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Everything posted by Ossian1488303077

  1. In most web forums, you can look at a page that shows the threads that have been created or updated since your last visit. On SLU, for example, after six or eight hours, I can see in three short pages all the threads that changed or appeared since my last visit. Here, as far as I've seen, I'd have to look at ten or more pages to get the same information, and see the same threads listed over and over, once for each post that was made. My script makes a page that lets you scan down a list of thread titles, and if you want you can see the posts that were made to any thread yesterday and today. It's one page, and it takes me a minute or two to see a whole day's activity and see whether there's anything of interest to me. Also, your browser remembers the posts you've visited, so they are a different color. I dunno. I use this. It's easier for me.
  2. Monica Querrien wrote: Maybe for a fee (like someone suggested) they could change their name...so it's one name...not username and display name. But I like my name...would had never came up with my last name had it not been for SL and I think it suits me This is what people were asking for, but LL said it was impossible. Display names is a messy superstructure, but that's what they went with.
  3. I made some updates... I'm looking for a webserver to run this on, and make pages that go back varying intervals (an hour, 6 hours, 24 hours). I realize this is difficult for most people, but if anyone wants to take this script and use it or change it, you're welcome to it.
  4. But this is what you need to run it on your own computer (instructions for Windows; Mac and Linux are similar): 1. Install Perl on your computer. 2. Make a new file on your computer called "forumfix.pl" and copy my script into it. Save it. 3. Open a command prompt and go to the directory where you saved forumfix.pl 4. Type: perl forumfix.pl 5. Type: UpdatedThreads.html Step four can take a minute to run. Step five will open the new file in your browser. It makes a long file with all the new threads and updates from today and yesterday. The entries look like this: Note that you can expand and collapse the list of posts. If someone wanted to, they could install it on a webserver and run every couple of minutes. (Sorry but I don't have a website to do it from.) It could be adapted for Answers. I don't know why authentication quit working (it was until yesterday), but maybe someone can figure that out. I think it's pretty simple and could easily be changed to group threads differently or display them differently. It would also be easy to highlight Linden posts, but you can search for "Linden" to find them, or to find posts from people you follow.
  5. You could ask the people who see you ruthed which viewer they're using. They might need to upgrade to the latest V2 or Phoenix -- that's probably their problem, and they won't see your boobies bounce until they upgrade anyway. ~laughs~
  6. I run it on my desktop computer. It creates a local file that I open in my browser. When I want a refresh, I run the script again and refresh the page in the browser.
  7. Since there isn't a good way to see which threads are new and updated, I've made a Perl script (below). This isn't perfect, but it's what I use to see what's happening here. You should be able to call it with your account name and password, but the authentication seems to have quit working. So you can just call the script without... it isn't going to get the Off Topic posts, sorry. The results aren't pretty, but I think they are better organized than the page provided, and maybe someone could webify this and make it better. # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # forumfix.pl [ ACCOUNT_NAME PASSWORD ] # # The account name and password are optional; in any case the # authentication isn't working, so Off Topic posts are missed. # # This creates a file called UpdatedThreads.html that lists # all posts from today and yesterday by thread. # # Feel free to use or modify. # ----------------------------------------------------------------- use HTML::TreeBuilder; use HTTP::Cookies; use WWW::Mechanize; # --- output filename --- $threadFile = 'UpdatedThreads.html'; # --- are we logging in? --- if ($#ARGV != 1) { $logging = 0; } else { $logging = 1; $username = $ARGV[1]; $password = $ARGV[0]; } # --- URL --- $nro = 1; $url = 'http://community.secondlife.com/t5/forums/' . 