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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. I have slink feet, but I try to avoid using them because they look like size 9's on any avatar normal sized. Gos are nice but they don't have any appliers for tights so far as I can tell. N-core look promising but so far only support patterned tights. So I was back to fiddling with skifija hud to try to match my legs to their feet. She makes it look so easy in the tutorial... sigh
  2. About a year ago I installed Ubuntu Linux and Secondlife and it all went pretty smoothly. I do remember having to google a fix for something, but solution was easily found on the secondlife wiki. What was the show stopper for me making the full transition from Windows was not being able to get music streaming software to work for me.
  3. Phil Deakins wrote: Aethelwine wrote: Here I am with a 100l$ bottle of no Mod wine. I am 1.75m tall so no midget. Whilst in real life I would be pleased to get a gallon sized bottle for what I thought I was going to be normal sized, in SL it is a dissappointment. The glass alone holds about a pint..The way she drinks it, it is a wonder she can stand up at all after a few minutes. hehe Shop inworld. Pictures on the Marketplace can be deceiving The marketplace picture was so different it looked like a totally different product. The wine glasses were a different shape for starters. Yesterday I got messaged by representative of the store saying I would get a discount off future purchases if I left a review. I guess I now know why it had five 5 star reviews. I was just going to count it down to experience, but since they approached me to do a review I replied explaining my dissappointment. To their credit the sales rep sympathised and told me who I could complain to. Whilst I didn't bother looking later the product now does seem to be mod now. I can't be bothered though to get a replacement. I bought a much nicer bottle afterwards from elsewhere. Whilst yes I agree it is best to shop in world. In this case it was a spontaneous " I have been waiting prop" and MP was my only option. As it was I got through 3 bottles of wine before friend who had kept me waiting joined me. None of this is a big issue but I think the picture illustrates why builders building to a scale based on their perceptions of the scale they think people want and not a prim sized scale causes such huge confusion.
  4. Snorkelling too. Just don't go on a roundabout or you will make everyone queasy!
  5. Bikes, cars and aeroplanes. Bicycling around the Atoll's mountains. Skydiving, horse riding. Spaceships, steampunk contraptions and the railways. Hehe. Anything vehicle would be fun. Oh and human canonball and Bryn Ohhs artspaces!
  6. Having an island or series of private sims is really no comparison to a mainland plot with water access for exploring 100s of sims. A few hundred dollars for that is months tier. Still expensive but it is indetrstandable why people will pay so much for protected wsterfront. Better in the short term to rent. There are some good parcels for rent around the blake at the moment but that is not always the case.
  7. Here I am with a 100l$ bottle of no Mod wine. I am 1.75m tall so no midget. Whilst in real life I would be pleased to get a gallon sized bottle for what I thought I was going to be normal sized, in SL it is a dissappointment. The glass alone holds about a pint..The way she drinks it, it is a wonder she can stand up at all after a few minutes. hehe
  8. An XT computer? My netbook is about 400 times faster and it barely runs second life. Generally the advice here applies for dealing with an avatar bake fail, but I am genuinely surprised you have got SL running at all on anything other than a text viewer.
  9. Shamonne wrote: Aethelwine wrote: Try turning your graphics to minimum before logging in, or if that fails a text viewer to give you enough time to take the hud and clothes off before you crash. I will keep that in mind, Aethelwine. Thank you. This text viewer, where can I find it? Thanks again. Try Radegast or Metabolt off this list. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory I have used both in the past. I prefer metabolt but that is more because I used it first rather than any in depth comparison between the two. Most people seem to use Radegast if they are using a text viewer.
  10. Try turning your graphics to minimum before logging in, or if that fails a text viewer to give you enough time to take the hud and clothes off before you crash.
  11. For the sort of help you are after you are best going to somewhere like helping haven and asking one of the helpers. They will be able to see what you have achieved and have freebies to hand they can suggest for you to get yourself set up
  12. Some image\messages in similar style to those in the opening post I particularly like:
  13. Since it is only a day after International Transgender Day of Remembrance these people, their stories and the respect due to them that was tragically lacking last year is worth reflecting on. The District of Columbia did a campaign a couple of years back, the Ads make their point powerfully, Just a couple of them here:
  14. Madison, Hell on Heels have moved to a full sim now. It is well worth a visit, the roads and scenery are done beautifully right up to 2800m. I have just ridden it and am very impressed, they have set a new standard for biking sims.
