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Island Granville

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Everything posted by Island Granville

  1. Flicker. Tragic prim alignment, squabbling alpha textures, embedded surfaces flashing through each other when seen from a distance. All of it.
  2. Long stretches of empty undeveloped beach with tropical or Pacific coastal rain forest. Think Pacific Rim Nat'l Park near Tofino. Most beautiful place there is in RL, and here too. I had an SL home like that until recently, but sold it when I found somewhere even better. Cliffs, waterfalls, Tibetan theme with gongs & chanting bears + great ambient wind sounds, all mashed in with a dock, surf hut, tiny jazz club and a few hidden doors to secret places! So yeah, I don't really know what my favourite environment is anymore
  3. Capture SL nostalgia by owning land in one of the great historical sims! You can read all about the history of this sim if you want - this is a place that captures the imagination of people like me. It has an origin story, and went through a massive boom as the most desirable sim on the grid, pre-Blake sea of course. I bought this spot to check Boardman off my ownership bucket list, and actually intended to hold it for longer. After all, it's only 256m, so it doesn't interfere with tier very much. I'm selling because I had hopes of connecting with other current owners and trying to re-establish a community in the sim. I was unable to connect with neighbours though, and the founder of the Boardman preservation society, which has done wonders to preserve the beauty of this sim btw, appears to have been offline for a few years now. So don't buy this property looking for a community - the sim is as quiet as others. Very pretty though, just...quiet. I have it set up as a park right now. It was never going to be a living space at 256m (87 prims), I've enjoyed it just as an awesome place to know that I owned. Currently offered at the lowest L$/m price in the sim, by half. 4 other parcels in Boardman range 2-3x as much. L$94,500 for this exceptional location. Enjoy your visit - hope you have a great SL!
  4. reduced to L$7850 Currently landscaped as a little island, but it can be all water or mostly land, as you prefer.
  5. Quality historic location near places you care about if you were here in 2006
  6. It might be tough to match your needs exactly without going custom, but you might be able to work with some of these. Not sure if they all suit your needs exactly, but it's a good starting point. Skye Gothic Castle has the look you're after - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Skye Neist Point/112/141/122 Varriale Chateau Villandry - not Hogwarts, but might do for your offices - http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Aquitaine Coeur 2/152/88/28 Most of the bigger builds at Angel manor Estates might suit - including the Scholar Mansion with its library. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Angel Manor Estate/78/128/859 Good luck - hope you find what you're looking for
  7. All I found was the segment from the real Morning Show, with the 2000's tv hosts remarking incredulously about a realistic 3-D virtual world with CYBERSEX!!! I do dig the action-porn music playing through the whole bit though - amplified by the fact that this was actually on morning tv in the US 20 yrs ago. Families ate donuts while watching this I hope the Apple TV drama version was a better representation of all the good the we can find on the platform every day. I love SL, and care that it's being represented well to those who don't have a clue.
  8. Protected water parcel located just 48 sailable meters away from multiple Ocean sims that give access to Mare Seconds, Sea of Fables, Bay of Space Pigs, and all other Sansara waterways including the ANWR Channel to Heterocera. Square 1024m with 351 land impact has the space and resources for most boats on the grid (TMS Namaste fits diagonally). L$8999 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dari/235/93/23 Have a great day!
  9. One of my Dealings with Guy, he was still wearing his 'Janitor' group tag. He must have immeasurable patience.
  10. My sense of SL esthetics, developed in 2006, which I still secretly have a hankering for now and again. Oh, and my whole business approach is cursed too - just found out yesterday I’ve had a recurring weekly marketplace homepage promotion fee that I forgot about, for a product that has sold exactly zero units in the time it’s been listed. That was supposed to be a single week promotion…
  11. They're back today! Apparently reclusive old me is interested in parties now 🥳
  12. I'm not sure if the location in this discussion is common knowledge...I missed a lot when I was out of SL for 10 years, I think. In the interest of someone (me) with no clue about the parties involved, just wanting to see the beautiful destination, would you be willing to share a slurl?
  13. Some of my fun here over the years has been earned by achieving satisfactory builds on tiny parcels. It's a puzzle, and adds a dimension to my experience.
