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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. When I look at the back end of my Marketplace store I can only find the term "Item unavailable.", no unassociated which I think was the old marketplace? If that is in fact your issue, then those show up when you have something in your magic box that is no longer associated with a listing. It was most likely associated at one time and you may have added a newer version to you box perhaps, an upgrade -- associating THAT newer one with the listing you made originally? That is certainly how I got those few "Item unavailable." notes in my listing. The item is in fact still in my Magic box (I checked just now) but there is no listing FOR the item and so it becomes "unavailable" when at one time it had been for sale and active. So you might check with that info in mind. If this is another issue entirely then I have no idea as I haven't seen that term in a long while. Good luck.
  2. You need to contact the region owner (notecard is most likely best) with the details and ask for an explaination as well as a fix for the problem. If you were banned on purpose, they should at least return your items I would think. If it is an error, you can be taken off the ban list. Good luck.
  3. Items DO disappear. Often it is a cache issue, but sometime they disappear from the database. I have no idea how, but it has happened to me several times. If it is a RECENT loss, sending in a ticket "might" help. However, when a friend of mine (premium) tried to report a inventory loss in hopes of getting help, there were NO categories for that supported any longer. The list of what LL will help with is a short one these days with a note saying that if the problem isn't covered under those categories, it will not be answered.. Another friend (a year or so ago) did get through to Live Chat and they made an effort but only recovered about five items of many thousands lost. So, these days you seem to be pretty much out of luck so far as LL looking into database loss issues. There ARE steps you can take to minimize loss in the future. I wrote a blog article on this when I lost a fair portion of my inventory a couple of months ago. Some of these idea may help in the future. http://chicatphilsplace.blogspot.com/2011/05/possessions.html Sorry. Happens more often than you would expect. Depressing. I definitely understand. Moving on does help.
  4. First of all you need to make sure that you have Mature (Moderate) at least set in your Preferences. So hold down Ctrl and press the letter P. There should be a drop down box (or maybe some check boxes as viewers are different) to let you choose the maturity rating you want. Make sure that if you CAN to set that to include Moderate. If you cannot change that box, then you must be too young to go to the "mature - moderate" places and will need to stick to the sims rated for everyone. There are plenty of those. To find places where people are you can chat with, you can look at the "Chat Friendly" destinations in this SL places guide: https://secondlife.com/destinations/chatzones https://secondlife.com/destinations/chatspots Here is one welcome area that is GENERAL that might give you a starting spot. Lots of folks there and it is open to EVERYONE : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Morris/31/242/41 The sims bordering that area are all GENERAL rated so you can fly around and explore a bit also. Good luck. Try finding ones that look good to you.
  5. While you should always have the newest drivers if possible, I believe your issue is that the LL viewer (and hence all the third party viewers I have tried) does not recognize your Radeon card. I have a HD6900 and it works perfectly except for some shadow issues which are inherent with ATI cards. So you should be fine. Check for a new driver update though. If you turn on your Windows Update (in Win7 anyway) and have it do all recommended updates, it will put in new drivers as they come available. At least it did for mine . EDIT: When you get into world, you will need to go to your PREFERENCES window (different path in each viewer) and change the GRAPHIC settings. You should be able to run ULTRA and it will set it much lower than that as the install program doesn't know what your card can do . Good luck!
  6. You do not need to have a premium account to have a store on the marketplace. I have one and I have never been premium. You do not lose your PAYMENT INFO USED status when downgrading to a basic account so you should be able to sell Lindens still with no issues. You of course need correct Paypal info attached to your account if you are going to transfer money out using that service.
