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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. I totally agree that they SHOULD *wink*. I have just dealt with them too many times to believe that any amount of "insisting" will get them to do it. No harm in trying . Wasn't saying your were wrong in any way. It really did just make me smile.
  2. Had to smile at Peggy's comment about having HP install the new drivers. I have been in the "blown up HP notebook" camp a few times. IMHO you are lucky to be getting a replacement hopefully in a timely manner. THAT being said. I used to have a NVIDIA card (old one lowish number, don't remember 1G DDR3 I think) that worked just fine with SL. I recently got a new machine and chose an ATI because the reviews "everywhere" were so much better in a side by side comparison. I am very happy with my new card (HD 6900) as it is super crisp and clear. Yours won't be quite as stellar, but I expect it will work fine. The thing you will NOT have is shadows. Since LL doesn't "like" ATI cards as much, the viewers (all that I have tried and that is almost all) do not recognize the card and there are issues. You will need to go in and change your sliders appropriately as the viewer will probably have them set lower than you can actually run. Shadows WILL work with ATI but they come with a "feature" that is a very nasty antialiased look on all the edges. So bad that about a minute is all I am willing to deal with. And no, setting antialias on the card doesn't fix it or anything else. I checked with Kirsten and she explained it in techie language, but basically no smooth "pretty" shadows. The 2GB GDDR5 is great and that is what I have on mine. I suspect you will be happy enough and most likely able to run on ULTRA with everything turned on (this is asuming the rest of your computer is in the same class as this card of course) . Just no shadow dancing . Putting in a link to a RAW photo (no post processing but the border) so that you can see what "I" see. It's really quite lovely. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-N3I-rlaPIGI/Thwi49usj6I/AAAAAAAAK4U/gG7Mdj_KOxw/s1600/crackden.jpg
  3. Issues with the newest release. You can apparently uninstall and go back to the previous version. A third party viewer may be the answer or waiting until the fix what is wrong and put up a new version. Lots of folks apparently can't get on at all, so you are luckier that some. Know that doesn't help much .
  4. I haven't heard of a new official LL viewer with the old style interface (would be nice) but Phoenix just released a new beta for FIRESTORM which melds Version 1 and 2 together. On the website it tells you some options you can use to make the FIRESTORM viewer look more like the older 1.x viewers. Not sure if this is what you heard about or not. Read more here: http://www.phoenixviewer.com/
  5. If you are over 13, just go to the main Second Life page and hit the JOIN NOW button. That will take you to a menu where you can choose an avatar and put in your info. You also need to install a viewer in order to connect to second life. http://secondlife.com/
  6. This board has seen lots of OMG V2 update posts so I am guessing you are not alone. May be a good time to look at a third party viewer .
  7. You might contact the Finesmith folks. They will most likely be willing to let you know where that skin came from. Most fashion folks are fairly into sharing yula Finesmith is the proprietor of the jewelry shop whose ad you admire. So a notecard to her might get you some answers .
  8. You may need to RESET SCRIPTS IN SELECTION. You need to click on your bed like to edit and then find something that sounds like that "reset scripts". Different viewers have different paths. In mine it is BUILD> Scripts> Reset Scripts. I think in some viewers it is under TOOLS. Sure someone can give you exact path if you update your post to reflect your viewer. You can add information to your post by clicking in its upper right corner and selecting EDIT from the menu.
  9. Not really as confusing as it looks. EDIT: Ah - I now see what you mean. It looks like they made an error along the way? It says that you are USING your 512 and you still have it available for use? Only one can be correct. You might want to contact billing and get it worked out. If you don't make any changes it most likely won't matter though. If you are planning on tiering up, then getting it worked out first seems the best plan. *************************** You are paying the $25 for the 4096 that you donated to the group. You get 512 meters tier free with your premium membership. By donating the land to the group you get 10% BONUS tier and that makes up those extra 46 square meters .
  10. Well InvestordDude2 (had to smile at that), it certainly sounds like you were in the wrong and need to fix things. Of course, you know by now to ALWAYS READ THE COVENANT before you buy land. Edited: I have no idea if Linden Labs will come down on your for this, it is unlikely. Unless things have changed recently, it takes awhile to process all the reports they get. In the meantime, it would be a very good idea to figure out how to get some Lindens to pay her back. For all practical purposes this "looks like" fraud even if it was unintentional. Make it right as soon as you can. Ignorance doesn't work for an excuse for most folks, so hopefully it will all work out and you will be smarter next time. Remember Linden dollars ARE real currency .
  11. I agree with Anya. Logically the change will be slow. When sculpties came on the scene they were not embraced automatically by all designers. It was a big deal to make and texture a MUSHROOM for goodness sake. And since mess is reported much more difficult with a higher learning curve, only the intrepid designers will make the leap. There have always been different levels of both products and consumers in SL. Some people want the best, newest, shiniest items that are available. Others are content with less expensive or free goods that months are years ago were the flavor of the month. I even saw someone wearing TEXTURE shoes the other day. So while it is likely that those who embrace mesh will have a special place in the market, the makers of older style goods will most likely be fine for at least a year. We all need to grow and improve our skills to stay competitive. Learning is just part of the process. And by the way I LOVE FIRESTORM. I think it is a wonder mix off all the TPV features missing in Viewer 2 and the few things that I actually like about V2. And yes, I have used most all the viewers *wink*. Switched to the new FIRESTORM last week and haven't looked back.
  12. To put your land in search, go to the ABOUT LAND tab. Under OPTIONS there is a check box to SHOW PLACE IN SEARCH. It cost $30 a week and is billed weekly. It used to be Tuesdays so suspect it still is. Your land will then show up in the PLACES category in search. If you do not know how to get to the ABOUT LAND tab (it is different in various viewers) then go outside and right click on your land. You should get a choice for "About Land" at least in all the viewers I have used.
