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Chroma Starlight

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Everything posted by Chroma Starlight

  1. Playing with camera lens focal length was always a simple pleasure to find creative extra 'hidden' visual potential in any scene. Ctrl-8, Ctrl-9, Ctrl-0 are still some of our favorite hotkeys in the viewer.
  2. Where's the largest lifelike hippopotamus on all the grid? I wanna plant my tail nearby and sketch them!
  3. Need an assist help finding reference art in-world? Post requests for help here!
  4. If nothing else surfaces, we and anyone else interested could always just create a group ourselves and see what develops. We have some skills/experience, but it's based mostly on drawing what we see, first year art student stuff. We'd love to develop a more stylized approach and also develop our own visualization skills, and especially our ability to develop ideas or draw things quick and loose first. If that gets boring, can always switch to painting or vector art or some other approach. Maybe we'll cycle through. XD
  5. Try different artists/genres; if your perception has been that bandcamp is any one thing, you may find there's more to discover there. Spotify does require an account to listen unlike most others, but if you're just trying to discover music, it may be useful. Soundcloud has something better than a recommended music feature-- you can follow your favorite artists and then explore the music that -they- fav or repost. You build this ever-growing vast network of who you pay attention to. That's honestly the best way to use youtube, too; we're convinced your subscriptions and likes influence the recommendations that you get from its neural net deeply and just listening to a few videos will prime the pumps and get it recommending more to you on any given web session. The life of a DJ is to listen to music obsessively because it moves you, living in that world and then emerging with discovered experiences to share and celebrate. What fun! n__n My own approach is that as (web forum) DJ I believe that in order for an audience to have a listening or dance experience that really elevates them or expands them in some way, ideally it should be something altogether new but still relatable and evocative, like the experience of living life itself while awake in the present moment. For that reason, I lately choose to avoid old time favs and hits verbatim, and I'll do this particularly if they feel like something that's so popular that most audiences would have memories of hearing it before, maybe tens or even hundreds of times. They won't experience old familiar hit songs songs as new information, they simply can't, and so it won't be memorable because it won't be new sonics blazing new memories. Sometimes you search and discover there exist obscure versions of old songs on 12" vinyl or whatever that never got radio play and contain surprises, or you could play it at another speed, or DSP-processed, or do mash-ups. discogs.com can be a useful research tool when you really start digging. There are ways of using familiar material and making new experiences for sure, and for every familiar hit, there's dozens of equally or more-worthy tracks waiting to be found. Consider looking for musical experiences and not the songs people are most likely to know.
  6. Three other places you could look include Bandcamp, spotify, and SoundCloud, but there are many others.
  7. bump. Art is still life and co-creation is still the highest form of love in this world or any other. Blur the line between self and imagination by projecting yourself onto the canvas. Let's come together and do this because we believe in its transformative power, deeply, and want that for everyone, because we believe in one another, especially when the world won't believe in us, we'll come together and show the world the true meaning of love and art. We believe in elevating our culture, we consider this our purpose. We don't create because it makes us famous, we don't do it because it makes us rich. We don't do it because it earns us a place or recognition in the world. We do it because it's a way of expressing the love we feel for life and for one another, we do it because it animates us and because we want to help manifest new life in all its forms, we do it because we know that to explore our own potential we must come together and form something larger, we must share the spirit of living culture; that's not something any individual aspiring to art can or should attempt in isolation, and we must restructure our thinking in terms of creating opportunities to pull people in. Let's do the thing and show everyone how it's done, together. Let's fill the aching void, let's create a spiral, let's elevate ourselves and one another, let's spark a beacon where today there is only darkness.
  8. The good old days are right now. They're happening right now. There's no time, no hope, and no potential like that of the present moment. If you don't like the song, sing something different. If you feel disconnected from where the action and love is, sing louder, sing longer, sing in more places, sing in more ways, do it from your heart/center, do it with love. If you can't find the good world, then be a solitary beacon and let that world of good discover you. It is out there. There are 60,000 individuals connecting. It's there, just poorly indexed.
  9. Oh, we were being excessively clever by underscore marking the letters SOUND as in: sounds. ✂️----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Co-creating your conscious living experience. DANCE
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