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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. To follow up on my "Grr!" post, I have received a genuine and heartfelt apology over the matter. Unfortunately, five years of work was undone by what happened, but there's nothing to be done to rectify that. The apology was enough to soothe my anger (which I later realised was actually upset bewilderment and not rage). And then last night - yay, homophobia reared its head into my life again! Large group chat, and someone made the active decision to hurt someone else by directing slurs at them, to the point of bragging that her words had hit home. Welcome to a group ban, multiple abuse reports, and multiple land and store bans, lady. Hope you enjoy them. Me? I threw on my heels, fishnets, and hotpants, plastered on even more makeup, and strutted my own brand of fabulous out into SL last night. I might also make a new glammed-out, fierce and proud skybox, like I did on a previous occasion when someone tried to make me feel like less than a human being. A kiss in exchange for a blow.
  2. Homophobic abuse always makes me push the envelope even more... Credits here.
  3. I've just checked my most recent credit card statement, and - for that card at least - I see non-sterling transactions listed as follows: name of company - amount in USD @ [exchange rate] = UK sterling amount. So I do see the US$ value, but - as stated before - every card is different and it will vary from country to country.
  4. UK Paypal for an alt account (not Skell, hence I'm not concerned about the date and amount being visible), with all identifying information removed:
  5. Depending on the credit card or bank in question, it often does show the original USD amount as well as the [insert currency of your own country here] amount. Both my bank and credit card here in the UK do. They show the dollar amount, the conversion rate, and the final £ amount. UK Paypal also shows the original dollar amount as well as the conversion to UK sterling. Laugh at others and call them stupid if you wish, but bear in mind that their experience with their own bank/credit card in their own country may not be the same as yours. Granted, they should likewise not assume that their experience is the same as yours, but that doesn't make them stupid; they're simply unaware of how the hundreds of other banks and credit cards around the world delineate 'other currency' payments on statements.
  6. Popcorn should always be in plentiful supply! Nah, t'wasn't you /me brandishes the lint roller, just in case
  7. I sincerely hope you're trying to troll the forum in a humorous manner with this, but in case you're not... You specifically need a gay friend? Why? For his stereotypical sense of style? His mincing wit? His sassy cut-downs? Permit me to rephrase your post in an attempt to nudge you gently out of your current mindset and make you look at your request in a new light. Imagine a white person saying the following: "Hi anyone know where all the black clubs are? I need a black friend I'm open to any shade of black or brown. I mean I need friends period, but I want to be the white person to someone else's black person. Find me a black husband." Pretty offensive, isn't it? Friends are not accessories. You don't advertise for one of each colour/orientation/ religion, etc, so you can complete the friendship version of a charm bracelet. Friends come into your life and you love them for being friends, not for being gay or Jewish or black. You also say that you're open to any sexual orientation, but then you state you want a "gay husband". So [insert sexual orientation here] women, sorry, but it seems that you're not required for the collection. The jury is out on whether a transman would be acceptable, I guess. Maybe he'd be a separate charm altogether on the bracelet. Lastly, if you'd tagged this with something less offensive you might not have got at least this gay man quite as irritated by your post as he already is. Sure, some gay men don't mind the term, but many do. Just because that term is applied to women in general, that doesn't mean the root of it isn't offensive to many gay men. Just as you should leave it up to individual PoC to use and reclaim the n-word if they wish to, try leaving it up to individual members of the LGBT community to let you know if they mind you using that word.
  8. There aren't any security questions these days that I recall, and I doubt that you'd be asked to remember ones that you may or may not have created several years ago (hell, I can't for the life of me even remember which question I answered back in 2007!), and I doubt that it's even possible to "change your secret questions" now. What usually occurs in cases like these is that LL will ask you to prove in other ways that you're the owner of the account. One of the common ways is to give them the names of a certain number of people on your contacts list if they ask for them, but they'll usually want to know something else as well.