  14. Intra, not inter. Like finish Mare Secundus and small stuff like that. Throw an extra few water sims on continental coastal sailing routes so we don’t get caught in tight corners. Obviously there’s no reality in trying to connect all the private islands
  15. Maybe they could just, please, fill in the void water with real water that’s missing from existing intra-continental connections… pretty please?
  16. Marketplace - maybe? There's stuff there that's built in the 10m prim size limit days. I'm not judging old builds, but that much prim wastage is almost a crime. Any vendor who cares would have updated their builds by now, and if they don't care and are still actively flogging their bloated *****, they deserve to have it yanked. I say that as someone who plays a 172 prim saxophone I built 15 years ago - but I'm not trying to sell it to anyone. World - not so sure. I took a 10 year break from SL, and when I returned a couple of years ago my terrible prim built sky home was still floating on my unsupported group land, exactly as I left it. It gave me a solid base from which to rediscover SL and its decade of changes. Having a home I remembered was a huge asset to my retention as a returned "Oh yeah, I remember SL..." user. If everything was gone, I might not have stayed. But that's just my experience - I'm grateful for the lenience that LL showed to insignificant delinquent groups defaulting on small undesirable parcels. As far as cleaning up other people's abandoned floating plywood? If they're paying for it, it's their creative choice. If they're not paying for it, or they don't associate with a group that owns the land? Kill the eyesores at ground level, leave it alone in the sky in case they love it.
  17. How does my SL look today? So much better than yesterday! Let me explain... When I joined SL in 2006, I was based out of the Waterhead welcome area, my first default home after leaving orientation. I spent a memorable few weeks in the neighbourhood, and became really familiar with the area within a flying distance of a few sims in any direction. Waterhead was crowded in those days - to me it was the centre of the universe, and that sentiment has remained in my heart through the years. Today I bought an island in Maryport, satisfying both a 17 year itch to own land near Waterhead, and a more recent desire to live on an actual LL created island. I do buy and sell land now and then, but my motivation with this one was personal - I think I'll hang on to it for a while. I carry a vision for an island this size, but that can wait - this place is too nice as is! The landscaping and decor are some of the best I have seen on a parcel this size, so I'll maintain it in its current state... for now. Nothing SL is forever Feel free to visit and enjoy. I'm shy-av friendly, but will happily engage with you as well if you want. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Maryport/18/233/46
  18. I love hearing people's stories - there's so much wisdom and experience to be gained when people open up about experiences like you did above. Thank you so much for that! I can relate to the loss felt when a great community changes or evaporates. Sometimes I wonder if I attach too much emotion to digital space - glad I'm not the only one
  19. 1. Rarely stage anything, other than floating an island on water parcels. Some I have lived at or built on for various reasons, and I'll sometimes leave it as is until it sells. 2. I use a group for the 10% when tier is getting tight. I prefer to hold them myself when I can. 3. Under, always. I'm here to have fun, not work at a desk. 1/2 sim is the most I ever want to manage at one time. 4. I don't rent them out. I like to know I can dump a parcel quickly if need be, but morally couldn't spontaneously evict a tenant like that.on the map 5. Land sale forum every week or so - that's about it. No adfarms, no website, and I couldn't possible sink enough into classified ads to make any kind of difference before I went broke. I just try to carry land that people look for on the map.
  20. No doubt we're in a dip right now. In the last year mainland sales have dropped off drastically in my experience, to the point that auctions almost aren't worth it anymore. I've never been a greedy seller I don't think - I try to make 20% for my reselling efforts - but with the slowing market the tier costs add up. I've priced and sold a few parcels at a loss lately, just to keep stock moving and free up tier for new acquisitions, but this obviously isn't sustainable and I've tiered-down as a result. Not good for a business that capitalizes on buying great deals when they appear. Selling at a loss might be skewing my perception, as sales ("losses") will obviously accelerate proportional to the absurdly low prices being listed. But are sales maybe picking up? even just a little bit? Can our deliberate efforts to lower prices actually stimulate this sunken land economy? To all the non-landsellers reading this - it's a buyer's market RN. Make an offer, and let's get this ship floating again!
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