone else may know how you find the derned videos. lol Anyhow, sorry I didn't write down the url to the You Tube videos yesterday when I was on Firestorm. But they are on You Tube somewhere? ETA: okay I found the url, here it is: http://youtube.com/user/phoenixviewers. ETA: the link says not found, but I think I wrote the url down correctly in my notebook? hmmmmmmm? Anyhow, if you download Firestorm today, you should be able to pick up the correct url they are running on Firestorm right now that directs you to where the customize like Phoenix tutorials are on You Tube, hopefully. lol Or maybe they just forget to put a www in the link.
  4. Looks better! You might want to run your disk cleanup in XP. How often do you run your disk cleanup? Once I ran disk cleanup, SL ran so much better I couldn't believe it! It cleared up a lot of problems for me, except for the past two days where I was thinking MESS IS HERE or something? I've NEVER had avatars rezz like they rezzed in the photos above and stay that way for hours!
  5. It could be, it could be not. I'll post some pics in this thread, to help determine if mesh is here or not because it kind of looked like mesh or mess to me, and the avatars just would not rez at all over the past two days until I switched to Firestorm today, which was great! I saw all the avatars today on Firestorm. Does any of this look like mesh, or not? I took the photos thinking I was seeing mesh problems for the first time. The avatars remained that way for two hours; that's not normal, let alone taking into account, Firestorm rezzed all the avatars today.
  6. Oh yeah I downloaded the latest update from LL V2 and I had to stop using it because I had greyed out blobs, and I said in local chat "I think mesh is here" lol. Of course, not really knowing if mesh is here or not, but it seemed that way. See link I posted above and try that. Once I did a disk cleanup both XP and Viewer 2 were so much better. We had a cross over post, so the link is above the one I'm answering too here if that makes sense. It has the pathway to find your disk cleanup in XP, and your system defragmenter, although this may not be the problem, but it never hurts to run your disk cleanup. Defragmenting takes long and you have to do that pretty much overnight. But disk cleanup takes from what I remember not much more than a half an hour. However, this is mesh month, and we all could encounter some strange things. I know I have over the past two days, even before the latest update for V2. However, the update was there yesterday when things started going screwy, but I updated V2 today, and it was no better, so I switched to Firestorm today, and it was better, even though another user on Firestorm said she was having a weird time with her friends list showing people were online when they weren't. I was in IM's for a long time today so I didn't notice the friend online or not thing, but otherwise Firestorm worked great today.
  7. What viewer do you have and do you have Windows or not? If you have Windows XP, or anything below Windows 7, you can try the troubleshooting in this thread. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Are-You-Crashing-A-Lot-Try-This/td-p/1014983 If you don't have Windows, you need to let people know which viewer and a little about your OS, but at least start with Windows.
  8. The best explanation is in Clare's post and link, imo. Part of the link reads: The evolution of the Internet troll was a slow process which began as computer users started to more widely adopt the Internet. At first, the term referred merely to someone who was “trolling” for a response or opinion, in the same way that fishing boats cast out large nets to troll for a catch. Over time, trolls grew more aggressive, and the term began to be used specifically to refer to someone irritating or hurtful. In this sense, a troll could be compared to the nasty creatures of Scandinavian mythology which are also known as trolls. And my sig says a lot about trolls, imo. Ugly is as ugly does; that's my simplified version of a troll. 
  9. Aren't there some fantasy groups you could join? Also, going with just the title of your thread, my answer would be no as there are no shoulds in SL, other than common sense and common courtesy, and acting accordingly to the sims owner's requests. As far as people IMing you about your RL, there are no shoulds that you have to answer any of their questions.
