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Bloodsong Termagant

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Everything posted by Bloodsong Termagant

  1. oh, hahahha, i see! all this time, when i had to send my painstakingly-age-verified friend to go buy me a contact juggling ball, and all those gacha guild avatar release events i missed... all i had to do was change one preference thing!?!?? OMG, THAT'S HYSTERICAL!!! ;D my cashing out is fine, i did that banking rigamarole months ago. the marketplace is good... IF you know what you want, and can find it. there's just no replacement for strolling up and down the mall, gazing at all the cool creatures in the vendors! crazy japanese stuff you never knew existed! (or that you needed very badly. ;D)
  2. anybody remember NorthStar AV? with fond nostalgia? no? just me? ... :X then i found Avagora Mall at Montecito Bay. hallelujah! the proprietor DOES remember NorthStar AV and wants to keep the Avatar Mall concept alive! but now they have switched from a moderate sim to an adult sim. which is fine. i've never age-verified because i've never had a compelling reason to... maybe now i do! BUT... as also a merchant there, i don't want my in-world vendors to be in a restricted access area. so i'm looking for places to shop (preferably not adult sims), as well as places i might rent shop space. oh, just to clarify... these are for NON-HUMAN avatars. furries, yes; but also ferals, animals, fantastical creatures, robots, mechs, food, dragons, ghosts, toys, tinies, chibis... anything weird! and a mall, which has many different shops from many, many different vendors. thanks!
  3. why am i the lucky one?? when i go back in world, i'll try it in a different region. thanks!
  4. i'm trying to play it once. but it doesn't play at all. did it work for you? i posted a jira. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-228006
  5. i don't understand why this isn't working. i have this old texture for blinking eyelids, and instead of having each prim do its animation, i thought i'd get the root to do them both. buuuuut... it won't do it just once. THIS WORKS: llSetLinkTextureAnim(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, ANIM_ON | LOOP | PING_PONG, 0, 2, 2, //--grid size 0, 4, //--frame start/end 10.0); //--speed THIS DOES NOTHING: llSetLinkTextureAnim(LINK_ALL_CHILDREN, ANIM_ON | PING_PONG, 0, 2, 2, //--grid size 0, 4, //--frame start/end 10.0); //--speed same thing if i use an individual link number instead of all children. why??? :(
  6. same thing as happened Nov 22. 1: log in very slow (stuck on 'loading fonts' of all things!) connecting to region slow, then aborts to... 2: 'unable to connect etc. would you like to try to go home?' i select the 'home' option, and after a little bit, i load into the grid at my home point. 3: unable to teleport after this log in. i just relogged and didn't have any issues. yet. just reporting in.
  7. just a quick note to say "THANKS, VIR!" for your answer to my questions. (so long ago, yes.) :) everybody else, carry on.
  8. technical questions for the lindens. (or if anybody knows??) 1: BAKES PLACEHOLDER TEXTURES: are we gonna get, in the library maybe, the textures for the bake zones? so we can just throw the textures onto stuff, instead of having to always use a script? 2: BAKES ON ANIMESH: yes, yes, it only works on avatars, because only avatars can wear skins, tattoos, etc etc. but i understand enabling animesh to use body shapes is in the pipeline. if animesh can be made to use/wear body shapes, perhaps it could also be made to wear... skins and tattoos, etc etc etc... someday? well. i can hope? thank you, and everybody enjoy your baking! i know i am
  9. i had two sell orders placed and waiting before the whole Tilia thing arrived. and they were sitting there pending. i recently cancelled one, in order to try a different sell price. then when i went to sell them, i ran into the whole 'you need to register for tilia' etc etc deal. that's fine. but what is going on with the lindex orders that were placed before the Tilia thing came in, and are not being filled until afterward? will they be processed using the 'old' system? will they be processed into tilia, and then people will have to register with tilia to finish the transaction? are they in limbo and not being processed at all?? my friend also has a buy order that was placed before the changeover, and she is still waiting... will she wait forever? that would be good to know...! thanks!
