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Skell Dagger

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Everything posted by Skell Dagger

  1. I want to walk in the open wind. I want to talk like lovers do. Want to dive into your ocean. Is it raining with you? Credits Shirt: Gabriel - Wet Shirt (male) Pants appliers: Sn@tch - Debbie Ripped Rocker Pants (Omega) Boots: Livalle - Hax Combat Boots (black) Hair: Tram - G0220 Hair Head: Lelutka - Andrea Skin applier: Tableau Vivant - Andrea (tone 5) Body: Slink - Physique Male Hands: Slink - Dynamic Male Pose: Animosity (Egypt set) Background: Anxiety - Rule 1 Rain: Monkeymo - Realistic Rain (mesh) Bonus shot on my Flickr.
  2. My biggest disappointment in SL is the level of homophobic abuse that is levelled at me on a semi-regular basis, for no reason other than I exist and have a male partner listed in my profile, either when I'm out and about, or in group chat. Every month or two someone makes the active decision to try and hurt me verbally. Last month's charming individual even gloated repeatedly about how much her insults must have upset me, in a group of 15,000 people, until she was banned from the group. But hey, that's some people for ya.
  3. So it's not that... It's that you're unable to find something that's modifiable within a limited subset of three very specific requirements in combination.
  4. full AND perm AND leather AND jacket (Not sure of the gender you require, but another AND/NOT would refine the search even further.)
  5. Glorious ruin from Avi-Glam at Dark Style Fair: Credits Skin: Avi-Glam - Afterlife Skin* (Ink - A) Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Devilish Eyes* (Catwa - Fire A02) Hair: Damselfly - Zale (tuxedo) Horns: KiB Designs - Dark Angel Male Horns (silver black) Pants appliers: Sn@tch - Carnal Leather Pants (omega) Belt: Lapointe & Bastchild - Swear Death Skull Belt Pose prop: The Weekend Ruiner - Something Black & Red Pose: Boys to the Bone *review copy
  6. My partner and I have handled a five-hour timezone difference for ten years. If we can't be together inworld, we chat most days through some other medium: Discord, Skype, etc. Even direct messages or emails picked up after the fact. When both halves of a relationship want it to work, they find a way to keep in touch. If your ex couldn't make the effort for a three-hour difference, he wasn't worth keeping anyway
  7. Yes, I agree - when there's only a handful of reviews, but unless their squillionaires, then I don't imagine they can pay for 60+ positive reviews? Those are the ones I tend to watch out for; one or two reviews, not so much. More often than not, when I've seen this, the reviews are being purchased with goods, not cash. I've seen many offers like: "The first 50 people to leave a review will get a free [item]," and so forth. The creators who do this are careful not to state that the review should be positive, but most people who are going to respond to that kind of prompt will probably have a nagging voice in the back of their mind that says "If I leave a negative review I might not get the freebie, so I'll say some nice words instead", and thus they leave a positive review. ETA: I know of at least one (major) creator who will occasionally offer a refund of the purchase cost of the reviewed item for the first 25 or so reviews, too. It's technically a bit of lost revenue for them, but the reviewer gave them that money in the first place, so...
  8. The creator's name is badhalfblood, but according to his profile he has two MP stores: the one owned by him, and the one owned by ThalesTarik. I'd go with the first one, since that's the name on all the CDC items I've bought, both from MP and inworld.
  9. In which Skell turns into Ewan McGregor. Which I don't mind at all, because he's bloody adorable Credits Skin: Vendetta Skins - Bjorn* (tone 05) - released Monday Oct 16th (matches to the skins in the Signature HUD) Hair: [BAD HAIR DAY] - Irusu* (reds base HUD and tints HUD) T-shirt: Gizza - Malcolm Shirt (gift for L'Homme Magazine readers) Jeans: Legal Insanity - Dirk Jeans Cuff: Yasum - Urban FU Bracelet (gift in the Men Only Hunt) Eye appliers: Avi-Glam - Elysian Eyes (fjord) Facial hair applier: CDC Creations - Beard 46 (tintable) Head: Catwa - Daniel Body: Signature - Gianni Pose prop: The Weekend Ruiner - The Grate Escape (box 28) *review copy
  10. I wouldn't even pay L$500 for one. Hoodies are ten-a-penny in SL. Go to a male event with 30 items there, and two or three hoodies will be present. Go to a general event with 3 male items available, and at least one will be a hoodie (and the other will likely be tattoos, or - if you're lucky - a skin or facial hair). In my 150k+ inventory I own at best three or four hoodies, because they're just not Skell's style. The only ones I've bought are ones with discreet hoods that have something else about them that makes them stand out. I don't know why Limited Edition should equate with Ridiculously Bloody Expensive.
