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Everything posted by Ossian1488303077

  1. I tried Firestorm back when it was a preview, and after half an hour I realized I'd forgotten that I was just trying it out. I didn't switch then because it didn't have the built-in AO and radar. The beta has both those things, and they are amazingly better than Phoenix. The Phoenix AO was easy to use, but the Firestorm is even easier and more powerful. The Firestorm radar not only has the Phoenix features, but it also has tabs for your groups and friend lists, and it's easier to change groups. I've completely switched over. It does have some V2 stuff that hopefully will be fixed, like the toasts. You CAN make IMs and msgs show in your chat window, and you can turn off toasts, but some notifications follow the V2 style of popping up in the lower right, which makes them easy to miss. But like I said, that's a V2 thing. Hopefully the Firestorm team will find a better solution for that.
  2. Phil Deakins wrote: I've never looked at Firestorm and I won't look until the cam controls are very much like the V1 cam controls; i.e. translucent when not in focus, moveable, and small. Has that been done in Firestorm? You can determine how translucent/opaque you want the windows, when they have focus and not. The cam controls are like the V1 controls. There is a tutorial video that runs through some of the features: http://www.youtube.com/user/PhoenixViewerSL#p/u/0/IqpPOoi3I7c
  3. Storm Clarence wrote: Ossian wrote: snip Also, as far as I can see, the number of posts per day here is on the rise. Give us more Ossian. Why do you think the numbers are on the rise? What prompted your participation in this thread? Will you post more? As to why I posted... I do keep track of what's going on here. I have a script that lists recent posts, and I read the ones that pique my interest. I don't post often, but I never stopped posting or following.
  4. My feeling that the number of posts is increasing is just an impression, so yeah, I could be wrong, but... In previous months, the highs for daily post counts were around 500, and the lows were around 300. Since the reorganization of the forums at the start of this month, the highs are closer to 600 (and went over 600 last Saturday), and the lows are generally above 400. So... I can't really predict, but it looks like things are shifting upward.
  5. The father of a friend of mine used to write crackpot letters to the editor of our local newspaper. Somehow the newspaper survived. Similarly, I don't see how this person's outbursts are supposed to affect us in any way. Also, as far as I can see, the number of posts per day here is on the rise. His declaration only provided grist for the mill. 
  6. squashy Beeswing wrote: I like those sorts of blogs, too. :matte-motes-grin: Caitlin Tobias has one that isn't bad and she seems to get about a bit. Just google her name. Caitlin Tobias: http://caitlintobias.wordpress.com/ Marianne McCann: http://marianne.secondlifekid.com/
  7. Canoro Philipp wrote: here are some places that still allows you to register with a last name: http://registration.secondhealth.org.uk http://registration.scilands.org.uk the last names still available are: Ashland Coy Deluxe Highwater Hurricane Kroll Lastchance Lyric Oodles Spot Thistle Those sites don't work any more. I've tried several other third-party registration sites, and it appears that LL has turned off the RegAPI.
  8. Loki Eliot wrote: People will not need shops once LL release direct delivery from inventory so I'm reluctant to rely on shopping areas. No one "needs" SL at all. If direct delivery kills inworld stores, SL will lose a lot of its appeal -- for me, at least. People who don't shop, people don't like shopping, just don't understand. One thing you can't do on the Marketplace -- or can't do as easily as you can inworld -- is shop with other people. But apart from that... if you are going to have stores on your sim, you could try to make it interesting to you. If there are stores you love, maybe you could convince them to set up a small presence on your sim. Places you wish other people knew about... you can pull a part of it to your sim. Don't treat it like an economic exercise. Try to find a way to really care about it and be happy you have those stores there.
  9. I tried to put this on the CTUG agenda yesterday, but apparently you can't put items on the agenda if you don't go to the meeting. I'll never be able to go to the meeting (because I work), so I'll ask it here. I'm sure there is some rationale, but I haven't seen it stated anywhere. I do realize that it's not "hidden" -- but it's listed with three read-only items, and it's very easy to miss.
