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Everything posted by Ossian1488303077

  1. In my opinion, the absolutely most realistic skins in SL are made by DrLife... but they are Asian skins.
  2. Perrie Juran wrote: Shockwave Yareach wrote: That can't be him -- he'd be posting in facebook. No, Facebork is where you find Mark Klingon. btw, does ant one no where he went or did he just get sent to the cornfield? He hasn't updated his LinkedIn profile since LL.
  3. Opensource Obscure wrote: Luc Starsider wrote: I must have bored most people to tears going on like this, but I hope I managed to stay more or less on topic. I'll try to write less and shorter in the future, but I truly believe part of our frustration with whats going is somewhere in these ramblings. - Luc - I can't speak for others, but part of my personal frustration come from SL users themselves, which often stick to non-constructive comments, blame Linden Lab for any reason, refuse to give a try to new viewer releases, misuse communication tools (JIRA, forums, user groups meetings), assume that everything coming from Linden Lab will be broken and -worst of all- spread this attitude to other SL users. Your previous "almost nobody at LL cares about SL" statement is an example of that. Following statements by yours show a different attitude. Still, remember than some people may only see a single reply or comment. This is another reason why exaggerations are bad. [sorry if my English is not clear. in case, ask and I'll reword] Your English is fine. However, I don't agree that we as users and customers should passively accept whatever LL gives us. Companies that blame their failures on their customers are on a very bad road. If I were running LL, I'd regard as one of my biggest issues the alienation of LL from its users. Certainly it isn't ALL users... but if so many interested, involved, and dedicated users are unhappy and complaining, something ought to be done. Castigating those users will only make it worse. I don't think that I'm much of a complainer or negative person, but I strongly dislike the idea that we should only throw rose petals to LL and smile and happily accept everything they do. If something doesn't work, or doesn't appear to work, we need to tell them. As a general rule, programmers and designers don't know what users really need or want, and it not only often happens, but USUALLY happens that development is iterative, that first efforts miss the mark and need reworking, but the only way the provider knows this is by feedback. V2 is a very visible example of LL not listening. It's very slowly gaining usability, but if its usage numbers are low (and they must be below 50%, or we would have heard otherwise), it is not our fault. We are not obliged to deliver success to LL. It does seem that Rod Humble is attacking this problem, by doing things like answering posts at SLU and responding to users on Twitter. I'm amazed that -- with all he has to do -- that he takes the time to do that. And I'm convinced that efforts like his will have a much larger payoff than anything else LL could do now.
  4. Necroposting, I know... but something has changed. Now that the Forum Cartel Hangout is in the Destinations Guide or whatever it is, a lot of new people are showing up there, including teens -- even though it's Mature land. The thing is, teens who actually are mature blend right in. But others... one second they rez, and the very next they start trolling for sex in the most lame and obvious ways. It usually goes like this (nothing has been omitted, the first line is the first thing the guy says): LongAndComplicatedName5573: Everybody take your clothes off. Ossian: Oh, you're a teenager, aren't you. LongAndComplicatedName5573: Yes, I'm 17. Can I have sex with you? Ossian: Well, no, obviously. LongAndComplicatedName5573: I mean 16. Another Adult: How can you get on mature land? LongAndComplicatedName5573: Why can't I have sex with you? Ossian: You're a minor. Just for the record, even if they weren't a minor, it wouldn't happen... so don't come to the Hangout and tell me that you're 40. The Hangout isn't a pickup joint, in any case. But there is the question: aren't teens supposed to be limited to PG places?
  5. You're looking at it backward. It's the avatar/badge setup that's flawed. Why do they stick that writing over my picture?
  6. Well, no. In the Imprudence viewer you have another choice, which is to shut it off entirely. It's called "Private Look At", I think. That means no one gets to see where you're looking, but you can't see where they are looking either. Which is practically the definition of fair. I think the viewer effects that PeeWee referred to don't cover Show Look At in the sense that you asked. It's about the beam you see when you're editing something... things like that.
  7. Your reply makes me feel a little better! Maybe it will make you a little happier to know that Firestorm is in beta now... which is the Phoenix team's V2 viewer. The Imprudence team is trying to get Kohua, their V2 viewer, out as well... they are trying to finish their last V1-based release.
  8. Shockwave Yareach wrote: Boiled down, Mesh could be done today if everyone was running a V2 viewer. But since there is wide rejection of all the good of V2 because of some bad UI decisions, we are stuck in a hodgepodge universe where some people have viewers capable of meshes but most people are not. The prim equivalency question also hasn't been resolves as far as I know, only a proposed direction. The only way this will be solved is by the Lab's announcing that in 3 months time, nothing prior to V2.5 will be able to access the grid anymore. TPV makers will have that much time to move their codebases and modernize their products, or be left behind. People are creatures of habit (which is one of the problems with V2 UI) and won't change something that works unless they have to. While I normally detest such high handed methods from LL, they've been far more brutal over stupider issues than this in the past. So why stop now? It's been a year since mesh was prototyped. Either get it into the world or abandon V2. Pick a direction and move already.. You're right: that is a brutal solution. One of the problems with it is that builders and developers are the only ones who care about mesh. Personally, I can wait. I don't need mesh today or even tomorrow. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.