  11. Ha! Thank you It's a group where the creator sends out a box of builds roughly once a week (and once a month he sends out a compilation pack of all the boxes so far). They're completely random, but always feature at least two or three things that you can use in photoshoots. Most of them require Advanced Lighting to be enabled in the viewer, and many of them look best with a very dark Windlight because they include projected lighting and reflections. This week's included several amazing open-ended boxes with 3D textures and projected lights; it's probably my favourite selection so far. Last I checked, the group was L$150 to join, and well worth it if you take a lot of avatar pics for blogging, etc. For some reason, Flickr screwed up my formatting of the group link when I posted it there last night, so I can't guarantee this quick copy/paste will work. If not, the group is listed in my profile inworld.
  12. /me spams the thread Today's Weekend Ruiner box was an absolute blinder. Love all the reflective builds; some fantastic stuff for photoshoots. At first, the I Want Moire one looks painful to the eyes, but get up close and it has a really interesting woven texture. So this is me in that one right now. (OK, about 10 minutes ago...)
  13. Bringing a new store to the guys' attention. I picked up these two fantastic jackets from Native Urban, which I found during the Men Only Hunt: Left: Rise Coat. The arms are rigged so that the hands stay in your pockets, so take off/alpha-out your mesh arms and hands. Right: Sinnerman Jacket. Both are quite long and slender on my Slink body and come in a single fitmesh option. If you have a more muscular build (eg: Signature) they may not work for you, but demo them anyway. I love the originality, cut, and textures on these two. They also come with generous texture HUDs and in a wide range of colours (although, predictably, I chose black).
  14. Since the definition of 'active' is what's being debated here, perhaps it would be more pertinent to change the word and treat it like a certain religion, Phil. You were once (very briefly, for a few seconds) practicing, but now you're lapsed. You were 'baptised' into the Bloodlines 'faith' but you never went to church after that
  15. @FairytaleSheva I saw your post before you edited it. The "LOL snap, Skell," that Anya posted was because both she and I posted a reply to you - complete with HUD screenshots - within about thirty seconds of each other: hers at 10:40am and mine at 10:41am. Snap - in that case - was like the kids' card game when you both put down the same card and the first person to yell "Snap!" wins the cards; not snap in the "Oh snap!" sense. Believe me, even though I've been here for ten years, I was as completely lost as any newb when I first picked up a mesh head and opened the HUD. I just made a copy of everything and clicked around, trying to figure it all out. You'll get there eventually, and will probably be giving advice yourself in a few months' time
  16. Today's LotD: Credits Glasses: [Since 1975] - Diamond Glasses (rainbow) Coat: NativeUrban - Rise Coat (black) Choker: Obscure - Soom Choker (black) Hair: Exile - Out of the Ruins* Pants: Gabriel - Cotton Pants (black) Head: Lelutka - Andrea (Bento) Skin applier: Stray Dog - Breno (tone 04) Poses: CheerNo Motion *review copy
  17. Quick LotD before I fall into bed: Credits Glasses: Boutique #187 - Folies Glasses Hair: Tram - F1215 Hair Jacket: NativeUrban - Sinnerman Jacket (black) Piercing: !nfinity - Forehead Piercing (ankh) Pants: Gabriel - Cotton Pants (black) Head: Lelutka - Andrea (Bento) Skin applier: Stray Dog - Breno (tone 04) Ears: Swallow - High Definition Ears Pose: Grafica Poses - Gwrido (for Men Only Hunt)
  18. I'm falling fast into a large alcoholic drink. All that money down the drain, just to look like a clone... *sigh*
  19. Er, I think I need an Honorary Girl card, because... I identify with her, not you, in that pic
  20. Gosh, you're absolutely right. I've been walking around as a clone of everyone else wearing a Catwa head, for months! I mean, look! I own three Catwa heads, and I look exactly the same in each one. What a waste of my hard-earned money! God, it's even worse when I compare different looks for the same head and shape. What a fool I've been, thinking I looked like an individual, when in reality every single look I've put together looks exactly the same as everyone else who's wearing a Catwa head. *sighs heavily and mopes off to drown his sorrows*
  21. Doing the Men Only Hunt, and got sidetracked at the Obscure store. Fantastic creepy underground build, joined their group to access the secret areas and get the extra hunt gifts, and found this amazing chapel along the way:
  22. I checked, and I do have the Altamura Omega relay, so as soon as I have all the hunt items (it's a fairly easy one, since the item is very obvious in wireframe mode, although some people have hidden it inside mesh items, which means you need to derender the item in order to click the hunt object ) I'll head home and quickly try it out. ETA: I hit post, then head back inworld to click the next link on the HUD... and it's for Altamura!
  23. I think I have an Altamura head somewhere in the depths of my inventory, so I've probably bought the Omega relay for it at some point. I'll pick up the free body (which, wow, is a fantastic gift!) and have a look when I log in later today.
  24. I wish that Vaki Zenovka was still actively blogging about SL fashion, but sadly her blog hasn't been updated in three years and even her Flickr hasn't seen a new image since January of this year. She had a great visual aesthetic - possibly a little more butch than you would go for - but she could make a man's suit look amazing on her avatar, and she occasionally put together more femme looks, too.
  25. I was half-asleep when I read the resurrection of this thread this morning. It still makes no sense now that I'm fully-awake, so all I've got is...
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