'recentpostspage/category-id/Forums/post-type/message/page'; # --- make your browser --- my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new(); $mech->cookie_jar(HTTP::Cookies->new()); $mech->get("$url/$nro"); # --- log in, if credentials were given --- if ($logging) { $mech->follow_link(text => "Sign In"); $mech->submit_form( form_number => 0, fields => { username => $username, password => $password, stay_logged_in => 'Yes', return_to => 'https://support.secondlife.com/openid_rp/hand-auth-id', }, button => 'Submit' ); } # --- take the page apart --- $currDate = ''; $daysFound = 0; $posted = ''; %Threads = (); while (1) { $page = $mech->content(); $root = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($page); @TR = $root->find('tr'); $first = 1; # --- grab info from the page -- foreach $tr (@TR) { # --- skip the header --- if ($first) { $first = 0; next; } @TD = $tr->find('td'); # --- first get the key --- @anchors = $TD[4]->find('a'); $key = $anchors[0]->attr('href'); $key =~ s/^.*\///; # --- get post info and subforum --- @anchors = $TD[1]->find('a'); $link = $anchors[0]->attr('href'); $title = $anchors[0]->as_text(); $posted = $title; $posted =~ s/^.* - \( //; $posted =~ s/ \).*$//; $title =~ s/ - \(.*$//; $forum = $anchors[1]; $forum->attr('class', undef); $forum->attr('id', undef); $forum = $forum->as_HTML(); chomp $forum; $forum = "<center>$forum</center><br />\n"; $teaser = $TD[1]->find_by_attribute('class','message-subject-body wrapper-hide-overflow message-body justify'); $teaser = $teaser->as_text(); ##+ print "Link: $link\n"; ##+ print "Title: $title\n"; ##+ print "Teaser: $teaser\n"; ##+ print "$forum\n"; # --- get author --- $author = $TD[2]->find('a'); $author->attr('class', undef); $author->attr('style', undef); $author->attr('target', undef); $author->attr('id', undef); $author = $author->as_HTML(); chomp $author; $author =~ s/<span[^>]*>//; $author =~ s/<.span>//; ##+ print "$author\n"; ##+ print "\n"; # --- first time thread is mentioned, get the title --- if (!exists($Threads{$key})) { $Threads{$key} = $forum . "<b> $title &nbsp;{</b><i><a id=\"displayText$key\" href=\"javascript&colon;toggle('$key');\">show posts</a></i><b>}</b><br />\n" . "<ul id=\"toggleText$key\" style=\"display: none\">\n"; } # --- add current post to thread --- $Threads{$key} .= "<li> <a href='$link'>$posted</a> by <i>$author</i><br />\n" . $teaser . "</li>\n"; } # --- clean up --- $root->delete; ##+ print "-------------------------------------------\n"; # --- should we stop? --- $posted =~ s/ .*$//; #++ print "$posted\n"; if ($currDate ne $posted) { $currDate = $posted; $daysFound++; last if ($daysFound > 2); } # --- get next page --- $nro++; $mech->_reset_page(); print "."; $mech->get("$url/$nro"); } print "\n"; # --- prepare our output file --- open OUTF, '>:utf8', $threadFile; print OUTF <<EOT <html><head><title>SL Forum New and Updated Threads</title> <base href="http://community.secondlife.com/"> </head> <body> <script language="javascript"> function toggle(key) { var ele = document.getElementById("toggleText" + key); var text = document.getElementById("displayText" + key); if(ele.style.display == "block") { ele.style.display = "none"; text.innerHTML = "show posts"; } else { ele.style.display = "block"; text.innerHTML = "hide posts"; } } </script> EOT ; # --- use array to pull threads in order and print them --- $lastForum = ""; foreach $thread (sort values %Threads) { # --- we only want to print the forum name once --- $forum = $thread; $forum =~ s/^<center><a[^>]*>//; $forum =~ s/<.*$//s; if ($forum ne $lastForum) { $lastForum = $forum; print OUTF "\n\n<hr>\n"; } else { $thread =~ s/^.*<.center><br .>//s; } print OUTF "$thread</ul><br />\n\n"; } print OUTF "</body></html>"; close OUTF; 
  8. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Well.. a chipmunks sense of time is not good, specially in the spring. I found this: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/New-Privacy-settings-on-web-profiles/td-p/831063 So it looks like the change was about a week ago. Although I see no announcement from the Lindens. As far as I know, there never was an official announcement. Ann O'Toole broke the news.
  9. Hmm... I have long suspected you of being a time traveler.
  10. Maybe. Honestly I was just in a rush to get the scoop.
  11. Really? Oh, snap! Wait... are you sure? The five settings? Didn't there used to only be one?
  12. There is a good blog by Inara Pey on this... I guess I can't link to it. Anyway, Ann O'Toole announced across the street that there are new privacy settings on web profiles. If you go to http://my.secondlife.com/firstname.lastname (leave off the dot and lastname if you don't have one), you'll see a drop-down menu near your name in the upper right. If you choose Privacy Settings, you'll see the five settings: About MeReal WorldInterestsGroupsPickseach with these three options: Everyone means all the earth.Second Life means logged in SL users.Friends means people on your friend list, when they're logged in.