  10. Yesterday I experienced enormous lag, both in local chat and in group chat. It made conversation impossible.
  11. Houseofyork wrote: Well i quite frankly am pretty pissed your account log in showing up as your avatar name ... do you know how much of a breech of security that is ?? any hacker already has half of what they need to bust into your account ... where was the intelligence there? Not to mention had I been told YOUR LOG IN IS YOUR NAME ... i'd have never used the log in I did .. when asked if i could change it to somethign that made more sense to my avatar name i was told it was absolutely not possible which again is stupid. I was asked to name my avatar after logging in ... THIS is what i thought people would see not my log in. I want to be known as my avatar name not as my login name ... you really should address this .. its just absolutely STUPID to say the least. You're right: it's maddening and it doesn't make sense. Many times we've asked LL to let us change our names, but they've always said it was too difficult. They believe that this new system -- with all its complications and inconsistencies -- solves the problem. And they've invested a lot into this way of doing it, so it's unlikely to change. The only thing you can do is make a new account. It's always been the only remedy. 
  12. Peewee Musytari wrote: Ossian wrote: I'm not seeing this subforum in the list on the "Forums" page... I'm guessing it's just a matter of time. Its going to be a link on the side of the page according to Lexie`s post on http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Machinima-Forum/Animation-threads-are-moving-back-to-their-own-forum/m-p/916959 Thanks for that, Peewee.
  13. I'm not seeing this subforum in the list on the "Forums" page... I'm guessing it's just a matter of time.
  14. I stop in at least twice a day, every day, to see if anyone's there. Usually I don't find anyone. Sometimes I find a single person, and half the time that person is a new user who wants a little help. However,once or twice a week I do find people there, sometimes as many as a dozen. It's timing and luck. There is a hud available for free in the back room that will tell you who is at the hangout (when someone's there). If you can't find it, IM me inworld (Ossian Resident) and I will send you one. Also, if you join the Forum Cartel group, you can find out in group chat what people are up to.
  15. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: @Ossian: Doesn't appear to have been posted on the Wiki yet. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Community_Tools_User_Group Thanks!
  16. Venus Petrov wrote: Again, I appreciate LL's efforts at consolidation. There was a thread posted a few weeks ago open for coment. It was discussed at a CTUG meeting. I will live with the 'result' and see how it works for me. Speaking of that... was there a CTUG meeting yesterday? I keep looking for the transcript but not finding it.
  17. another vote for DrLife. Also, take a look at Natsu.
  18. LL doesn't use Twitter much. The official feeds are not updated very often. You'll get more SL-related news from other users. If you search for #SecondLife (which is a tag) you'll see plenty. In fact, you'll need to filter stuff out (which you do with minus signs, like in Google). This, for instance.
  19. Dillon Levenque wrote: Void Singer wrote: a lot of people do however seem to forget that even if someone isn't following you, public tweets are still public, and easily mined. That is the thing about Twitter that most bothers me. People in conversation, at least most people, will say things for amusement, or from irritation, or from some other reason that they would never say 'publicly'. But fact is they are saying it publicly when they tweet. I've seen more than one instance of tweets quoted by people who had nothing whatever to do with the conversation and in all instances the purpose was to stir up drama. Given that my primary reason for going to Twitter would be to better my contacts with my SL friends, for me it would be counter-productive. I don't have as much SL time as I'd like now, getting dragged into Twitter conversations would actually take away from my SL experience, not add to it. Whether a connection between LL and Twitter is feasible or a good idea I am manifestly unqualified to say, but it would not be something I'd be interested in. I'll let the brains like Deltango sort it all out. Twitter doesn't cut into my SL time... I only use it when I can't get inworld. In fact, I've heard about events and got invites and hooked up with people because of Twitter. For instance, once when I was looking for something, a friend offered to meet me inworld and bring me there. About privacy: You can lock your tweets so that only the people who follow you can see them. When you do that, people can only follow you with your approval. It is true that things said to you are open (unless your friends have their tweets locked as well), but it's like hearing only one side of a phone conversation.
  20. Void Singer wrote: I think she means the difference between anonymous and reinvented.... the former, you are only exposing what you want of your RL, and the latter you are exposing what you want of your online life (with generally little connection to your RL) Thanks. That makes sense. I don't know whether that's generally true of Twitter, since it's such a big place, but it isn't true of the people I know there. Most of the people I know on Twitter, I also know either inworld, through this forum, or via SLU. In fact, there's almost always something happening inworld with the people I follow. And... a few people I've met inworld because of seeing them on Twitter. For all of us, it's a mix of our RL and SL selves -- the proportions in the mix depend on the person. Lately, you see people with SL avatars tweeting about tornados and storms in their neighborhoods.
  21. Conifer Dada wrote: As for Twitter, although a lot of people use it anonymously, they're not really being 'virtual', as it were. What do you mean by that, Conifer?
  22. I think people have been asking for an easier way to see what's new... especially with Answers. I haven't seen it mentioned in the CTUG meetings lately, though.
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