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Vanity Fair

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Everything posted by Vanity Fair

  1. (with apologies for reviving a necro'ed thread!) I am going to post this here for the information of people who are still looking for a free mesh body: Here is a complete and up-to-date list of all the free and inexpensive options for mesh heads and bodies for FEMALE avatars: https://ryanschultz.com/2018/09/24/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-free-mesh-heads-and-bodies-for-female-second-life-avatars/ And here is a list of all the free and inexpensive options for mesh heads and bodies for MALE avatars: https://ryanschultz.com/2018/10/04/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-free-and-inexpensive-mesh-heads-and-bodies-for-male-second-life-avatars/ I try to keep these two posts as up-to-date as possible.
  2. Altamura has just put out yet another free mesh full-body avatar for women, called Estephania, details are here : https://ryanschultz.com/2018/11/03/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-free-altamura-estephania-mesh-full-body-avatar-for-women-in-the-sl-frees-and-offers-hunt/ Here are some pictures of Estephania:
  3. Here is a complete and up-to-date list of all the free and inexpensive options for mesh heads for female avatars: https://ryanschultz.com/2018/09/24/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-free-mesh-heads-and-bodies-for-female-second-life-avatars/ And here is a list of all the free and inexpensive options for mesh heads for male avatars: https://ryanschultz.com/2018/10/04/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-free-and-inexpensive-mesh-heads-and-bodies-for-male-second-life-avatars/ If you're not too picky, you can pick up a complete mesh avatar (head and body) for nothing or next to nothing. If you want a fully-adjustable Bento mesh head, that is going to set you back at least L$500, and more likely L$5,000. Here are two female Bento head options I found for L$500: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LV-Chloe-Bento-Mesh-Head/14195601 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/UTILIZATOR-Normie-Head/13071631 And here is one male Bento mesh head for L$500 (again, most will set you back L$5,000): https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LV-Matt-Bento-Head/11763537
  4. Here is a complete and up-to-date list of all the free and inexpensive options for mesh heads for female avatars: https://ryanschultz.com/2018/09/24/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-free-mesh-heads-and-bodies-for-female-second-life-avatars/ And here is a list of all the free and inexpensive options for mesh heads for male avatars: https://ryanschultz.com/2018/10/04/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-free-and-inexpensive-mesh-heads-and-bodies-for-male-second-life-avatars/ If you're not too picky, you can pick up a complete mesh avatar (head and body) for nothing or next to nothing. If you want a fully-adjustable Bento mesh head, that is going to set you back at least L$500, and more likely L$5,000. Here are two female Bento head options I found for L$500: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LV-Chloe-Bento-Mesh-Head/14195601 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/UTILIZATOR-Normie-Head/13071631 And here is one male Bento mesh head for L$500 (again, most will set you back L$5,000): https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LV-Matt-Bento-Head/11763537
  5. I have pulled together all the information I have about free and inexpensive mesh heads for male avatars into one blogpost: https://ryanschultz.com/2018/10/04/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-free-and-inexpensive-mesh-heads-and-bodies-for-male-second-life-avatars/ (Sorry FIona! I didn't mean to necro this thread! I should always check the date first!)
  6. I hadn't heard of this one before! They appear to have a number of inexpensive Bento (and non-Bento) mesh heads on the SL Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/179832/search?utf8=✓&search[category_id]=&search[maturity_level]=G&search[keywords]=head
  7. Here is a complete and up-to-date list of all the free and inexpensive options for mesh heads for female avatars: https://ryanschultz.com/2018/09/24/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-free-mesh-heads-and-bodies-for-female-second-life-avatars/ And here is a list of all the free and inexpensive options for mesh heads for male avatars: https://ryanschultz.com/2018/10/04/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-free-and-inexpensive-mesh-heads-and-bodies-for-male-second-life-avatars/ If you're not too picky, you can pick up a complete mesh avatar (head and body) for nothing or next to nothing. If you want a fully-adjustable Bento mesh head, that is going to set you back at least L$500, and more likely L$5,000. Here are two female Bento head options I found for L$500: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LV-Chloe-Bento-Mesh-Head/14195601 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/UTILIZATOR-Normie-Head/13071631 And here is one male Bento mesh head for L$500 (again, most will set you back L$5,000): https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LV-Matt-Bento-Head/11763537
  8. Thanks to everybody who pointed me to Donald Trump stuff on the Marketplace. You are the inspiration for my blogpost! Thanks again. And whoever does that Vladimir Putin/Donald Trump duo, I want to see what you come up with!