  7. No real answer here, just some possibilities and info for others for the future. ********************** This was mentioned a couple of times in the last few weeks. I am not sure if the question was actually "answered" however . First of all, you know now that this was a bad plan *wink*. I was wondering what would happen with this scenario so I went out on the sandbox and did a test. I rezzed a hefty prim necklace and made several copies to equal your prim count. I took them into my inventory. I made sure that there were enough prims in the sandbox to accommodate the number of prims I needed to rez the coalesced object. I was able to both "restore to last position" and rerez. BUT here's the thing. Even though I had 1,100 plus prims out there, I was only able to TAKE about half that number (650 or so). When I rezzed them again not all the items were there. Whether this is the new FIRESTORM protecting me, I know no. I did the same test three times though with the same results. So, if you have tired on a sandbox where you checked to see the available prims in the LAND > OBJECTS tab, there must be something else going on. A confusing script? Not sure. I think before someone suggested talking to Live Chat and see if there was a way they could break up the object. I am guessing not t - but it doesn't hurt to ask. My only NEW idea would be to try and see if you can rez it on the beta grid and see if it is even all there. That won't really help much. You may need to put your shop together the old fashioned way. If you still have the ability to return the store to its former position and a viewer that will let you do that (Phoenix, Firestorm, Imprudence for example) then I would try that. If it was a RECENT take you might be able to get a rollback.
  8. It would probably help to know which viewer isn't working for her of if she tried several. While I can see shadows on most viewers, I could not see them (or at least only a tiny bit of tree shadow that was barely evident) in the Linden Labs Viewer 2 (a build or so ago). So trying another viewer may be helpful. Also, even with shadows enabled and WORKING, the sun needs to be at certain angles for them to be noticeable. In some situations, they could be "working" fine, but the Windlight settings need to be adjusted. So that is a second possible cause. Just like in the real world, a gray day or with the sun directly overhead will give no or few shadows.
  9. I would buy the best card you could afford if you intend to keep (or keep upgrading ) your system for awhile. I have a HD 6900 with 2 gigs on the card itself and it is a beauty. But before I got this new system I upgraded my card twice on my old one. One VERY IMPORTANT thing when upgrading is to make sure you power supply will run the new card. Sometimes it is difficult to figure out how big your power supply is, but if some of the cards you are looking at need 450 and you have 300 (or any other number scenario) then that answers part of your question. So check the card specs and your computer specs and find a good match. By the way, ATI cards have issues with shadows if that is part of the ultra experience you want, so looking at NVIDIA might be good too. Good luck shopping.
  10. Show Place In Search is actually an option that is much like an ad. People pay $30 L a week to have their land searchable in the PLACES category. If you were looking at land for SALE, then that is governed by a different process. Any time a piece of property is set for sale it comes up in Search in the LAND SALES area. There is no charge for this, it is automatic. So people that want their land that is for sale to show up in PLACES also, can pay $30L a week. Many places you have looked at may have had "show in search" checked because they ran a business there. People selling land can also take out classified ads which start at $50L a week. You may also have found them in search as a BUSINESS because they took out a classified ad. This would put them in SEARCH but not through the Places category; in the Classified categoy. If you are searching using the ALL tab, then all tabs mix together including Places, Classifieds and Land Sales.
  11. This is from a post to someone else earlier in the day Oftentimes -- if you are using the official Linden Labs viewer -- the update is mandatory. If that was the case, you cannot go back to your old viewer. You CAN however, download a third party viewer or the old 1.23 Linden Lab viewer. Most third party viewers (not Kirsten's) are gentler on your system than the current official Viewer 2. Information on both Third Party Viewers (ones not made by Linden Labs) and the old 1.23 viewer are at the bottom of this Wiki page: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers EDIT: While the viewers based on the old viewer will not work the same way as the one your are used to, you may find with a bit of patience that they perform better for you. While I don't use Phoenix personally, I suggest that might be a good one to install as they appear to have a very active user group inworld that can help you when you get stuck. Also, there is a reason why a huge majority of folks use Third Party Viewers *wink*. Give one a try and see. 
  12. EDIT: See Peggy's answer which, if you WERE in ADVANCED mode when you lost it, is most likely correct Sounds like you logged into Viewer 2 in ADVANCED mode rather than basic. Basic mode has the destination guide but VERY FEW features. So being in advanced mode is a good thing . You can still find the destination guide online. You can find it here: http://secondlife.com/destinations Since I don't use Viewer 2 I am not sure if the guide has the exact same spots, but there are plenty to choose from on the web version. If you really love the integrated guide in Viewer 2, just make sure you have selected BASIC from the drop down menu on the login screen. Then log in as you have before.
