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Kat Shadow

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Everything posted by Kat Shadow

  1. I have a question about the Bellisseria plots. I know the Moles tried to give an organic feel to everything, so our plots seem to be varied in shape if not in sq m. But it seems like the boat slips are much more regular because that's perfectly realistic. That's true, yes? ( I ask because I'm looking for a measuring tool that will help me if I ever move to another boat slip: I have a rezzer hub that rezzes my furniture in relation to itself rather than by region coordinates. This is helpful if I ever move to another long slip, but only if they are the exact same shape & size. & I need something that let's me determine just where my hub is in relation to my current plot, too. Yes, I should've raised the hub against one of the beams of my houseboat, but I brain failed & raised it near the center & I do not want to reload a whole new crate, if I can help it...)
  2. I think it should be kept as residential as possible- but there's ways to be entrepreneurial that won't be spammy or break theme, many of which have been covered in this thread. Just gotta keep things low key and not intrusive
  3. And we're finding even more ways to keep the sociability going- we have Discord servers and a newspaper now- all this is glue as we form bonds and set what the culture & mores of Bellisseria will be!
  4. Happy to wave & chat, if you have the inclination- we are getting to be a neighborly bunch. And I too am happy to have "less stuff to maintain" and more friendships to maintain in SL again. I've been heads down a few days: tearing down & putting the last of my mainland up for sale (heh anyone wants a waterplot in Heterocera with a long protected waterway , I'd probably let it go cheap for a fellow Bellisserian) & then having some epic arguments with my furniture rezzer system. But, even with all that I found time to go to Baphy's DJ set & hang out exploring the hedge maze with Guilio, Doc, BJoyful & a handful of other wonderful people because The Big Fun I'm having is about our shared experiences. Hopefully this retirement experience is more like San Junipero than the Sopranos 😛
  5. Most of us will always love exploration, building, scripting and decorating, but Bellisseria has made us pause to be more social & just chill and we realize that is actually very good for our creativity and mood! Sharing with kindred spirits is making what's good in SL that much better.
  6. A bookmark for you (more always being added and there's an inworld Belliseria Events group too) https://www.bellisseriahappenings.com/
  7. & another things about SL socializing is that as AVs we see each other as idealizations or projections of an inner vision. Young, old, all genders, all cultural backgrounds... come together without making snap pre judgements (other than those we form about someone else's aesthetics 😛). Gives us a chance to experience differing viewpoints that we might otherwise be prone to discount. & I think that is part of staying mentally young. (Dropping this here too https://www.thecut.com/2016/03/why-its-so-important-to-have-social-goals-late-in-life.html)
  8. You know we'd only do that because, in SL, we can find that hella amusing & then... wake up the next day as 30 year old hawties, right? 😛 😛 😛
  9. This- we are a greying population and as that becomes ever more true, think abut this, LL: empty nesters have more time and usually a somewhat more stable (if budgeted) income and they are in need of keeping social connections and skills alive. Sure, go for broad demographic appeal, but pay a special attention on those most likely to loyally invest in your product because they get the most out of it. Also: I love that standard on the golf cart. Esp. Community First. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
  10. I tried asking what they wanted or needed to move on... to be at peace and all I heard was a ghostly whisper "must F5...F5 ... EEEEEEF 5" RIP (???) (???), you died as you lived ... without an auto refresh extension.
  11. Yes, free buses and more Blanches- that is the Bellisserian way
  12. @Cam Mode I LOVE that show sooo much, the ending was so trippy. I made my wife watch it years ago & she was just "now my brain won't ...brain right"
  13. "I want to go to there" .... joins the OMGTMI Club by stating that my period calendar just shrugs now & looks at me like "why are you even bothering? I mean, really"
  14. *starts passing out ASLRA (Association of Second Life Retired Avatars) cards.... don't forget Wednesday Matinee Movies are half price with card
  15. @Blush Bravin perfect! Now how about a bunch of Bellisserian seniors with canes & walkers doing a flying dance / wu shu combat sequence, that's what I'm talkin' 'bout
  16. OOh OOH can I drag king as the leatherman, I wanna be the leatherman
  17. So much this ^^ We owned an estate & club *mumble* back in the day *cough* and it's been a long time since I truly unreservedly enjoyed SL. Bellisseria has made that happen again for me, like falling in love with your spouse after years of discord because you got reminded of everything awesome that attracted you to begin with
  18. Blanche was the southern belle. Perhaps Rose (Betty White)?
  19. life goals: I aspire the be the Golden Girls' Dorothy of Bellisseria
  20. I can already hear the "back in my day, Bellisseria was full of Moles and SSPs and we had to build our own pubs in our backyards and WE LIKED IT THAT WAY"
  21. Sophia's a total badass, you could do worse ... (and I pretty much am Dorothy in RL- same height, same build, same perennial snark)
  22. Ohhh, you win the bus tour of Bellisseria then. Or maybe all us elders can take it together, after we stop for breakfast at Denny's making sure to take 2 hours to drink 6+ cups of free refill coffee first (stereotypes, I got plenty) We can be the Golden Girls of Bellisseria. That's a group someone should start. I call dibs on being Dorothy. 😛
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