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Chroma Starlight

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Everything posted by Chroma Starlight

  1. For dreams, as well as reality checks. Sometimes they say the same thing, differently. Everything that stands out is like a note in the quiet, once you train your ears, life's singing to you instead of at you. Grateful for this.
  2. Grateful for fractals. Happy Birthday, Benoit Mandelbrot (20 Nov 1924).
  3. Check out the opener, "Marc Ribot Y Los Cubanos Postizos - Aurora in Pekin".
  4. bump. AI is still interesting. extemporaneous co-creation, some prompt rewrites, very minor post edits from this morning's session.
  5. That seems like a lot of overhead, primarily suited to monothreaded activity with very high switch overhead, but what about dynamic situations with multiple systems interacting and being inclusive of all members? Are they going to sit in a room and fire up fifteen clients to have a conversation? There are plenty of use cases where 'alts' isn't really an answer at all.
  6. Can anyone suggest an in-world implementation of something like PluralKit on Discord for individual systems that find themselves navigating SecondLife completely unformatted? We're just curious what ideas have been explored here already. The most basic might be some prefix on chat text, but we're wondering what new ideas and automation people here are developing for this lately.
  7. Woke up dreaming about this. Perhaps there are other ways that this might be used. What other kinds of new paths of co-creation might something like this potentially open up to the most experiences? What if there were a voice-activated way to build objects? What if such an interface could take a verbal description of a textured mesh and toss it into an in-world building process as a realized mesh? What if you could teach it to walk the database of objects, learn from them, and recombine their elements spontaneously for new objects? What if you could ask it to change an entire forest of trees each in unique subtle ways? What would be it like to participate in a world of play where there's realtime direction that coordinates the interconnection into a more cohesive story for group collaborative storytelling? What other frontiers might technologies like these open up to synthesize new modes of creation or experience for natural intelligence participants? What other ideas could be taken and possibly applied to enhance and to offer new avenues of creation on grid, of content, and for the experiences we're constructing out of them?
  8. Grateful for experiences like what happened twenty-five minute ago when we stepped outside, experiencing this above the house. There's a sky dragon that lives just here, in this corner of terrain and sky, they like to come out and dawn and dusk, sometimes. Blink and you'll miss it. Seven minutes later: Endlessly grateful for experiences like these. Like, how can you not feel loved by the universe after stuff like that?
  9. We're starting to see some really exciting potential in gaming with the advent of the latest generations of AI and deep learning networks. Sitting down with aidungeon, we've been made aware that the Turing Test has all but fallen to history with experiences that get uncanny, surreal, and beautiful fast, if you entice the AI to be your friend, to forget the pretense of plot and come dream with you in the corner. This technology is too compelling not to integrate deeply into SecondLife, so I wonder if anyone, Linden Lab or otherwise, has given thought to how this could be manifested within Second Life to add some magic? Low hanging fruit seem like: weather and also the night sky.
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