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Ry0ta Exonar

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Everything posted by Ry0ta Exonar

  1. Maybe the sim your land is located is down? Open the world map and search for the sim to see if it's down. If it's down, file a support ticket : https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Select Land & Region > Report an offline Region
  2. Check your Manage Listings page. If those missing items are shown in the Unassociated Marketplace Inventory section, you need to manually associate them with existing listings. Check out http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Marketplace-Direct-Delivery-migration-guide/ta-p/1293139#Section_.6.
  3. Unfortunately he closed his shop due to RL matter a year ago, so den-dou skins are not available anymore. But it wouldn't hurt to try asking him if he can supply it to you.
  4. Go to magicbox status page https://www.xstreetsl.com/modules.php?name=Marketplace&file=adminservers, scroll down to the bottom and see if there is a ghost magicbox at registered server section. If it's there, remove it and go back to the manage listing page on the marketplace website and try sync again.
  5. Make sure you filled all the required fields when you edit the listing. People often omit to select Category.
  6. Read http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Account-balance/ta-p/700015#Section_.2. If you buy Linden dollars, your USD credit is automatically applied to the fee.
  7. It depends on where you put the enhancement, but 235 impressions per week seems too small. On the contrary 13 clickthroughs per week seems pretty good for such small impressions.
  8. Ashtyn Ninetails wrote: I know for a fact that they can reach into your inventory and into rezzed in-world prims to remove content! A while back there was a major scandal with stolen animations, that the original creator requested they be removed from the grid, and LL did meticulously remove them from everywhere! I know because I happened to have some of the stolen animations (which I had no idea were stolen content) and they were all removed. Unfortunately that option is currently available only for limited people invited to a pilot program mentioned here.
  9. Unfortunately no other option. If that complete avatar is trans/no copy, someone who bought it could resell it to you though. ETA: Oh wait. Reading the creator's feed, it seems he is still active. So wait for his reply. Or on his profile he is asking you to email if he is not online,
  10. That could be because of lag... Try going to a very quiet sim like Pooley, Smith, Aqua and see if your inventory is fully loaded. If that doesn't work, try clearing the viewer cache and relogging to such a sim. Stay therw, open your inventory and apart from typing in the inventory search bar, to prompt reloading, do not do anything else until your inventory is fully reloaded.
  11. Read http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Land
  12. In some cases IP team let the allegedly infringing resident know the business name, slurl of the inworld store, url of the marketplace store and the name of the coryrighted material of the complainer. Sharing this information helps the resident understand what's happening with their content, promotes awareness of intellectual property, and in many cases helps to resolve IP disagreements.
  13. Well, he said "Turns out some low-life scoundrel has been using full perms prims that have me as their creator to distribute stolen content!", so I think his full perm prims were used as a container to store the stolen items and that original creator of the stolen items found his name as the creator of the container, so they filed a DMCA notification against the OP. So "when LL "scrubs the Grid" of all those infringing items, it will not affect anything the OP actually created" , but if LL should ban him (I don't think so though), he will lose his account, hence whole his inventory. I think he is talking about that.
  14. Additionally that happens when you use temp textures, but if you used a normal texture for that tops, the texture may be missing for some reason. Check if the texture is in your inventory. If it is, you can apply it to the tops again.
  15. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Group-owned-land/ta-p/700079#Section_.3.3 Group income and liabilities? Not sure if that's what you'd like to know though.
  16. It looks like Lalli to me. Try asking Hlin Bluebird. She should recognize which one it is.
  17. Check out the library at the bottom of your inventory. There you will find a lot of premade avatars you can always pick up. ETA: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Second-Life-Quickstart/ta-p/1087919#Section_.3.5
  18. Check out the troubleshooting on this page: http://www.damanicorp.com/products/mediaviewer_faq.php#1
  19. No, you can't have multiple stores with the same account. You need to create another account if you would like to have another store.
  20. Probablemente porque la altura media en secondlife es muy alta, como más de 2,2 metros para los hombres. Si te gustaría ser más alto, tiene que editar su forma.
  21. Go to https://secondlife.com/my/account/contact.php?lang=en-US and check "I would like to receive offline IMs via Email". This includes IMs, goup notices, friendship offer, objec offer and what not.
  22. Read http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/bake_fail and try the suggestions.
  23. Yes, that's your shape. Have a look at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Your-Avatar/Problem-With-The-Back-Of-Male-Avatars/td-p/1384817 .
  24. Alternatively, I think you are seeing a sort of menu bar above the text field where you are typing letters (like B I U ABC). There is a small tree icon there, eh? Click it and you will know how to insert an image to your post.
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