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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. This has to be a cupid stunt trolling roleplay on the forum
  2. Maybe the Lindens should learn from this and promise an all around performance boost through a Server Side Placebo project to be rolled out weekly. We will soon be wondering how we ever managed before.
  3. Deej Kasshiki wrote: You can actually keep using Adblock but, you need to go into the filter preferences>filter subscriptions and uncheck the box at the bottom of the window that says 'Allow some non-intrusive advertising'. Once I did this and refreshed the page all the SL websites returned as normal (and with no spam ads). That is dead weird. You would have thought that when Adblock is blocking the forums and marketplace, that tightening Adblocks restrictions would make matters worse not better. But well whatever it works... so thanks for the tip I would never have thought of trying that check box.
  4. c c a b b b It does depend a bit on the club. My favourite atomic palace has no hosts just good fun people talking nonsense and having a fun time. It is like visiting good friends with good tunes. But that is exceptional. For most clubs people go for the tunes while they browse the internet, deal with private chats or other stuff. If something interesting is going on in local chat then that is a plus. Gestutes can be fun and fill in some quiet moments. But please hosts don't overdo it. I see hosts gesturbating all over peoples chat a making any public conversation impossible. Hosts like that are less than useless and actually make club experience worse than if they said nothing.
  5. HannahValentine wrote: Hi there, I would love some good recommendations for AO's that are appropriate for standing in close quarters with others at live music events. I've been very happy with my AO's, but they are not good for this type of situation. I look fidgety even if I set my animation loop to the maximum length. Ideally, I would love something where I look natural but fairly still. It would at least be nice if I weren't stepping on other people's toes and constantly playing with my hair....or......what is that movement anyway.......looking for gum on the bottom of my shoe? I don't know. In any case, I've tried just shopping around in world but haven't found quite the thing so far...... Any suggestions for a sedate stand? Thanks!! That is what my friends call the dog poo animation. hehe You should look in to removing the animations from your AO you don't like. Or make ur own, I use the forestorm AO system most of the time but the Daiz Papp\Oracul AOs are copy mod so you should be able to use them if you prefer to add and remove the animations you want. If I remember right the Maths teacher AO from them is cheap and doesn't roam about all over the place.
  6. ImaTest wrote: Aethelwine wrote: It is pretty poor of Linden Labs to be promoting something so publically that excludes large numbers if not the majority of the people it is advertising it to. That is bad and thoughtless marketing, especially after the thoughtless way they handled the third party exchanges and those that needed to use their services. You haven't seen or participated in many contests in your lifetime, have you? Most have some exclusions, period. There are companies with a worldwide presence that only allow residents of a certain area to participate. You have no idea why the exclusions are there, so how can you say they are unjust, or thoughtless marketing? There very well may be a valid reason behind them. Just as Rhode Island residents who are excluded, are for a very good reason. Alienware came to the lab with the contest, and they chose the terms. I'm sure they have a reason for them. The lab has said the contest is restricted to sl residents, but that's not true, thousands, at least(by now probably tens of thousands) of non-residents have entered the contest as well. It's not poor marketing on the part of the lab, they didn't choose the terms. It's a joint effort because sl is cross promoting alienware's name and logo. Linden Labs chose to take the money and waste peoples time reading irrelevant spam. Its not the end of the world but Linden Labs are responsible for accepting and making themselves look stupid. False advertising is one thing that is against the law in my country like saying something is open to sl residents when in fact it is open to anyone in the US. I doubt very much the money alienware paid Linden labs can be worth the damage to their inclusive image and sense of propriety such co-promotions engender.