  10. i have a set of riding animations... and i'm sure you don't want to hear my whole sob story about THOSE. the pertinent point is, i need to make a hip/COG animation that has the hip in position (up in the air), and nothing else, while turning left and right. and, because reasons, it needs to be priority 3 or less. simple, right? i made an animation that has the COG location, loops that, no ease, yadda yadda. YET, unless i make that animation PRIORITY FOUR, the avatar sinks to standing on the ground while turning. i can't explain this, because the animation info shows two animations involved in turning: turnright/turnleft at priority 1 and walk adjust at proirity 2. (and a bunch of priority 0-2 system background animations.) according to the wiki: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Internal_Animations the only animations with priority 3 are the (female)walk. i'm not initiating any walk, i'm just turning in place. i don't see any notes on the turning animations that there is a secret(?) different priority for the hips in those animations. maybe there is??? (does everybody already know this but me?????)
  11. OH THANK GOODNESS! i saw that what i was doing was TOTALLY wrong... especially as y approached zero... thank you so much, for helping me untangle THAT mess. i'm still trying to picture what's going on... but the formula is working! and i will definitely have to bookmark that, kyrah!
  12. i think i figured out what i'm doing wrong. i am trying to calculate the angle of a slope between two points. point 1 = the spot directly below the avatar where it is standing. (in region coordinates) point 2 = the spot the ray intersects the ground ahead of the avatar. (in region coordinates, translated from the avatar's local forward axis) and i have this formula: angle = RAD_TO_DEG*( llAtan2( (p2.z - p1.z),(p2.x - p1.x) )); i THINK the problem is, that i'm just using the X and Z coordinates, and not correcting for the Y coordinate, if the avatar is not facing along the global X axis. so i found this: https://www.euclideanspace.com/maths/geometry/elements/projections/index.htm how to project a point (my target hit with x,y coordinates) onto a line (the global x axis). um... okay, so i have to take the line that is the avatar's facing, project a line at a right angle to that line from the point, and find out where it hits the X axis. uh... yeah, i dunno how to do that :/ except by drawing on graph paper! :X drawing: https://prnt.sc/onjtdl okay, i worked THIS out: http://prntscr.com/onk6ao if i can just get the x/y plane distance of a, then calculate the x/y coordinate of 2a along the avatar facing... THAT x coordinate should be the one i need. and i don't need to mess around with all those pythagorean thingies. what's the 2d version of llVecDist? oh, set the Zs to 0 first... okay, i came up with this, and it returns total BS. it even returns different answers if i click it (activate the calculation by touch) multiple times, without moving in between. float getSlope() { float ht = 0.75; //--normally a calculated global. vector pos = llGetPos(); //--we know where the floor is, cuz we're standing on it @ -ht. vector target = pos; rotation rot = llGetRot(); target = pos + <3.*ht,0.,0.> *rot;//-- test 3 ahead and 2.5 down target.z = target.z - 2.5*ht; // llOwnerSay("Aiming "+(string)pos+" to "+(string)target); list res2 = llCastRay(pos, target, [RC_REJECT_TYPES, RC_REJECT_AGENTS | RC_REJECT_PHYSICAL, //RC_DATA_FLAGS, RC_GET_NORMAL, RC_MAX_HITS, 1]); llOwnerSay("RC returned:"+llDumpList2String(res2, ",")); float angle; if(llList2Integer(res2, -1) != 0) { vector p1 = pos; vector p2 = llList2Vector(res2, 1); //--calculate X without Y vector xy1 = p1; vector xy2 = p2; xy1.z = 0.0; //--get rid of Z influence xy2.z = 0.0; float dist = llVecDist(xy1,xy2); vector xTarget = pos + <2*dist, 0., 0.> * rot; //--SLOPE: p1.z -= ht; //--make this the floor p1.x = xTarget.x; //--make this our actual distance along avatar FWD angle = RAD_TO_DEG*( llAtan2( (p2.z - p1.z),(p2.x - p1.x) )); } else //--we didn't hit anything, the slope is WAY down. angle = -45.0; //--midway to down. fudged. if(angle > 90.0) angle -= 180.0; else if (angle < -90.0) angle += 180.0; return angle; } and no, i don't know how to do angle math, either :X
  13. hey, thanks, madelaine! buuuuut, i'm having trouble. i'm trying to get the angle from the slope. which is the z difference divided by the x difference, which gives me one float. the llAtan2 is looking for 2 floats. annnnnnd i don't know what those are supposed to be? i tried using the z difference and the x difference in the formula, but i came out with 1.5 for the 45 degree slope. hmm, in good news, facing down the incline gave me -1.5, so at least it's sensing direction... and now a 30 degree slope is giving me bogus answers. i'm sorry, this is why i'm an artist, not a mathematician!! okay, the wiki page says it is dividing the two inputs. i still don't get it. WAIT! further reading shows, that the fool thing is returning PI. so. RAD_TO_DEG to the rescue? or is it that other fool thing. should not post while in the middle of doing stuff. okay, it's consistently coming out to be 12 degrees more than the angle i have the prim facing. i'm not anticipating needing the exact angle, so that's good enough for me... just weird.