  10. Yes, that's true Marrianne about things being named something they really aren't. That's why I suggested she do a keyword search first and if she remembered anything about the name of her favorite hair. However, I just did a search in my inventory and all hair folders mostly had the word hair; a few did not, but it brought up the folders and the names of the other hair because either the landmark or the notecard had the word hair. To the OP: You should be able to locate most of your hair folders by typing in the word hair, and you find a lot of free hair in there you never knew you had already, as those are default freebies we all get. Also to the OP: You can find other default freebies in your inventory that we all get by typing in the word eyes for example. There are a lot of default freebie eyes in your inventory also. Once you located the hair you love, in order to not lose it again, right click on the folder name, and an option window should appear. Once the option window opens when you right click on a folder, chose RENAME, and then rename your folder into something you can remember, such as MY FAVORITE HAIR, or HAIR, MY FAVORITE, Black, for some examples. Renaming your folders helps keep you from losing track of your stuff. It's best to rename your folders in a way that YOU think and know you will remember them.
  11. :matte-motes-evil-invert::matte-motes-evil-invert::matte-motes-evil-invert::matte-motes-evil-invert::matte-motes-evil-invert:
  12. If you're not sure, then delete it, and then empty trash can. If you want free hair there are some on Marketplace. Or at least there was when I got a box of free hair. The first thing you want to do is to find the hair you love, so to do that type in the word hair in your inventory search box, and that will pull up all the hair you have in your inventory. Also, since you are saying this is a lot of hair, I highly doubt you'd need that much, and you probably could find free hair on Marketplace if you decided later you wanted some. ETA: Also, you are not allowed to put a user name. Delete the user name from your post, and just delete the hair from your inventory since you are unsure about this gift. The only time you want to remember a username in this instance is to file an abuse report if indeed you did get griefed. In my case, I had to alert the landlord with the name, not the forum. If the person keeps bugging you, you might want to tell them you are not interested in free hair right now and that way they will probably stop bothering you. As again, there is free hair on Marketplace if you decide later you might want some.
  13. You can see name tags thru walls and things but not an avatar. But, just because you can see a nametag does not mean they can see you. Not to my knowledge, anyhow? I've only seen this nametag bleeding thru when I was in my last rental house and we had a griefer trying to wreck all the sims, but the user was NOT in my house. As far as the hair, do you remember anything about the name? If you do, just type in your inventory search box a keyword you might remember and that should pull up the folder you are looking for. You can also type in the word hair in your inventory search box, and that should bring up all the hair in your inventory. Don't forget to put your hairbase on. As far as receiving a free box of hair, well there are free boxes of hair on Marketplace. I got one, but haven't had any chance to play with it. As to whether you are afraid if it has a virus or not, they pretty much warn newbies not to accept anything as a rather general rule. Try finding the hair you love first and then decide what to do with the free hair gift.
  14. Thanks Anaiya  for helping here. This thread was sitting idle for so long, I have alerted a mod to see if this user will get more responses if moved to the creation forum/building section. It may be moved; it may not. To the OP: Good luck in your creating endeavors, and I hope you find the answers you seek. You may enjoy the Creation Section of the Forums, also.
  15. Here's a whole list from Google search. http://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&channel=s&hl=en&source=hp&biw=&bih=&q=free+3D+programs&btnG=Google+Search Would you like to have your thread moved to the builder's section, as I think you would get more answers there. I'm not a builder nor a creator, but I can ask a mod which section of the forum is best for your questions, if you'd like? ETA: Hold on, I'm asking a mod which is the best place to put your thread so you can get the answers you are seeking. You'd probably get more responses in the builder's section.
  16. Yes, I haven't run the defragmenter yet, but it follows the same path: ALL PROGRAMS - ACCESSORIES - SYSTEM TOOLS - DEFRAGMENTER on Windows XP that is. From what I've read on the internet, Windows 7 has an automatic defragmenter in it; not too sure if that was 100% correct about Windows 7 tho, as I don't have Windows 7 currently. I'm thinking of running the defragmenter also, but from what I've read, it's best to defragment your computer overnight as it takes a long time. The disk cleanup if I remember correctly didn't take much longer than a half an hour. And I haven't had one crash or freeze, log out is super fast too. I'm thinking of cleaning dust out of fan and defragging before mesh rolls out. Couldn't hurt.