  7. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Aethelwine wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Nova Convair wrote: Some people seem to feel bashed, but in the OP is nothing about LL or the americans in general. Seems some people can't read or work for Alienware. To the OP: I agree and I already noticed that. If someone treats you 2nd class, just don't buy their products. So for me I see no problem. Apparently my first post on this giving some pretty valid reasons for this sailed right over you head. I see non US websites all the time offering contests that US citizen's can't enter. Do I get upset about it? No. I see contests in the US I can't enter because I don't qualify for one reason or another. Do i get upset about ? No. I don't see any people from Rhode Island on here complaining. Contests put restrictions on who can enter them all the time. That's why there are qualification rules. If you feel like that makes you second class that is more your problem than anyone else's. Children think that everything should be on a level playing field then they mature and realize life is not fair and that is not the way it works. Who ever told you life was fair? Life is too short to get worked up over such petty stuff. Your "pretty valid reasons" would be good reasons to keep things in perspective if the post you were responding to was complaining about competitions in general. The point that seems to be eluding you is this isn't any promotion, but a co-sponsored promotion being promoted by Linden labs to a large proportion of its membership who are excluded. It is not actually a problem of false perception that someone being excluded is being treated as a second class citizen. It is a direct consequence of the exclusion, a matter of definition not perception. You seem rather irate about the original post and those showing sympathy with it which is rather amusing when your last line seems to be agreeing with the original post that excluding the international community is indeed unfair. In response to the original post. It is pretty poor of Linden Labs to be promoting something so publically that excludes large numbers if not the majority of the people it is advertising it to. That is bad and thoughtless marketing, especially after the thoughtless way they handled the third party exchanges and those that needed to use their services. If a company offers special deals for SL residents, whether it is a contest or a discount on headsets, LL historically mentions it on their web site. Some of those are not open to all SL residents but this is the first time I remember such a big deal being made of it. I'm sure it's due to the value and nature of the prize. Where did you get the idea this was an official SL promotion in that LL was co-sponsoring this? What we don't know is if Dell paid LL to do this, but wouldn't be surprised. This is not co-sponsoring a contest any more tha you can say a TV station is co-sponsoring a sweepstakes that is mentioned in the news or advertised on the station. Yes, it does kind of make me irate to see rants on the forum when people ignore the facts, or make them up or whine about fairness. We are all old enough to realize that Life is not fair. There are plenty of things that have happened to me in SL that I don't consider 'fair' either but I don't complain about it here. I don't complain about other contests I've seen on the internet that I don't qualify for either. BTW, if the contest were only open to non US residents, I wouldn't have complained. I'd tell my non US friends and hope one of them won. Life is too short to get your pants in a knot that you probably have just a very small chance of winning. If people want to complain, Dell/Alienware are the people to direct the complaint to. Where people get the idea Linden Labs are responsible is the very first line of the featured news. by Linden Lab ‎06-20-2013 11:35 AM - edited ‎06-20-2013 11:36 AM To help celebrate Second Life’s tenth birthday, we’re running a co-promotion with Alienware , Linden Labs could have said you can pay for advertising space the normal way,. The news section is for news features for our customers, not just some of our customers, but all our customers. It is like conservatories being advertised to people in tower blocks it just pisses people off and makes the marketing company look daft.
  8. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Nova Convair wrote: Some people seem to feel bashed, but in the OP is nothing about LL or the americans in general. Seems some people can't read or work for Alienware. To the OP: I agree and I already noticed that. If someone treats you 2nd class, just don't buy their products. So for me I see no problem. Apparently my first post on this giving some pretty valid reasons for this sailed right over you head. I see non US websites all the time offering contests that US citizen's can't enter. Do I get upset about it? No. I see contests in the US I can't enter because I don't qualify for one reason or another. Do i get upset about ? No. I don't see any people from Rhode Island on here complaining. Contests put restrictions on who can enter them all the time. That's why there are qualification rules. If you feel like that makes you second class that is more your problem than anyone else's. Children think that everything should be on a level playing field then they mature and realize life is not fair and that is not the way it works. Who ever told you life was fair? Life is too short to get worked up over such petty stuff. Your "pretty valid reasons" would be good reasons to keep things in perspective if the post you were responding to was complaining about competitions in general. The point that seems to be eluding you is this isn't any promotion, but a co-sponsored promotion being promoted by Linden labs to a large proportion of its membership who are excluded. It is not actually a problem of false perception that someone being excluded is being treated as a second class citizen. It is a direct consequence of the exclusion, a matter of definition not perception. You seem rather irate about the original post and those showing sympathy with it which is rather amusing when your last line seems to be agreeing with the original post that excluding the international community is indeed unfair. In response to the original post. It is pretty poor of Linden Labs to be promoting something so publically that excludes large numbers if not the majority of the people it is advertising it to. That is bad and thoughtless marketing, especially after the thoughtless way they handled the third party exchanges and those that needed to use their services.
