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Kat Shadow

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Everything posted by Kat Shadow

  1. I have one of these in my closet: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Tandem-Bicycle-Rezzer/53350 I can put it out by my horse rez, if people like. I put the horse out as an all terrain er (it flies! it swims! it seats 3! ) , but I'm happy to lend people bikes ^^ I wondered how y'all ended up at the pub (I was all "bit early for me for a pint, but I'll join, sure") Seems like we have so many good neighborhood places to start/ end our days together now whoot
  2. @Annwren I think you've missed my main point. If you are trying to get visitors to come to your mainland plot and your parcel has clutter around it, de rendering for yourself does nothing to address any of this: your visitors take a look around, don't like what they see and may leave, never to return. Hence: no community. For myself, I'm tired of de rendering new yellow tape every time a parcel near me flips to a new person trying to sell it. At this point, I (and others I've talked to) use our mainland mostly as an overly large walk in closet & scoot back to Bellisseria asap 😛
  3. This is going to be a long one, so bear with me, heavy doses of "rights conflict " balancing, but the goal I'd like to keep in mind is the best experience for *everyone* I really do think SL is perhaps on the brink of a mini Renaissance brought about by a spate for forward thinking policy changes from mainland bonuses to LI to the new Linden Homes, and I'm very happy to see this, but one thing about the interview Patch gave the Bellisserian caught my attention as worthy of talking about here and that's the idea of Linden Homes as starter homes that some people will graduate from when they desire more "freedom", at which point they will go to mainland rental or purchase. And I'm not sure that's how things will play out, on the whole (although maybe it is, in which case: rock on, LL) The rub here is that "freedom from" is as important as "freedom to". Now before this already gets needlessly contentious, let me begin by saying that I do support the idea of mainland being the place of maximum freedom in builds. There absolutely will always be a market for that and it allows those who place "personal expression" above all else a place to be themselves within the broad parameters of the TOS. THIS IS UN DISPUTEDLY A GOOD THING. The problem is going to be that I foresee a day, and not far off when, those who can live happily on a diet of 350 LI and within a strict covenant stay largely on the Linden Homes continents. Those who need more LI but like themed living will own or rent on estates. And mainland will be for the anarchists.... except even anarchists don't necessarily want to be surrounded by full bright whatchits, yellow tape, and spinning red *for sale signs*. Those things won't attract a lot of new buyers, especially among people who were wooed into SL by generous premium benefits and gorgeous home plots. "But, Kaos", you may say: "that's what de render options and sky palaces are for". Yes, that works for some. But it leads to a lack of a sense of community... and the newfound sense of community in Bellisseria, for example, is exactly what is driving the nascent Renaissance. So I see this as a problem that may only escalate on mainland in future. What if we could find some way that wasn't client side, to address this? I know parcel owner "derender things outside my parcel for visitors- and make that opt in" on the server side is just not doable. I know that Windlight settings can only obscure so much of what the neighbor's cats drag in. Even w/ EEP (which is still quite a topic) I know that throwing up parcel walls is just ugly, and again: isolating AF. But, what can we do to make mainland a place people will want to visit/ own? I'm no scripter, but is there a way to project a parcel Windlight sky on a tall screen that is phantom and invisible from the outward facing side, so people can effectively have just sky & water as a view for their visitors, but the neighbors aren't inconvenienced? Help me find a win/win here for all in Second Life.
  4. Ok yeah, you & Squirrely just won the internet forever.
  5. I think you have the right of it and I know in the case of the Teeglepet that it *does* count against the LI & won't rez out more if the ceiling is hit. So I think we are all good, but I think it would be helpful if that covenant were worded more explicitly to avoid any confusion.