  17. Okay, cool. I'm not so nervous now. So for mesh avatars and/or some mesh clothing it will need something like an alpha layer, like the hud shoes and the alpha layer that comes with it; even some boots have alpha layers for V2. I haven't bought any other avatars that are non human, but I'm gathering you are saying the non human ones work with some sort of alpha layering? I'd like to get those dresses you showed Perse, those are really adorable. I'll see if I can get one or two and save for when mesh rolls onto the red carpet. I'm excited and still a little nervous, but the nervousness comes from my computer as it's entering it's 7th year since build. We can update graphics and add another hard drive, but we are trying to decide if it's worth upgrading or just getting a new tower. (We have a huge screen, new keyboard, so we only need the tower.) Only time will tell if I need a new tower, but I'm still excited nevertheless!
  18. Oh Perse, just wanted to say that dress is so cute. I love it in both silver and black. Very cute!
  19. Are you crashing a lot or freezing while on SL? If you are, try this: Go to ALL PROGRAMS - ACCESSORIES - SYSTEM TOOLS - DISK CLEANUP and chose run. Since I did that I no longer have had any crashes nor freezes on SL at all, plus log out is so much faster. It worked for me, it might work for you also. I have Windows XP, and the above is the path to follow for disk cleanup. If you have another version of Windows you could search the internet or your user's manual to find where your disk cleanup is. It's improved my SL usability phenomenally, with no more crashes nor freezes, plus log out is just terrific and so much faster.
  20. I can or can't provide sources as I'm not sure. But my first day on Firestorm and with Dres there showing me how to work the music and a few other things, I IM'd Dres and said something to the effect: Most people are on Phoenix and here's the score. If you check the chat logs the exact same figures in the OP will be in the chat logs from last week because I wrote them down in a notebook, so here's the score again as written down last week in my notebook (first time on Firestorm) 19 Phoenix, 3 Firestorm, 2 V2, 1 Imprudence. It's all in the chat logs. Why would I make that up the first time I am on Firestorm? Or why would I make that up at all for crying out loud.
  21. I got my answer in the answer section, and it's basically this: Non mesh items will work on non mesh avatars. However, if you get a mesh avatar, you need mesh created items for your wardrobe as non mesh items will NOT work on mesh avatars.
  22. I don't feel I dress that way, and no I don't find men who would have their butt hanging out attractive. I'm attracted to male avatars that look dressed. lol I know they make a lot of half clothing here in SL, but it's not my thing. Leaving more to the imagination is more sexy to me. And yes the shirtless look can get a little clone-ish in SL. The bare chest look is a little overdone, imo. I'd prefer more creator's to include an option of a longer and more normal mini dress for instance, not ones that make someone's butt hang out. I personally don't like some of the women's designs that are way, way too short. I'd never wear 'em.
  23. Why disturbing... the granola bars, or what exactly? ((rofl))
  24. Will our non mesh items in our wardrobe and in our furniture still be workable usable once mesh comes out? I've asked the question in the forums, and no one seems to want to answer, or perhaps they don't know the answer? Are we in danger of losing our wardrobe and furniture once mesh comes out? ETA: I think you mean yes? Yes, that our non mesh items will still be workable and usable? I read the blog, it doesn't make much sense to me as I am not a content creator, nor have I ever done any 3D modeling. So do you mean yes non mesh items will still work? ETA: I'm reading the mesh forum but NOT learning anything. It's Greek to me. Please answer a simple question, such as YES our non mesh items will still work and be workable, or NO our non mesh items will not work nor be useable.
  25. Okay Dres, just be careful. There are some abusers who want to try to suck you in, but then boom the abuse happens again. I'm just warning you to be careful and watchful. p.s. Dres if you want to handle this on your own now and don't want any further input, simply ask a moderator to lock your thread. An OP can have the thread locked that they started. So if this is too much for you now, just ask a mod to lock it for you if that's what you want.
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