  9. Marigold Devin wrote: Aethelwine wrote: The new Firestorm seems to be running better for me since the update today. Thats good to know. Latest version on my laptop was not good, previous version on my laptop was fine, but unfortunately the desktop is what is at fault when I try to use Firestorm. Its old and a bit knackered. it is worth a try... Each to their own and everything but trying to find my way around the viewer1 based UIs is a pain for me. Firestorm's interface works for me i know where to find the buttons I want to press to do what i want.
  10. The new Firestorm seems to be running better for me since the update today.
  11. Quite, no matter how much money we throw at sl I can't make sims take more than 15000 prims (or Li), and I could happily do with another 5000 to fit in some more race tracks and expand the space stations.
  12. There is this clip too about coincedences, from the same TED series. It is all worth watching, but the section about 9 mins into it about how our perception is affected by our expectations is very nicely demonstrated with the backwards Led Zeppelin passage and satan's tool shed. Ps and since it is now 23rd June.,,, On 23rd of June 1611 – The mutinous crew of Hudson's fourth voyage sets Henry, his son and seven loyal crew members adrift in an open boat in what is now Hudson Bay, they are never heard from again. The surviving mutineer's were tried for murder not mutiny and acquitted perhaps because the information they had about trading routes was too valuable to be lost.
  13. I would go to your local police if you are being stalked in sl, facebook etc,
  14. It is also Anti-Fascist Struggle Day in Croatia and the day Charon, a satellite of the dwarf planet Pluto, was first discovered in 1978.
  15. A tentative date of 9 July has been set for the roll out of SSB, on the TPV Developers mailing list. http://secondden.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/i-told-you-so.html Singularity seems to me to best performing viewer, with all the others lagging this last month. I hope the role out will mean I can go back to using Firestorm. My current advice to anyone still using one of the viewers about to go obsolete, if they are experiencing lag issues would be to give singularity a try. Others have mentioned Cool Viewer but I haven't tried that.
  16. A search for Red Gravse brings up nothing in world or on marketlace for me.
  17. have you tried reseting to default avatar to make sure that whatever alpha seems to be stuck on your top has been properly removed?
  18. Jade Glazner wrote: I think you should go check out the Anais skin from Glance! This one here is the December tone. (And just for reference, 1000L is average price for a skin on SL) She looks cute, but not very african she just looks like someone with a dark tan. This as one of many Angel Rock examles just looks so much more real to me. It is worth spending money on a skin if it something you are going to wear a lot. I have lots of 1000L$ skins I thought looked cute. Do I wear them no hardly ever. My money has been much better spent on ones that actually are what I wanted not compromises.
  19. Are they all the same shape? I like the third one the best, maybe it is just the darker skin I like. I do know that when i have seen dark skinned avies and asked who has made the skin because they just look so stunning it has always been an Angel Rock skin (and I presume shape).
  20. Perrie Juran wrote: Sonja Smedley wrote: Yes Perrie I know you seem to hate me...have I done something to you? I absolutely do not understand why you think I hate you as an Individual. Unless you are taking my statement that in RP it is human nature to hate Vamps so personally. I've been watching RP in SL for around six years now. My experience has been, and yes it is my experience, other people may have experienced differently, that the most drama I have seen has been in the BDSM and Bloodline's communities. As stated by its founder, Bloodlines was meant to be a "blight" on the Grid. That is a simple fact. Here is a question. Why do you need Bloodlines to RP being a Vamp? Are people in Bloodlines going to refuse to RP with you if you don't join it? What does it say about those people? Those are just honest questions. They don't mean that I hate you. Why do you need Bloodlines to RP being a Vamp? - You don't need Bloodlines to Vamp... It is however helpful, you get animations, you get a community built up on familiar shared ideas and rules. Are people in Bloodlines going to refuse to RP with you if you don't join it? - If they are creative at RP and they have a shared desire for a type of RP then I see no reason to think they wouldn't. I see bloodlines Vamps and Lycans doing lots of other RPs and activities. Just like anyone else. What does it say about those people? - It says they are subject to the same social dynamics as the rest of us. Those are just honest questions. They don't mean that I hate you. - How else did you expect those questions to be answered? The answers seem obvious.
