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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Indeed in the case cited the banlines indicate an abuse of powers to the detriment of neighbours enjoyment of what they have purchsed and the premium they paid for it. The problem is a systemic one built in to the way land value works and depend on participation in a community that can be spoiled by the actions of one individual amongst 100. That is precisely why one thing that could be removed permanently that would add value to the SL experience it would be banlines and oppressive security along public access routes.
  2. Alternatively you could define high traffic as a corner next to a public access route, open water with no other indication like marker buoys that the corner parcel has security settings apparently to prevent anyone stopping to sit on their deck chair in the far corner on sand covered prim. Rather like the example on the waterway between sea of fables and bay of space pigs. The land owner can of course do this, it is their right to... but it does rather spoil the work of the 30 or more other land owners with parcels on the same river for who the route provides value.
  3. I only ever tried in Firestorm I thought the chat message was the easter egg!
  4. Cool stuff? that sounds like giant yarn running vehicles, duck cannons, shopping trolley vehicles, huggers that include butt spanks!! Its got to be Abranimations Nomad has some cool stuff too
  5. And then there is please think of the Hippos at Leximus
  6. DaBoom has: 1) Random Money Giver -Join the group : -sit by the tree or walk around the museum -1 Resident will be randomly paid every few minutes 2) Lucky Money Board -Join the group -When the Letter matches your name, first Resident to click on the board gets the reward! 3) Linden Apple Tree -The apple tree will randomly drop apples, pick it up and earn $1 each (Note the apple tree does say Balance 0$L Call Manager! so maybe that isn't working. There was no one there today camping. - But I have seen people camping there in last year or so, so not completely dead)
  7. The Second Life Sailing Association SLSA, lists most races and cruises so by checking their group notices you should be able to work out when and where there will be sailors on planned events. The only sailing event I know of not listed there is the one my motorbike club runs at noon every Saturday, that tends to be more motorboats, with some dieselpunk air traffic. After the start people are quite spread out so apart from the beginning unlikely to cause much additional traffic.
  8. Viterbo water region in North Nautilus. It is an open water region with shell like fantasy structures under the water. Some people can travel through it like it is any other region, but for lots of us the region crossing into there have our cameras flying through space until the vehicle leaves the region and the camera snaps back like nothing happened. The region has always been like it. I am sure the structures and bubble scripts there work fine on other regions.... So whatever is going on there defies the normal, the natural. It is cursed.
  9. I already have an experience portal I use to travel between parcels on mainland and Zindra, but it doesn't work with vehicles that you sit on.
  10. Vehicles can travel through portals to move within a region through interaction between scripts in the vehicle and the portal. I think Karyn amongst others have scripted them and I have used them on both roads and with spaceships. I seem to recall Novatech working on experience portals that would transport objects, but I never worked out exactly what that meant and I presume there is some limitation to what they developed that prevents it working to move vehicles across region borders or I am sure we would see them in world. Perhaps the experience system at some point can add in the ability to do that. I am not technically minded but it seems at least conceivable to me that they could.
  11. Since my neighbour encourages visitors, I don't think that would normally be considered trespass. You are right however we probably have very different reactions to Trespass. In the UK it was mass trespasses that led to the creation of our National Parks. In SL the rules are what landowners set with the tools made available to them.
  12. Also I am not sure labelling me an Outsider is quite accurate as the land I have in Yeoowler is connected to the railway via my neighbour and the build they made to reflect mine. We are both I believe in a similar situation one parcel removed from it.
  13. Braelynns parcel in Yeeowler, Jinny & Treacles in Lipshin, Tiger's in Slitheen, Aeris vehicle shop, Blossom's in Mawdryn. As for the route a bit of abandonned land gets you to walk through Alec Rogue's route in Baghhera that has been clearly deigned to encourage passage from the station to the road.
  14. And yet even in its unfinished state it makes for a route that can be travelled by foot or horse that people along the route have made in theme builds for creating a pleasant link between the south tip of the continent and the road systems. You can count it a fail, but even in its partial completion state I would count it a success and its impact positive.
  15. I might also point out that thanks to sense of community amongst my neighbours land I have in Yeeowler has access to that same railway that blights your experience so badly you have felt the need to speak so negatively about it. So far as I am aware the "blight" it causes you is welcomed by most other landowners and visitors to the area. I have not heard any one else speak about it in anything but favourable terms, or of concern for the fate of the owner.
  16. The person you are talking about vanished from SL in 2020, half way through building their project after reporting an illness. The land now abandoned that could have avoided the innovative but now broken teleportation effect to complete the route was not an option for them and not evidence to support your criticisms. My thoughts are for their health and their family.
  17. The reason for the two different brands is that Analyse Dean makes the Bandit boats and The Mesh Shop boats are made by Dutch. The scripts in both makes of boats are by Dutch. They do work closely together so lines are probably blurred, but that is the reason for the two brands
  18. Set a generic role in the land group for rezzing rights, set home here and or anything else essential and use the secondary group for your "vanity" titles
  19. I suspect you are right that most community projects fail. But where they work they can be glorious creating something more than a sum of its parts. I am personally involved with at least 2 such projects that administer a region or more of land that have lasted over 10 years.
  20. I bought land in Bresino and then later in Marachia, to open up a water route across Nautilus. Since then there has been a few times the route has been blocked but it has largely been open since then and landowners along the route increasingly making the most of the waterway creating a collective self interest to keep the route open to be enjoyed by all. Both my purchases were above market rate for what they were, but worth it for the over all objective.
  21. Everyone always forgets poor Gaeta. It is only about 13 regions from Corsica. When people bought their land there the plan was 5 Gaeta islands all linked, part of a giant waterway system. unfortunately the plan was shelved before they had completed the first island (although they did complete Gaeta V). It might be nice if one day they did complete that plan. Personally completing the West of Zindra and linking North and South waterways would be a higher priority for me, but we can always dream. (Photo of map from New Kadath Lighthouse Art Gallery)
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