  6. Very very excited for the hints of more interactive, public spaces!
  7. So, the Bellisseria Squirrel is going to be Todd to Evangeline's BoJack now 😛 ?
  8. I kinda assumed they meant those (and I remember when people would use those for boats & such & turn their region into hot tar pits o' lag) and not the vehicle rezzers we use, but I wish the covenant would say this specifically, to avoid confusion
  9. I so enjoyed our outing today, even if I crashed trying to offer a member of our group a TP after she crashed 😛, but something occurred to me after the ride that I'd like clarification on. I and some others have horse rezzers , bike rezzers, etc. out to make Bellisseria more fun to explore. But does this technically violate the "no temp rezzers" in our Bellisseria covenant? I have a wearable Teeglepet, but it was so sweet to be able to offer a "loaner horse" to others... and since rezzes have been advertised in local groups and community sites, it seems I may be interpreting the covenant wrong (I hope), but if anyone can say for certain, I'd appreciate it.
  10. was wondering about that ... knew it wasn't my glasses 😛
  11. Here's an idea: have your marketplace pages save your searches including prefs (newest first, etc.) Heck- have em alert you when a new item is added that fits your criteria via email or notification. Help people give creators their Lindens
  12. LOL - I'm from Texas and I know exactly what you mean by that.
  13. By Simple & gullible, I think they mean "values the many other aspects of premium membership enough to look forward to the next batch of Linden homes, while not getting cranky"... no? Ok maybe not. This is exactly why when my wife got a home in Bellisseria at first and I was not able to, I threw her into the street in a fit of envious rage. Erm, no wait... I was just happy for her because being happy for other peoples' good fortune is waaay more enjoyable.
  14. HAhaha! My rez day is August 10, 2005 and I had an account even earlier than that, but I deleted that AV. I am the most ancient & decrepit here,... what do I win?
  15. I may be the longest running premium member on this thread *snort* and even I knew that my F5 leet skillz did not guarantee me a home in Bellisseria. I figured , if I get lucky, yay- if not, I'll wait til other options come available. *shrug*
  16. Not the first time that some homes are out of stock. This happened with Meadowbrook back in the day. LL never said "get a premium membership and we promise the model of Linden Home you want immediately available". Frustration is real, but what you do about it: if you choose to focus on what you don't have or if you choose to focus on compersion, that's entirely on you. And of course, how you spend your money.... vote with your premium membership, by all means, but most others simply cannot be convinced that sour grapes is a useful response.
  17. This is such a temporary problem, not to minimize *some* peoples' frustration but: More continents are being rolled out as soon as the Moles can build them. It takes time to build something beautiful with public areas that is not cookie cutter. In the meantime: everyone is free to enjoy Bellisseria, even if you don't live there. There are public rez zones (including ones offered by citizens at their homes) so you can boat, bike, or drive and explore. Many residents have opened their homes to visit and hang out, and even taken parcel privacy off to make the area feel busy and connected. I'm hoping the Parade of Homes will continue into the future with people sharing their redecoration and seasonal decor. You can spend energy on planning your home and taking inspiration from others while enjoying their creativity: The *community* is what makes Bellisseria fun. The chat (that anyone can join), the parties, the hangouts... that quality of "hygge" comes more from the extended neighborliness we are creating together than it comes from renting a bit of land from Gov. Linden.
  18. Beautifully done, Ivory- so cozy and every detail seems to be in its perfect place! Great job!
  19. If you wonder how Squirrel managed such equestrian feats, I'm gonna say that BJoyful's cookies had something to do with it:
  20. I wondered how those hoof prints got THERE... you led a horse to water, Squirrel, yes you did
  21. I have faith in you, Beth; but I want pics... trust, but verify. 😛
  22. What Nar said; the Moles should feel our love & support, but let the Moles mole unhindered , darnit.
  23. I think we can have both, as I said I'm sure LL will still support the estates
  24. Well, I tried to make this relationship work but alas Windlass; for all your many fine qualities, you're a bit of a black hole and I've met someboat else. Her name is Star. Evening Star. And she's petite but she gives me that light airy feeling I could never get with you, no matter what I bought you. I hope you can change and I wish you all happiness.... Kaos
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