  21. There is a distinction be made at whether it is at someone elses expense and also whether or not it is in some sense deserved. If it is not deserved and the person being laughed at is made uncomfortable by that then the situation is bullying and there is a wealth of information to suggest that is not good for the social group, the victim and also those doing the bullying or laughing along with them. If it is laughing at a bully then it is probably of benefit, as it would laughing along with the victim at a misfortune.
  22. Good luck with the protests. I hope they result in some positive change
  23. In my experience the bloodlines clan that enlisted me when I started in SL helped me no end, including when I got a talking tummy from an onduty experience- hehe They provided a helpful family with a welcome resource of knowledge and would take the time to help those new to SL. Something invaluable since it has such a high learning curve and after escaping the welcome centre I was never able to find it again and was left adrift and lost without any bearings. The War game they play is also one of the best combat games in sl, and lots of fun. All the hate directed at bloodlines is misdirected. Your name ends up on a database.... well so what? The databases that spam you with special offers are far worse, than being on a passive one that just records you once did something in their system. (ps this is a general reply to the thread i just used reply to you Reply to Innula Zenovka because i couldn't fid reply to thread option)
  24. Awe Thor wrote: Aethelwine wrote: Awe Thor wrote: Aethelwine wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: Wow, did this whole thing escalate out of control. It sure did, but it's been great. I just love threads where people talk about some interaction they had with a crazy person, only to have that crazy person come along and try to prove how crazy they're not... making themselves look that much more crazy. ...Dres Schadenfreude is not a healthy pleasure to be boasting about. What sort of nonsense is that? I can't see that you mean physically healthy, so you must be disparaging Dresden's mental health, in which case perhaps you would like to reference the relevant element of the DSM (either 4 or 5 would do) that supports your contention, since one narrow-minded person's opinion is all that it is. I entirely agree with Dresden; the Forums are a wonderful place to see morons demonstrate their idiocy, to see masochists complain about how badly they have been beaten up, to see naive serial romantics whinge about the ephemeral nature of their partners' affections, and especially to see those, like you, who would like to believe in the the underlying humanity of humanity, but are confronted here by the greater mass of humanity who enjoy nothing more than to hear the plaintive adult versions of the immature "It's not fair!". I note that - entirely appropriately it appears - you even have "whine" as part of your name. Awe . . . suggests you start a thread called "Healthy Pleasures" and see what responses that get s you. Are you intending to inject some humour in to the debate by making me laugh at your apparent lack of basic comprehension skills and bizarre logic? Well no laughs from me I am afraid i feel sorry for you and your delicate sensibilities... Awe Diddums... Maybe you should ask your mummy for help with understanding what has been said before sharing. A lack of comprehension? I was basing my comments on a professional study recently published in the British Journal of Developmental Psychology, which found that children as young as four had a righteous sense of schadenfreude, which had developed considerably by the time they were eight years old. Unless you have reasons for suggesting that this is only a pre-adolescent phenomenon - and I have considerable practical evidence to confirm it is not - then I would suggest that it is you who is suffering from a lack of comprehension and logic. Awe . . . I am afraid that the laugh is on you; I am enjoying your publicly humiliating verbal pratfall. ETA Particularly since you have demonstrated a considerable degree of moral insensitivity regarding maternal support. You appear to have absolutely no clue what my point was. Taking pleasure from other peoples failing is not healthy for a community, for the individual targeted for bullying nor for the person taking delight in the others misfortune. No where did I say it is a mental illness, nor that it is restricted to any age group. Maternal support? what are you on about? it is the subject of your enjoyment here that has lost their mother and is suffering the same condition. I feel very sorry for you, you are so insulted that anyone would have the impertinence, to say hold on a minute.... can you really not think of a more constructive way to find your pleasure than laughing at those suffering misfortune? You come across as a bit pathetic. Awe Diddums indeed.
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