  9. I would, but I'm waiting for an answer from the person/people concerned before I say anything more. Needless to say, I am... censoring my words on this forum, because I'm spitting some short, Anglo-Saxon ones IRL right now.
  10. MOOD You can bet your backside that it's a good job I have restraint and I don't have a Twitter account for Skell, otherwise I'd be firing off a series of annoyed tweets right about now
  11. Doesn't sound very "safe" to me. Time to look for a new home, @Haselden
  12. When you make a Flickr post, and beneath it you write the words "LotD: my favourite Deadwool suit"... and someone comments "Cool pic. Where did you get the suit?"
  13. You should always check your country's licensing laws, regardless of what some random person on the internet tells you. Some sites and searches that will help you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_DJ_licensing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Société_des_auteurs,_compositeurs_et_éditeurs_de_musique (SACEM) http://www.ppluk.com/I-Make-Music/Misc-member-info/French-Collection-UK/
  14. It should still work. As far as I remember, the current test female is the 'Party Girl' avatar on the far left in the cream dress in this picture: And the test male avatar is currently the one second from the left in this image: The test male definitely works (at least, in the last Firestorm viewer; I've not updated to the newest version yet) because I changed into it to take that screenshot progression last week.
  15. The girl in the pink polkadot dress was known as 'Girl Next Door'. For a long time she was the avatar you got when you hit the 'test female' option in the viewer.
  16. Yep, that's the origin of the term. Ruth is the mother of us all, and she looked like this: Whenever anyone was ruthed their shape would turn into that one, replete with boobs (even the guys). She's still to be found in everyone's inventory library. When I signed up, back in June 2007, these were the two main default avatars: I chose the 'male goth' default avatar, being someone who loves black. And... yeah. 2007 was a cruel year to be a noob
  17. One of the premium benefits that many people overlook is the ability to join 60 groups instead of the non-premium 42. When you're an avid shopper like me, you appreciate those extra group slots
  18. Stomp Shoes by FAKEIKON at the current run of TMD. Also includes female fits (Slink & Maitreya) if anyone else fancies buying some sh*tkickers
  19. Is the lipstick actually on the Catya HUD, or is it on a different makeup HUD that you've bought? The answer to that question will change the advice that you get from people here. What @JungUKnow is asking is: have you worn the HUD for your Catya head (not the HUD for your makeup) and been clicking around in the tab that allows you to tint various areas of your head? Because you're telling us that your lipstick is suddenly grey instead of red, it sounds like what you've done is clicked the 'lips' section of your Catya HUD's tinting tab, then clicked somewhere in the black and white tinting column, which has turned your lip area grey. This is quite easy to do accidentally, and it doesn't matter if the lipstick is one that's included in the Catya HUD or another makeup HUD that you've bought. To test this, try another lipstick. Does the same thing happen? If you click to wear a pink lipstick, does that also look grey? If so, then you most likely have tinted your lip area. To fix it, wear your Catya Master HUD, click the 'Alpha-Lashes-Tint-Neck-Size' tab, then click the lips icon, as shown in this picture. (Sorry, I don't have time to log into SL, or else I would have done a closer screenshot from my own Catwa HUD, but I just had to google for one to help you.) Then, click the white box under the rainbow colour strip under the HUD. (If it's not white, click in the white lower-right section of the big grey-shaded tinting area). You'll notice from that image that there are two sides to the lip icon. In the picture, the left side is surrounded by a black line. That's because there are two layers to your lip area: an upper (left) and a lower (right). You need to click the left half of the icon and set that back to white, then the right half and set that back to white, too. You can also go into the 'Blush-Lipstick' tab, and check the 'upper' box for lipstick and click 'clear', then check the lower box for lipstick and click 'clear' on that, too, and then try re-applying the lipstick from your makeup HUD. (Do this after you've check that you've not tinted your lips.) If doing that doesn't help, join the 'Catwa Head Friends' group inworld and ask there. That's the inworld Catwa support group, which is free to join, and they're incredibly helpful.
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