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VeeTach Littlething

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Everything posted by VeeTach Littlething

  1. Will 2K textures be made for terrain? I'm looking forward to using those. Should make sims look gorgeous!
  2. I figured it's something with Firestorm's viewer. Guess I'll download LL's.
  3. Firestorm notice about server issues? All kinds of weird stuff on my end. Any idea when it'll be fixed?
  4. Greetings: I am looking for a DJ or live performer who can perform some new age/celtic music for a harvest festival at my renaissance/Tudor sim. Please contact me in-world. Tyia.
  5. Just made one of these avatars. Anyone else having issues with blinking hands and the fingers don't close?
  6. Patch said today all the themes will be named after salad dressings. First one is ranch, next one will probably be thousand island.
  7. I went over for just a few minutes at 4 a.m. SLT. Lag was so bad I couldn't move.
  8. I'm adding in the $250 a year for Premium Plus, that makes it $508 to start.
  9. Yes, that's true, but you still have to pay an astronomical set up fee and then the monthly fee on top of that. That's over $500 to get a 5000 prim homestead!!! If anything, homesteads should have prims increased to 7500. That MIGHT be worth it.
  10. Maybe a medieval/renaissance theme? Just a thought.
  11. I don't see where this benefits anyone except the land barons, who will now make more money. I will never be able to to afford a full region. I can't even afford a homestead! Sorry, but my money will go toward some important things, like my r/l house mortgage and food!!!
  12. I flew around some of the Linden home areas this morning. It seems there are A LOT of empty houses, especially the A frames, fantasy houses, Japanese houses, and modern houses. I think they could easily get rid of those and rezone/resize the lots on that area and convert them to PPlus homes. It would be interesting to see the numbers of those homes that are occupied. Maybe a vote from current Premium and premium plus avatars on what they would like to see??? I know they have the land concierge meetings every week, but I've never seen anything in the blog about what they talk about there, the "blog" only has meeting date and times, no info.
  13. Looking on the map today, there are a lot of new homes and new land going up, but they are ALL regular 351 prim parcels. UHG.
  14. There are some houses up now, but they are still 1024 parcels, 32 x 32, so not the Premium plus houses??
  15. So, still no news on new 2048 houses? I won't update to Premium Plus until then. Renting a parcel right now.
  16. I won't update to Premium Plus until the house are at least announced. Otherwise, wasting money.
  17. I could care less about mobile access to SL. Personally, I think SL is WAY overpriced on everything, and I've been here for 13 years. Having to pay to have a last name??? Really?? And owning land??? Forget about it! I find myself spending less and less time here, except that I've made some good friends and want to spend time with them. And what happened to the increased land and bigger houses you are PAYING for but not getting with Premium Plus??? If they can't give you the houses, they need to increase the linden allowance per week to cover for that money you've spent for nothing!! I don't have $250 to throw away on this place unless the perks are MUCH better. You are getting ripped off here.
  18. The Linden home neighborhoods are so crammed together that it's impossibly laggy. I tried living in a Linden home a couple times but got tired of taking 20 minutes to get dressed!
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