  13. Not sure if this is the problem, but there have been times in the past when certain VIEWERS had to be updated before the new TOS could be agreed to. You didn't mention what viewer you are using or how long it has been since you logged in. There haven't been any recent TOS pop-ups that I am aware of. Someone did write about this a week or so ago though. Not sure if they found their answer. So, if it has been awhile since you logged in, you may need to upgrade (or change) viewers in order to get the TOS clickable. There could be another reason of course. That's just the only one that I know of. Good luck.
  14. When the Linden trees were originally made, they were a huge leap ahead in quality. They were some of he best looking objects on the grid. That was long, LONG ago however and now there are much better versions. One prim trees abound and there are some beautiful sculpted trees with leaves that weigh in at two prim. You can search on the Marketplace to get some ideas where to shop. I would look at examples in world before purchasing though as there is a WIDE variety of quality in one prim trees.
  15. There used to be a program that was accepted and legal for doing this but it was designed for full perm objects, especially those that designers had created in Second Life and didn't want to lose. I never used the product as there was controversy and it was fairly expensive to purchase. I believe those types of programs and features in viewers have now been deemed BAD and banned. I remember reading about that but since I never used them, I wasn't paying close attention. You CAN protect yourself in other ways however -- up to a point. If you are a content creator, of course keep all your original files (that is pretty obvious). If you have full perm textures that you have purchased AND HAVE PERMISSION TO DO SO (READ THE END USE LICENSE ) you can make copies of those onto you hard drive. If you lose them it will cost you $10 each up upload again but presumably that would be cheaper than purchasing again. Any items that you do not want to lose (honestly doing this for everything would be very time consuming) that you have COPY ability for, store a copy in world on your own land. Rez a NEW box (important but not going into why here ) and drag the items you want to save into the contents tab. Store the box on your land. If you have more items next week or next month, rez a NEW box and do the same. This only works with copy items. Also for copy items, make a folder in your inventory for backups. I have mine by year and by category. So 2011> clothing, 2011> household etc. Put copies (preferably the original unpacked box to save inventory space) in those folders. A couple of months ago I lost thousands of items (my whole House and Garden folder). Happily many of the items that were COPY were retrieved from my personal backup folders in my inventory. No Copy items? Not much you can do. Rez them in world if you can. Inventory loss can happen there too, but not as often.
  16. Actually you no longer need to go through all the earlier steps to verify your age. Simply go to "age verification" in your account settings (https://secondlife.com/my/account/verification.php?lang=en-US) and verify your age. Very simple now.
  17. You need to install a viewer in order to enter the Second Life virtual world. Viewer downloads are here: http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/. Be sure and check the system requirements before attempting and install (http://secondlife.com/support/system-requirements/) as not all computers are able to run Second Life. Hope that was your question. If you are trying to get Firefox to ASSOCIATE SLURLS (like bookmarks sort of ) to your second life viewer, there are in theory ways to do that within Firefox. The instructions given have never worked for me, but reinstalling the program that I want to open those SLURLS does *wink*. Good luck!
  18. Well you have probably signed the end of your account. Contacting support would be the least and best you can do it seems. Since land owners in the know can lock down their property so that griefing is almost impossible, I suspect that your actions will be less harmful than you expect -- and for some property owners -- an eye opener. I can remember long ago when I didn't know anything about the land tools and options. It wasn't good. So in some bizarre way you might be doing a service to folks. They will be pushed into learning how to protect themselves. That wasn't your intention I am sure, but possibly the result. Sometimes actions take strange turns. Perhaps you will do better in another incarnation.
  19. Everything that I have read on this forum suggest that they are no longer accepted. I thing "fraud" was the problem.
  20. You may be able to recover it by clearing you cache OR it may "magically" appear back in your inventory in a few days. It may also be GONE. I have lost things permanently this way. If it doesn't reappear in a few days, you might try contacting the person that sold it to you (notecard is usually best) and tell them your story. They might replace, but since it was a no copy item they may not. Since it would be easy for you to lie in order to get another one, it may not be their store policy. I hope you get it back!
  21. Recently Linden Labs seems to have made a change to when the "day" changes. There is not much we can do about thtat unfortunately. So all the transactions are there, just not necessarily on the DATE you would expect them to be.
  22. Many textures can look like "glass" simply by changing the TRANSPARENCY in the TEXTURES pane of the BUILD menu. But starting off with a believable glass texture is good. Here is a link to one of the most popular glass texture packs ($1L so basically free) on the marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Builders-Brewery-Glass-Texture-Collection-1/520399 You can either make "glass" transparent by lowering the transparency or use a texture that is partial transparent to start with. They each have their advantages.
  23. I haven't seen any mention of this on the boards lately. What viewer are you using? You can update your post with the Options > Edit Answer tab to the right.
  24. According to someone that should know -- NVIDIA GTX 570 !  See this post: http://www.kirstensviewer.com/Blog/177/__Kirstens_GPU_Awards_2011_!__.html
  25. When I look at the back end of my Marketplace store I can only find the term "Item unavailable.", no unassociated which I think was the old marketplace? If that is in fact your issue, then those show up when you have something in your magic box that is no longer associated with a listing. It was most likely associated at one time and you may have added a newer version to you box perhaps, an upgrade -- associating THAT newer one with the listing you made originally? That is certainly how I got those few "Item unavailable." notes in my listing. The item is in fact still in my Magic box (I checked just now) but there is no listing FOR the item and so it becomes "unavailable" when at one time it had been for sale and active. So you might check with that info in mind. If this is another issue entirely then I have no idea as I haven't seen that term in a long while. Good luck.
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