  14. so on my slope quest... i have two coordinates, one that is right below my avatar, and one that is about 2 meters ahead of it. these are raycast coordinates, shooting out from the avatar's center point. anyway, i have gotten the formula that the angle of the slope is Tan^-1 (slope). and slope = (z2 - z1)/ (x2 - x1). vector p1 = llList2Vector(res1, 1); vector p2 = llList2Vector(res2, 1); float angle = llPow(llTan( (p2.z - p1.z)/(p2.x - p1.x) ), -1); so tangent of the slope to the -1 power. i'm standing on a prim rotated at 45 degrees, and facing upslope. but the angle keeps coming out to tiny numbers like -0.41267. eh??? my brain is melted. https://www.quora.com/How-can-you-find-the-angle-of-line-by-using-its-slope if you're nuts, these are some of the readouts i got: yeah, i tried getting the normals, but... i don't think i can wrangle those into anything useful for my purposes. i'm trying to see if the avatar is walking up or down a slope, and how steep it is. the normal just gives me the angle of the prim surface, not any idea of which way im facing on it.
  15. i know i know how to do this... sorta. but i can't seem to figure it out. okay, i'm trying to ray cast from an attachment, and i want to get the spot straight down from the center of my avatar (easy, thats llGetPos and lower the z coordinate), and "ahead" of my avatar. which i know is local pos + x, BUT... to get that in region coordinates, compared to which way my avatar is facing, i need to use (i think??) Rot2Fwd. i'm just... not sure where/how? vector fwd = llRot2Fwd( llGetLocalRot() ); vector targetPos = llGetPos() + (fwd* ht); this is from the example on the wiki page... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlRot2Fwd it says 'to move an object 5 meters on its forward axis.' in this case i'm moving it "ht" meters on its X axis. or... not MOVING it, but getting a coordinate that is supposed to be ht meters ahead of where i am. but when i face the Y axis... i'm not getting a change in the Y axis calculation? :/ no. i changed 'ht' to 10 meters, but only the x coordinate is ever changing. it's been a long day...
  16. thank you, whirly, for organizing that and bringing it to the Labs' attention. and THANK YOU, LINDENS, for fixing it! i was gonna post that on there, but comments are closed.
  17. has anyone tried to get an inventory synch to fix this problem? i haven't yet, as i want to keep all the junk i have been uploading to beta in the past month :X
  18. thank you, whirly! i keep posting this i found from you, to try to help people: http://aditi.coreqa.net/gridtool.php would it help the ticket at all if i added a comment with how long i have been having this problem, and what voodoo i've tried to work around it? or do you have the technical side all wrapped up for that? i did just try with both the updated LL viewer, and the updated firestorm. still failing. i am able to intermittently connect... but i have not found a reproduceable reason for it.
  19. please see this thread, also: according to this, beta grid is up, and there are people on there. (it doesn't list all regions, i don't know why. and i don't know what half of that grid means, like why some are red.) i've been having trouble logging on to the beta grid all month. SOMETIMES it works. mostly, it doesn't. i was about to see about filing a ticket about it. most other residents i know are having NO PROBLEMS logging in to the beta grid. at least i'm not the only one? and neither are you? voodoo workaround: (this did work... the first time i tried it) if you are using the account selector drop down... where it says [username]@Second Life Beta... delete everything but the user name. make sure the grid selector is still on Beta, and you will have to type in your password. good luck!
