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Ry0ta Exonar

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Everything posted by Ry0ta Exonar

  1. Sí, aquí está la lista de los visualizadores de terceros que puede utilizar para secondlife: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory El más popular es Firestorm.
  2. Assuming that she could clean up the magicbox items in the unassociated inventory items section, now her problem seems that she can't activate the listings judging from the screen shot. Is this right? Tell her to make sure that she fills in all the required items, especially the Category and also to follow Darrius's instructions. Darrius Gothly wrote: Also look at the "Manage Listings" page and look to see if the items she uploaded through the Merchant Outbox are shown as "Direct". If they are showing in the Unassociated Inventory section then she will have to Edit each product and manually select each one.
  3. I see. Thanks for your response.
  4. Go to the magicbox status page https://www.xstreetsl.com/modules.php?name=Marketplace&file=adminservers, scroll down to the bottom, remove your magicboxes listed in the registered servers section, go back to the manage listings page on the marketplace website and click on the "Sync Marketplace with Magicbox" button, then refresh the page. This should remove all the magicbox items shown in the unassociated inventory items section.
  5. You can't control other peoples' choice if they'd like to show display name or user name. So if you prefer to be called your display name, try using a titler (for example https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MyTitle-v192-titler/498581) and write there "Call me Bill". That may work at least with the people you meet inworld. .
  6. Hmm...maybe psychedelic? ETA: No, that's not psychedelic...I checked. You'd have to hunt down the word which triggers the auto-censor.
  7. Just curious, but why did you think of sending a PM to Jeremy Linden? He has nothing to do with the commerce team, so I was assuming he might be your friend or someone very familiar to you.
  8. You can change the email address here: https://secondlife.com/my/account/contact.php?lang=en-US It sounds very weird that your email has been changed without you having changed it, though.
  9. kalliopi Ziplon wrote: She tried to make her stuff in the market place to direct delivery Migration she didn’t do it correct, she copy and paste her items from the magic boxes to her inventory and after it she send it in merchant outbox and to marketplace, she delete the magic boxes from sl world. After that, she should have removed the magicboxes from https://www.xstreetsl.com/modules.php?name=Marketplace&file=adminservers. Scroll down to the bottom of this page, remove the magicboxes listed in the registered servers section, go back to the manage listings page on the marketplace website and click on the "Sync Marketplace with Magicbox" button, then refresh the page. This should remove all the magicbox items shown in the unassociated inventory items section. So tell her to delete the maricboxes inworld again and to do as above mentioned.
  10. It's impossible. If you unlist the demo, clicking on Get the demo version link will take you to the home page.
  11. If you get no answer here, try contacting Moeka Kohime, Edelwise owner, by a notecard 'cause she says she won't reply to IM on her profile. ETA: I found it. It's AMERIE H - Fica.http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/AMERIE/207/98/26
  12. Czari Zenovka wrote: This comment in the response to Pamela puzzles me: "We were able to touch base with the customer and determine that a No Copy item was rezzed directly from the delivered folder in the Received Items folder, making it appear empty." I was under the impression that No Copy items cannot yet be sent using DD so unless I'm missing something (which is entirely possible) why would a No Copy item even be in the Received items folder? I suppose a NC item could be moved to the Received items folder for some reason but the wording in the above sentence sounds like it is saying a No Copy item was in the delivered folder in the Received Items folder. In that comment No Copy means No Copy to the next owner, ie, the buyer. The No Copy items which DD cannot handle yet are those the current owner, ie. the seller doesn't have copy permissions to (like breedable, used item and such).
  13. If you buy the Lorna outfit, they should be more than happy to let you know. lol
  14. Hmm, Amethyst may be correct. The product review team might have judged Avatar Skin and Shape Combination > Female Avatar Base was the right category for your Mel Fantasy. It seems Fantasy category needs more sub categories, though. If also that category is rejected, I will be at a loss too! Good luck!
  15. Ah, that vendor is famous for spamming. *grins*
  16. Deja Letov wrote: That seems a lot of trouble for someone to go through. Do you think someone would go through that list to find one product out of 400 vendors. And more imporantly would people understand how to do that. not everyone is familiar with searching a web pge. Even if they would who though, it still won't bypass the forced landing spotats at is needed to handle changed landmarks. That would be handy...if people would use it. Ah, sorry I was missing the point that you have to have forced landing point! I used to use that page a lot to locate the items I wanted in a huge store when I was new. Now I use area object search in such occasions, though. Yeah, we need to add a brief explanation on how to use that page at the bottom of the description of the listing so that it's usable to people. The good point is that the page is automatically updated if you remove the location of the vendors so we don't have to edit the Slurl. So it's pretty handy when the inworld store doesn't have forced landing point.
  17. Not Phoenix Firestorm, but Phoenix. They are diffferent viewers. http://downloads.phoenixviewer.com/windows/Phoenix_Viewer- is a direct download link for Phoenix windows version.
  18. Oh, yes. I checked also the neiboring sims including DaeVa Draught and didn't see infohub icons there. When I check, for example, Korea which is linden owned infohub, I see the infohub icons.
  19. Maybe it's your viewer. I checked Siba on the world map with Imprudence, but it doesn't show the infohub icon there. Check out Dilbert's comment in this thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion/Infohub/td-p/1408489
  20. If you use some third party viewers like Phoenix, you can have the received items folder in your regular inventory, but I don't think that reduces the risk of losing your items due to inventory issues.
  21. Emilyaya Lenroy wrote: Ry0ta Exonar wrote: Suggestions would depend on what kind of looks you are going for. Classy lady? Goth girl? Cute anime gal? Invisible pony rider with frowny face? I have usually gone with the usual regular girl. I like good quailty skins and always try to find some good high quality skins for the more "realistic" look. The invisible pony rider does sound tempting though... Ry0ta Exonar wrote: Suggestions would depend on what kind of looks you are going for. Classy lady? Goth girl? Cute anime gal? Invisible pony rider with frowny face? Now that you said realistic look, you can forget about the pony rider. lol Pink Fuel: http://pinkfuel.blogspot.jp/ League: http://leaguemainstore.wordpress.com/category/skin/ Lara Hurley: http://www.flickr.com/photos/-larahurley/ The Body Co: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/105368 Glam Affair: http://glamaffairupdates.blogspot.jp/ Illusory: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1584549@N23/pool/with/8149053396/#photo_8149053396 Just some suggestions of stores that have not been mentioned.
  22. Suggestions would depend on what kind of looks you are going for. Classy lady? Goth girl? Cute anime gal? Invisible pony rider with frowny face?
  23. Once in a while I experience that when I'm in a busy place but it's temporal and if I go to a quiet place that issue dissolves. I assume you are talking about advance mode and basic mode of the viewer, but those modes were removed some little time ago.
  24. How about linking to this page? http://world.secondlife.com/place/056d7771-fbfd-8a69-b050-11861416be3a I mean the page for your store location. People could find the direct location of the items more easily by themselves if the listing name and the name of the vendor inworld are the same.
  25. Open a support case with LL https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Select Marketplace > Failed Marketplace Delivery They will check the status and deliver it to you.
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