  9. Second Life Steals, Deals, and Freebies: Three Options for a Donald Trump Avatar, Including One for Less Then L$500! http://ryanschultz.com/2018/10/27/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-three-options-for-a-donald-trump-avatar-including-one-for-less-than-l500/
  10. Does anybody know where I can get a mesh Donald Trump avatar? I've done some searching on the SL Marketplace and I can't find anything I like. Thanks in advance!
  11. An update and a question: Give me your opinion: Should I leave an avatar to perennial provocateur and artist SaveMe Oh via my will, or is that a bad idea? http://ryanschultz.com/2018/10/26/give-me-your-opinion-should-i-leave-an-avatar-to-saveme-oh-in-my-will-or-is-that-a-bad-idea/
  12. You know me. If I hear about a virtual world (old or new), or a social VR platform, I'll visit it at least once to write a brief report for my blog. But I won't bother with most of the world's in Napoleon's list. I'm more focused on the newer virtual worlds, particularly ones that support VR and the blockchain/cryptocurrency-based ones. Most of the latter are little more than vapourware and empty promises, but at least one (Virtual Universe) shows some promise.
  13. There's a new Altamura freebie for female avatars, a full-body mesh avatar (head and body) called Kim: https://ryanschultz.com/2018/10/21/second-life-steals-deals-and-freebies-free-kim-female-full-body-avatar-by-altamura/ Unfortunately, you cannot remove the head on this one, but she is lovely!
  14. An Update: Leaving my Second Life avatars to other people via my will (and why cancer is sadly still part of my life):http://ryanschultz.com/2018/10/21/an-update-leaving-my-second-life-avatars-to-other-people-via-my-will-and-why-cancer-is-still-part-of-my-life/
  15. I got my biopsy results back yesterday, and I have good news: I DO NOT HAVE CANCER! http://ryanschultz.com/2018/10/16/i-do-not-have-cancer/
  16. Here is an up-to-date blogpost, with all the information gathered together into one place, about the upcoming ability to change your user name: https://ryanschultz.com/2018/03/22/more-details-on-the-upcoming-ability-to-change-your-user-name-in-second-life/ When Ebbe Altberg was last asked about it, he said that this feature would come very late this year, at the earliest. It's starting to look like it will be pushed to next year.
  17. I also do not have a problem with L$1 items as "freebies"/gifts. What I *DO* have a problem with is events where vendors put out "gifts" for more than L$1 (e.g. L$10). That is NOT a gift. I was at an event where it was advertised that gifts were available at most booths (L$0-L$10), and EVERY SINGLE ONE was L$10.
  18. I'm confused. I notice that when you select "Profile" from the user name drop down menu in the upper right hand corner of the screen on the Second Life Community webpage, then select "Edit Profile", you are given the following text window to fill out: But, I cannot figure out where this information actually appears on your profile. Where do other people see this information? Can anybody explain this to me? Thanks!
  19. You asked about my opinions, so here you go: IMVU - tried it a couple of times, not interested Second Life - I've been a regular user since 2007 Woozworld - never heard of it Habbo - heard of it, but never used it Twinity - I was an early user, but it's a dead world with few users SmallWorlds - never heard of it OurWorld - never heard of it Fantage - never heard of it Stardoll - never heard of it Neopets - never heard of it World of Warcraft - I played for about a year, never got up past level 20 Poptropica - never heard of it Club Penguin heard of it, never used it Moshi Monsters - never heard of it WeeWorld - never heard of it Webkinz - never heard of it Meez - never heard of it Minecraft -heard of it, never used it Roblox - tried it once, not interested Most of these are CLEARLY aimed more towards children and teenagers rather than adults. If you want an up-to-date list of social VR, virtual worlds, and metaverse platforms, you can use my list as a starting point: https://ryanschultz.com/list-of-social-vr-virtual-worlds/
  20. Not too long ago, I did a survey of the readers of my blog to see which virtual worlds people had actually created accounts on. Here are the results: https://ryanschultz.com/2018/08/31/results-of-the-first-ever-ryanschultz-com-reader-poll-on-which-social-vr-platforms-virtual-worlds-do-you-have-a-user-account/
  21. It's been a little over two weeks since my life was turned upside-down. Here's another update on me: https://ryanschultz.com/2018/10/10/just-breathe/
  22. There is a free hairstyle already in your Inventory, look under: Library/Accessories/Hair Design Options (Colors & Styles)/Pulled Back Bun This hairstyle comes in a variety of colours, and can also be tinted and resized. It fits nicely under hats or hoods:
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