  15. CheriColette wrote: Oh so....the outfit I just bought for (Hippie) party in January complete with marijuana joint is not kosha then Bugger! If your avatar is suffering some pain then its medical use can be Kosher. medical daily article
  16. Respect is, like a lot of english words, a word with multiple meanings. In one sense of the word respect has to be earned, in the sense where the respect given is an honour. But there is also the sense where respect is simply about treating someone civily, granting them basic human rights. These rights if earned at all are earned simply by being human. It is not uncommon for people denying human rights to use the argument respect is earned. It is clear that is not your intent from the rest of the context, but that is one reason why the bold opening may cause confusion.
  17. Phil Deakins wrote: I think it is. I do know that an email client isn't included any more, but i thought that the browser is still shipped with Windows. So far as I can tell googling around it isn't. Just see lots of people struggling to get rid of browser choice screens and doing registry hacks to be rid of it - hehe
  18. Phil Deakins wrote: It was when you said that 'default' was a misnomer on the page we looked at. I took that to mean that IE isn't shipped with Windows. IE isn't shipped with Windows in Europe is it? Not since March 2010 anyway, apart from the 14 months after service pack 1 was released when they stoped offering a choice because of a "technical problem" that cost them nearly half a million pounds,
  19. I spend an hour and a half browsing forums daily on my phone, it passes the time when commuting.. Making posts can be a pain so, sometimes when I get in I will make the replies I was thinking of earlier.
  20. I suspect like me alot of people primarily use the forums from mobile phones on Android. When I am at my desktop I can be in world. I don't know if IE does a version for Android? I mostly use Opera because as I inderstand it deals with cached web pages properly and doesn't send adiitional traffic every time you press the back arrow. I stopped using IE because it was late to introduce tabbed browsing and since then I have seen no reason to go back especially when they seem to willfully disregard the international standards the others conform to that enables pages to display properly.
  21. You mentioned driverless cars automatically riding around in the future... Please don't let AnnMarie run them. There are still some of her cars loose on mainland. Just yesterday I found one someone had managed to push into my garden until I sat in it and it found a road to zigzag down off on its adventures. I can look forwards to the future, but I live in the now and since rent and land was always an ongoing expense I don't see much impact on those costs until the new SL is established and has sufficient content people will want to transition. The greater impact will be on buying things that are a longer term investment. Couple dances, animations and new furniture.
  22. Pussycat, you might be interested to know League are now doing skins for the mesh project. I mostly just use the mesh project avatar now. I find the slink more fiddly to use because of having to find appliers for skin, feet, hands and then checking I have the right shape, and then finding the clothes appliers. The mesh project appliers are all in the one hud and hands, feet, shoes, boutique clothing fit regardless of the shape. I just wish there was a bit more signs of progress from them, more boutique clothing coming out. I haven't tried Belleza, I was never a fan of their skins and since I am now on my third mesh body a fourth with Belleza's is more than I can justify.
  23. Qie Niangao wrote: Oh, I think there's some miscommunication here, sorry. It's not that some teleports will suddenly be broken, but rather that scripts relying on external servers only last as long as those external servers stay up, and historically that has killed them all, sooner or later, and that's what killed off the Stargate network that went away. The really good news that comes with the new Experience Tools is that there's rarely any excuse for using external servers anymore. So that's what I meant by "obsolete" -- they're just absurdly kludgy compared to the new alternative. (A couple exceptions unrelated to teleportation: Scripts will still need external servers for large numbers of records or extensive processing such as AI, or even basic SQL queries). All that said, there are some older teleportation scripts that are pretty vulnerable. Anything using warpPos or jumpPos hacks within a region really has long needed replacing with llSetRegionPos(), for efficiency if nothing else. Also, if the user agrees to an Experience, they can now just walk through a portal into a destination anywhere on the grid (with the usual viewer screen-blanking effects) using llTeleportAgent(), which is way more natural than the old llMapDestination() for grid-wide teleports. Thanks for clarifying. After posting my question and re-reading what you had put, I thought perhaps you meant obsolete in that external databases no longer necessary. But left my question as it was because the clarity you provided is helpful. I had wondered how one of my tardises was doing automatic teleporting, like you describe (I think NLS from memory but might be HoO), while on Novatech's I need to have rlv turned on, on the hud for similar effect.
  24. Qie, I am interested to know more about teleports being broken. Do you have a link or know anything about what systems it will affect as I have a few teleportation systems and tardises I use to get around the grid?
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