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Chroma Starlight

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Everything posted by Chroma Starlight

  1. I started years ago almost scoffing the idea of building an ambitious spacecraft out under the open sky like a shipyard when they started and the first prototypes weren't much to look at. Now it's starting to really feel like these guys are determined to make civilization on Earth the interplanetary space-faring kind, how about that. It makes me wonder what other dreams might suddenly come to fruition?
  2. If you're trying to place an image from a web URL into your post, you should just be able to paste or type the text of the direct address to that into the post and then the forum automation should place the web image inline. URLs ending with the image file in a recognized format such as .jpg, .png, or .gif should work fine from most web content.
  3. Grateful when the mind draws a blank because the best answers to many of life's circumstance come directly from the heart. Grateful for the edit feature on the forums.
  4. I'm grateful for restful days, whenever they come. I'm grateful for days of play, and open hearts with friends. I'm grateful for waffles and that I can make them.
  5. Well, I turn them back, of course! And then get the poor girl the help she needs before someone gets hurt.
  6. I'm grateful for the illusory nature of fear. I'm grateful for the authentic nature of compassion. I'm grateful for cats.
  7. Share something that you think changes the way you can see, understand, or experience the world. Help distribute a little more positive future with a curated video or other content, one item per post please. What's getting you excited? 😹
  8. I'm not sure I know the best answers, but I do know these guys are active on Second Life and I'll bet they'd have suggestions if you look them up.
  9. Grateful for the realization that the giants often stand upon the shoulder of giants too. Still grateful for oatmeal. Yum!
  10. Grateful for the opportunities life presents to stretch, in every possible sense of that word. Grateful for the way that things suddenly get real, real fast; grateful for how that builds confidence where it's justifiable and puts light on opportunities to improve where maybe it isn't. Grateful that, sometimes, it forces you to grow past obstacles. Grateful for sleep. Goodnight.
  11. I'm grateful that almost every day is a rebirth, and there are so many ways to play with that instrumentality. Variations on the same theme, new songs, new canvases, or just appreciating the same things again and again because they're worthy. I'm grateful there's a seemingly bottomless bag of rolled oats, some golden raisins, and a rice cooker that knows how to make it all breakfast while I brew and sip tea.
  12. The Man Who Built a 40-Foot Spite Fence Around His Neighbor’s Home It's a thing that happens, for whatever reason. I once had to abandon my home and sell the land because of banlines. At a certain point, you have to ask yourself whether it's better to be 'indignant and right' or to live well, because it is a trope that sometimes life is unfair. You get right out on the razor's edge of forgiveness when it's a hurt that's on-going. Maybe I'm weak, but it was too much for me to face that same frequency daily and also be myself free of diversion. Sometimes, it's easier to forgive from afar. And then life goes on. And you discover that new things grow once clear of the shadow of loss. And somehow the song you're singing has grown too. And things start to seem Meaningful. So there's definitely a path around problems like these if you listen carefully, and it leads somewhere better, as it did for me. There will always be new builds, and maybe it's better to be the process than it is to be attached to the result.
  13. A parade of thoughts all questioning what you're doing in life, how you're doing it, the feelings of uncertainty about the steps you're taking to discover your path, the crushing emotional uncertainty and creeping sense of void. Why would anyone be grateful for that? That feeling of being lost, that feeling that perhaps you've been chasing false hope all along and here's the reveal of the cold hard reality. For me, today, I'm grateful because of what followed as the morning sun crept above the horizon. It simply dawned on me, the simplest realization. These are just thoughts, like birds flying through the yard. I may be a thoughtform, but I am not the simple streams of thoughts playing on screen of my experience. Reflecting on this realization leads intuitively to understand that all these doubts and feelings are just thoughts, and I am something else entirely. We see far beyond the limit of the thought's perspective, its origins in the mind. This is something I'm so very grateful for, but also for the people who once realized the sublime nature of this frame of view, understood how to communicate it in a universal way that takes root and springs to life, and who do so with both humility and generosity of spirit.
  14. I was instantly attracted to the idea of Discord when I heard about it in late 2017 or early 2018 and joined so that I could support it. They were an IM network run by people I relate to whose business model is membership not advertising. You get this sense like the people running have hearts and social consciousness so it feels like the place to be rather than a place to be the product. Then, as it so happens, it's actually a really polished cross-platform communications app, repurposing some of the best ideas (including bots/API, individually or group-managed servers/channels in the larger network) from IRC and Slack with hypertext, object exchange, cloud provider multimedia integrations, and then voice and videoconference and screen sharing a la Skype and Twitch and elsewhere. Discord is creating something new 'for gamers,' but it turns out this is a really good mix of ingredients for any virtual online community. And I've met some of the most wonderful people there. It feels like it has all the potential social elements I like about this place here, but taken and applied over there in that business as a subscription IM network.
  15. Today, I'm feeling grateful for simple things, the elemental things, in my experience. The way my body feels, the way this morning's sunlight pierces the cool air and penetrates my being. The flavors of tea and bagel in alternating bites. Small conversations filled with great care whispered across vast spaces in an instant. There's so much worth appreciating, it's beyond just me. The longer I contemplate the more joy I feel, this morning.
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