  20. this is still going on. i can only log into the beta grid intermittently. i tried all the voodoo above; i tried logging into the main grid, then beta (that worked once or twice); i rebooted my modem and router; i rebooted my computer; i tried logging in to my last location, Morris, Ahern, Sandbox Pristina, and a random sim that the aditi status page showed had agents in it; i EVEN tried the official viewer (gasp!). should i file a ticket? i don't understand why ALL of my accounts are having problems, and it seems NONE of anybody else's accounts are.
  21. FIXED: okay, new trick! in Firestorm (dunno about other viewers) when you switch log-ins to your saved beta grid info... if you delete where it says [username]@secondlifebeta and change that to just [username] then you might get in. make sure the grid selector is set to beta, and you have to type in your password.
  22. i hate to have to ask this, but... i can't tell what's going on from the regular status channels. according to the twitter status feed https://mobile.twitter.com/SLGridStatus and the sl status page https://secondlife-status.statuspage.io/ there's no report of anything about the beta grid. whirly fizzle also provided this link: http://aditi.coreqa.net/gridtool.php which i'm not sure what everything means, exactly, but from what i understand, there are a few people on aditi. i have tried logging in to ahern, morris, and arena with two of my accounts, but i cannot log in. does anybody know what's going on? and is there a specific beta status channel i'm missing? thanks!!
  23. quick bump... this is the last week i'll be accepting applications or inquiries and stuph. ENDING MAY 31. so... i didn't put this on the original post... which is probably too long anyway, but... About Me: Yeah, I guess since I asked you about all that stuff, I should tell you a little about me. Commence Novelization! I joined SL back in 2007 after reading a joke about it in the User Friendly online comic. At the time, I was suffering a severe artistic burnout and deep depression, and the idea of a world created entirely by the users, where you could earn the equivalent of Real Money, really sparked my interest and creative spirit. I have always been good at utilizing limited tools beyond their potential, so prim building was ideal for me. I had also wanted to get into video game design, so out of desperation I had gotten a book called "Learn C in 21 Days" and the sequel, "Learn C++ in 21 Days." Which wasn't very useful for game programming. However, when Neverwinter Nights came out, it had a toolset for building your own modules, and a scripting language based on C. That, I could handle! LSL is also based on C, so the transition to that was fairly easy for me as well. I have been working in 2D and 3D computer graphics for... a long time! I tried a lot of different 3D programs trying to find one that worked with me. Eventually, I ended up with Lightwave (7.3), and 3D Coat. I also recently purchased Zbrush because of... shiny toys! But ZBrush and I have a checkered history I worked in Poser for many years. In 99-00, I developed Dragon Factory for Poser, then did other models (Heavy Horse and Wee Beasties), as well as 'mods' for DAZ Studio products like the Deer, Eagle, and Eagle II. I also wrote a book on designing creatures for Poser, and workflows for joint editing (rigging) and creating morphs and such. In Januargy 2018, I finally pulled it all together and started my first mesh avatar for Second Life, the 3D Menagerie dolphin. I haven't worked with Blender for long, but I have started to use it as my sole modeling tool. With 3D Coat. Maybe a trip to Lightwave when Blender made me ragequit one too many times... :X As for animation... I had always been interested in becoming an animator. When I was a kid, I worked with claymation and stop motion, a little bit of cell animation. I liked to read about the techniques, see the behind-the-scenes specials and suchlike. In art school, I was considered for internship at Disney, but... my life was going in a different direction at that time, so I didn't. :X I worked with animations in Poser of course. I created a replacement Tiny AO set of animations, as well as a set of fighting animations for Tinies for Combat Cards. Animation in Blender is actually something I really like, since you can play the animation while you make adjustments to it. I did all the Dolphin animations, AO and action, in Blender. I've also worked on some other rigs since then. I have always worked in a niche market. While skins and hair are big money (both in Poser and SL), I don't have a lot of interest in that. I like animals and creatures, and fantasy. I enjoy racing (my computer/connection isn't fast enough to win much :X), and riding horses, and jousting! I always wanted to create my own line of rideable horses, and a jousting system. But ah well. When I saw that AKK put out a new horse model every year, I realized... that if I did end up making ridable horses, that would be pretty much the only thing I did from then on. :X That's not for me. I want to Do All The Things!
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