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Doris Johnsky

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Everything posted by Doris Johnsky

  1. As far as how many got the most likes on Flickr, Alice and the Jabberwocky got the most.
  2. I took a LOT of photos in '21. This was my fave. Titled: Waiting For a Ride that Never Comes
  3. Try riding in batmobile early. VWXYZ Nya-ah-ah
  4. My point is I didn't do that. It's been that way since I moved here.
  5. Oh I can into the parcel but I can't see people. Nor they mine
  6. That's maybe it. But mine is set by Luxory. I've never asked how they do it.
  7. If it is in chat you can copy and paste the chat. If it is physical, simply move or deploy an anti-push.
  8. My parcel has this function. I can't cam to see my neighbors nor can they cam in on me. Radar will show they are there, but no one can cam others. Not sure how it is done, but obviously there is a way.
  9. Mine doesn't. It puts it back exactly where it was. I've deleted SEVERAL things by accident. Including a skybox at 3K meters.
  10. Looking at it from a DJ's view: 1. I detest contests. They draw people whose only desire is to win a few L then split. Most of the time they are AFK and not even listening to what I play. I quit a job because a) they wanted every set to have a contest and b) the DJ/Host had to pay for it. 2. I agree that yapping about tips is annoying. That's why we only do it once a set, toward the end. The host will remind people about the DJ and venue and I'll mention the host. 3. I always greet people as they come into the venue. Either before or after the host. I worked too long without a host that's just a habit. Having said that, I become irritated when I go to a club and no one greets me. Host OR DJ. I think that should be a given, and when I had a club it was a requirement. 4. DJs voicing. I don't and I have my reasons. It doesn't bother me iif a DJ does HOWEVER, I've heard DJs blather on about BS that has nothing to do with the music or venue. Or they have a decidedly unpleasant voice. . Not all voices are made for DJing. The best voice DJs are the ones who keep it to a minimum. I go to clubs for the music, not to hear someone recite their college thesis. 5. People who come for a 2 hour gig and NEVER tip. As someone said for DJs this IS their SL job. 6. As far as local chat, I participate all the time. Granted I don't work a big club, but I enjoy being a part of the conversation. 7. Requests. I do them. I don't like when DJs don't. I understand with long club EDM mixes this doesn't really work. But if you're just playing random songs, granting a request is always fun for the guest in the club. As to the OP. If you don't like tipping don't go. Or just don't tip.
  11. I'm guessing you're right. I was told longer so that's what I advise
  12. Rebooting the modem/router is something a LOT of people don't do. I reboot once a week. 1. Turn off all PCs. 2. Unplug the modem/router from the back of the device. (I suppose you can unplug from the wall, but this process is how I was told to do it) 3. Let everything set for 5-10 minutes. Get a cup of tea, clean the kitchen, go to the head. 4. Plug the power cord back in, let it boot completely back up (mine has 2 green lights when booted up) 5. Turn PCs back on.
  13. Looking at it from another view, what's to keep a BUILDER and their alts from loading up with positive reviews to make a product look better? I would be way more concerned with that than anything.
  14. Oh i'm not arguing FOR it. That's why I put "if".'' I think it's one of those things we will never figure out. Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. I DO think the "big bang" has more of a religious context than many scientists would want to admit. Just my thoughts. Not anything I'm willing to go up the hill for.
  15. I forgot to mention this one.It's irrational but when I hear it on the radio I turn it off.
  16. The environmental and evolutionary conditions for planets to evolve EXACTLY like Earth are slim and none. Similar, maybe, but exact? No. It doesn't matter how big the Universe is. One thing aside from that is, technically, if you believe in the "big bang", there has to be an end to the universe, therefore it is not infinite. That's just speculation on my part.
  17. A myriad of comments (since I'm too lazy to quote and comment on each one) 1. Sweet pizzas? Gross 2. Pluto. While I agree that once Pluto was established as a planet, it was rude and unnecessary to boot her out, the definition of a planet is: An object that rotates a star, an object that has gravity (technically EVERYTHING has gravity in space) and big enough to have cleared any similar sized object from their orbit. The 3rd one is what gets Pluto in a pickle. 3. Tomatoes/ tomahtoes are a fruit. A fruit is defined as coming from the flower of a plant. Veggies are the plant itself. 4. Whales are a mammal because of live birth and suckling by the calf until weaned. Fish are hatched from a laid egg, and the parent could care less about the offspring. And, yes, Rat , I'm pretty sure you weren't serious. 5. Zombies/vampires. Zombies are generally defined as the the "undead". or the dead reanimated. Vampires don't actually die, but are changed chemically. In media the term "zombie" being applied to a being whose mental capabilities have been lost is incorrect. They aren't dead. The John Ringo "Black Tide" series explains this very well. (It's a moot point, since neither a true zombie or vampire exist) 6. I believe Epstein did kill himself, but was given the method and time to do it by outside forces. (Glad he's dead) I'm sure there are others, but that's for another post.
  18. What is worse are jaskasses who walk the dog and let them crap on MY lawn. GTFO. I was in the back yard back in the summer and came back to the front and some ass had his dog prepping to take a big dog dump on my front lawn. I yelled "HEY!!! If your dog s**** in my yard, I'm gonna beat your ass with a shovel!!!" At the word HEY, the dog "prairie dogged" and ran back to his owner. I do NOT take kindly to that.
  19. I visit many places, but my home now is my fave. It's on a peninsula with water on 2 sides. Rather than a house Tami and decided to add lots of trees, animals, and currently snow. By the way LandMap is a whiz for decorating a parcel you're renting. We have a houseboat (edited the land so there is a small inlet) and a treehouse. It has all we need and want.
  20. You can find free dance huds at MP. The huds isn't the important part. It's the dance within. You don't have to buy a expensive hud to use dances.
  21. This is just me. I go to FLickr and see people who post 374.5 pictures of themselves. Different poses, different scenery in the background same person. I am so sorry to offend, but that is boring to me. I like to see photographers who branch out. Landscapes, photos of OTHER people. Just random things that attract you in SL. Other photo enhancements.
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