  13. What dominated most of my life was the Search. I mean, life, the universe, everything... why we're here. Now I know that the answer is 42, but even if someone had told me long ago, I would still have had to find out on my own. Where I lived, in suburbia, there were no gurus or unusual people as far as I knew, and this was long before the internet... So I relied on the public library and occasional books I managed to buy. At that time, even though a new paperback book only cost 50 cents, until I got a job at 14 I rarely had that much money. When I was about 12, I got permission to borrow books from the Adult section (meaning the ordinary part of the library) and started reading things like The Golden Bough, Ouspensky, books about psychic research, astral projection, Edgar Cayce, yoga... anything I could get my hands on. But as far as doing anything with other people, the only available avenue was religious, so I got involved with pentacostal christians, and later (when I was old enough to drive) with some very extreme ones... but before you start imagining, I have to tell you they were not like anyone you know about. These people were mystics, quietists, and they were really far far out. It was like climbing on the Cloud of Unknowing and jumping off into the Who Knows What, trusting that something would... well, not catch you, but rather be close to you during your fall. Jumping, falling, was essential. The goal was to throw your whole life into the air and let it blow away so God could put whatever "He" wanted in its place. I tried... I really tried... but it turned out to be a leap that I couldn't take, so I pulled away. After a year of trying to digest what happened, I got involved with a group, something like a cult. It ended up being an enormous scam, but at the same time it helped me enormously. It gave me a focus, access to materials and people and information, and a way of finally figuring out the big questions that had bothered me since I was a child. Chiefly, it put me together with a large number of people who had the same questions I did, but very different histories and experiences, and we all worked together in remarkable ways. The people I knew then were just so... out of the ordinary, incredible. Even though the group was created to skin people like me, it was a net that caught people like me, so I found exactly the kind of people I was looking for and needed. And yeah, the group took a lot of money off me. I never sat down and added it all up, but I'm sure I'd faint if I did. As wrong as that was, it pushed me to get a better job and career than I would otherwise have had. It also (since it was worldwide) it gave me a way to visit and live in some unusual places I wouldn't otherwise have seen. I stayed in that group for a long time, until, after many years, I gradually drifted out of it. Most of my friends who were in it are now waging war on it, still in a way centering their lives on it, but since I left, it's hard to work up the interest... and I don't resent it, honestly. Now, I'm more interested in my family, my life, the things I'm doing now. Anyway, it feels so long ago that I can think about it without wincing. Edited to add: I decided to write about this because I think it's the last thing anyone would guess, even if they knew me fairly well -- in either RL or SL.
  14. Two things that would help would be obvious links to "My posts" and "Threads I've started".
  15. I have to say, the new signup page is pretty slick. https://join.secondlife.com/ Nice work, whoever did it! (Parenthetically, I had no idea where to put this thread.)
  16. Venus Petrov wrote: I think it is not intentional, rather, whatever tool they are using to capture the local chat log is making a funky mess of the paste. Remarks are there but not attributed in all cases. Oh! I had thought those were continued from the last speaker. It's really a head-shaker. I *do* read the official one because I'm anxious to see what happened, but reading Darrius' version afterward is a completely different experience.
  17. Darrius Gothly wrote: Umm .. Suspiria? I neither delete names from the transcript nor censor it. Did I misunderstand who you meant that for? I think she means that in a previous week some remarks were left out of the official transcript, not yours.
  18. TriJin Bade wrote: Second Life is.... Community created... Community driven... Community maintained... Community killed. We only have ourselves to blame if Second Life kicks the bucket from the mortal coil. With any social media development, the "human factor" is paramount. New mediums to serve the fast and furious fashionists then there's Second Life, a slow steady tanking snail that only hardened residents keep alive. So far, what I witness, LL is appearing to go into the fast and furious lane whilst trying to ride a racing snail. It is the community to service that snail with all the turbo it needs to survive. Just my 3.142 thought provoking cents. Happy RPin. A business that blames its customers for its failure has failed twice.
  19. What bothers me most about this topic is that LL is so silent on the subject. I know that M Linden used to gush about FB constantly, and it was obvious he wanted to marry it, but he never said what he really wanted to do regarding Facebook. LL really has to get over its culture of secrecy. They need to let us in on things. I'm tired of speculating about all the stuff they don't tell us.
  20. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: aww... i knows, i'm just foolin' around. Ossian wrote: There's probably more that furries can do... I was trying to be ridiculous. ~laughs~ I know you were... I just said it for the audience.
  21. There's probably more that furries can do... I was trying to be ridiculous.
  22. I find the question kind of strange. It's like asking, "Why would someone be a furry, when humans have so much more they can do?" People are child avatars so they can do the things that child avatars do, be a child in a family, go to Hogwarts, play like kids...
  23. There are two below "Honored Resident" but you zip through those so quickly that they don't count.
  24. valerie Inshan wrote: April fool is called a poisson d'avil in France (please don't ask me why!) :smileyvery-happy: It's probably because when people heard "poisson" they thought "poison" (and vice versa) and much hilarity ensued. Didi: And what will you give me for lunch? Gogo: A big serving of fish (poisson), what do you think? Didi: I think you will give me poison, you rascal! Gogo: That would be a capital joke, ha ha! Didi: It would be a capital crime! Gogo laughs uncontrollably.
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