  9. Argus Collingwood wrote: Ossian wrote: I didn't realize that was Firestorm... My problem with the V2 cam controls wasn't the size, but that they were always closing. It's hard to cam with the touchpad on a laptop. I use an USB standalone mouse. Touch pads are too well, too touchy for me :smileywink: I also am old school cam control alt/mouse is my dear friend. Ah, you are speaking of a luxury I can only dream of... it's not always practical to hook up a mouse, and even when I do, it's often on a soft surface so all I can use it for is clicking. I lead a very complicated life.
  10. Monderas Bristol wrote: in standard V2 just drag the cam controls away from the bottom bar once open. they won't close again till you close them. *huggs* Thanks, Mondy. I never would have guessed.
  11. I didn't realize that was Firestorm... My problem with the V2 cam controls wasn't the size, but that they were always closing. It's hard to cam with the touchpad on a laptop.
  12. I was pretty confused at first. I walked around a lot, left a welcome area and entered a mall nearby. When I crossed from one sim to the next, I lagwalked my way underneath one of the stores. Nothing was down there except for a box wrapped like a present, and I couldn't get out. Somehow I knew about Home so I went back there, and then wondered about that box! It was OBVIOUSLY a secret or surprise, so I kept crossing the sim, trying to find the magic way back under that store. But I couldn't duplicate the experience, although sometimes I ended up under other stores in that mall. Next I looked at the mini-map and saw a lot of green arrows. I figured it was a flock of birds, so I flew out to see them, but was never able to find them. I tried that many times, too. At that point I would have given up, except that a friend had told me about Second Life, and he'd described some of the things available and what he was up to (he was running an RPG), so I wanted to find him and some of the stuff he'd told me about. That -- and the way he talked about SL -- were what kept me going.
  13. Canoro Philipp wrote: @Ossian i am not allowed to say names, but some users here, you may be able to identify some, will add a negative comment against viewer 2 like "i hate it" (is this construcive criticism?) following by a Phoenix ad. this type of spam has been going on since the old forums. its about time to get rid of those spammers too. Thanks - I went looking for negative threads after I read your post, but I didn't dig down to the individual posts.
  14. Is this prompted by anything in particular? As far as I've seen, the viewer war was over well before this forum started, and most people acknowledge that choice of viewer is determined only by (1) taste and (2) what runs best on your computer. Also, quite a few people use more than one viewer.
  15. Do links cut down on your overall inventory count? I wouldn't think so. I thought that links were meant as a workaround to non-copy items, so you could use non-copy items in more than one outfit. It isn't as though your inventory is made large by the size of the objects in it. It's the count. Your inventory really consists of pointers to objects in a database. Ten sets of eyes, ten houses, ten links... they are all ten.
  16. There is something I'm not sure whether you realize: most of the land in SL is owned by someone, and that person has the rights on that land. They can eject or ban people for any or no reason.If anyone else comes and asserts they have any sort of authority there, they are simply playing the fool.
  17. I didn't mean that I use Forums or Twitter rather than go inworld. I only use forums/blogs/twitter when I can't go inworld. Still, even now, my activity in Twitter, the Offworld forum, and my blog are tied into my inworld social life -- except on this forum, which I guess is how it's designed.
  18. Ima Rang wrote: I have noted that since the new forum has been implemented, that I have spent less and less time in world... I know how you feel. After the RA forums were axed, I felt that way. That forum was a big part of my SL social life. It was hand-in-glove with my inworld social life. Unfortunately, that's one thing that LL just doesn't get, so when there is real community in the forum we have to enjoy it and when it isn't there, find a way to deal. I'm finding that Twitter and the Offworld forum are doing it for me.
  19. Thanks - especially for the explanation of how they get "out of order."
  20. I've tried this link and others, but for some reason the dates are somewhat mixed up. Is there a link where the dates are reliably sorted? I'm asking this because I would like to be able to track post counts in the Answers area, but it looks to be too labor-intensive.
  21. Venus Petrov wrote: I thought that alot of the spirit of the old GD forum had moved to Offworld? Or, has it fallen asleep again? I thought we weren't allowed to say. But since LL itself has pushed Twitter, I felt safe mentioning it.
  22. Storm Clarence wrote: People don't converse on twitter. Videos and pictures and lolcats are not posted to twitter, either; therefore making it difficult for some people to communicate. I'll give you the second point, but not the first. Anyway, nothing's perfect.
  23. A lot of the spirit of the old forums has moved to Twitter. Things aren't sanitized or controlled there, and there is much more news about what's going on in Second Life and with Linden Lab. It can be difficult to get used to, since you need to figure out who to follow, but it's worthwhile, and ever since I moved over there I don't miss the forums at all. Oddly, although LL suggests we go to Twitter, they are not very active or informative there. You get the best news and info from other residents. Official SL and LL Twitter accounts are either not very active or not very newsy, and individual Lindens tend to talk about personal, general, non-SL-related stuff (at least as far as I've seen) -- not that there is anything wrong with that! But if you want to know what's going on, you will do better following other residents.
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