  13. VERY IMPORTANT, while tier rate used to change based on the largest amount of land you owned in a month, that hasn't been true for maybe a couple of years. You need to MANUALLY change your TIER USE FEE amount in the land manager of your account. If you sell your land and do not downgrade there, you will be charged the same fee the next month. I know as this happened to an old timer friend of mine . Sometimes things change and we just don't know. So find that area now and remember to make those changes . Good luck with your land sale.
  14. For shadows one of the most important parts of the equation is the graphics card. There are "issues" with ATI (I know, I have one. GREAT for everything else. Not for shadows.) so it will depend on how MUCH you want a good shadow experience in SL. This article from the most popular "shadow viewer" will tell you a lot about the cards: http://www.kirstensviewer.com/Blog/177/__Kirstens_GPU_Awards_2011_!__.html I have the second one in the list. Does NOT do shadows well . Everything else? VERY happy gal. Also you can write to the forums for that viewer as there are MANY techie folks contributing and they can most likely tell you more. Good luck.
  15. Chic Aeon

    Land Purchase

    Land Use Fees come in "hunks". This is from the LAND MANAGER in your account settings: USD 195.00/ month 65,536 Entire Region USD 125.00/ month 32,768 1/2 Region USD 75.00/ month 16,384 1/4 Region USD 40.00/ month 8,192 1/8 Region USD 25.00/ month 4,096 1/16 Region USD 15.00/ month 2,048 1/32 Region USD 8.00/ month 1,024 1/64 Region USD 5.00/ month 512 1/128 Region USD 0.00/ month 0 0/128 Region  You get a 512 free and 4096 will cost you $25.00 a month. The land use calculator in the same Land Management Area will tell you what you will pay. Use it to make sure. There is a slight advantage to deeding it to a group, but in your case it will just leave you with a small amount of "free teir" which you will probably not be using. So you will still have 512 leftover to do something with or donate to a group. If you give up that piece of land in the future and go to a 1024 say, you need to come back to this spot and CHANGE YOUR LAND USE or you will be charged even though you are not using it . So put that on a sticky note . There is no advantage to giving up your 512 and if you deed it to your group it STILL counts "against" your free tier. EDIT: Also when you buy any land parcel (mainland or estate) during the buying process it tells you exactly how buying that parcel will change your teir payments. So you WILL know prior to buying.
  16. Oftentimes -- if you are using the official Linden Labs viewer -- the update is mandatory. If that was the case, you cannot go back to your old viewer. You CAN however, download a third party viewer or the old 1.23 Linden Lab viewer. Most third party viewers (not Kirsten's) are gentler on your system than the current official Viewer 2. Information on both Third Party Viewers (ones not made by Linden Labs) and the old 1.23 viewer are at the bottom of this Wiki page: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Alternate_Viewers EDIT: While the viewers based on the old viewer will not work the same way as the one your are used to, you may find with a bit of patience that they perform better for you. While I don't use Phoenix personally, I suggest that might be a good one to install as they appear to have a very active user group inworld that can help you when you get stuck. Also, there is a reason why a huge majority of folks use Third Party Viewers *wink*. Give one a try and see.
  17. I personally have never had issues with the cart on the Marketplace. It is tricky however as you need to go through an EXTRA step and confirm the order. Scrolling down to the bottom of the check out page is key. The other issue that may be causing problems is ordering when not in world. I often have people who order my stuff on the marketplace and are not in world to collect it. Be sure to be IN WORLD and not be AWAY or in BUSY mode.
  18. The only thing you can actually do is contact the seller with a copy of your transaction history. Many retails are not in world often -- especially in the summer months. So patience is needed. Good luck.
  19. Unless you buy a special ad, it is free more or less. They take a commission on items. So for example an Item that is listed for $350 brings you $327. But there is no charge until you sell, so it is a very good deal for lots of folks.
  20. Welcome to the world of SL fashion where most things fit most avatars and sizes are often irrelevant. Woot! Swimsuits are one of the easiest items to have fit. Since they are most often only textures (no prims) they will stretch or shrink to conform to the sizes of your avatar. Other items, ones with prims get a little more problematic. Many now come with resize scripts (and instructions for those that are new) that let you click and enlarge things such as collars and cuffs or skirts. Unless you are a really large avatar or a really small (petite) one, most items will fit you. They simply add a layer of texture to your avatar frame. Eventually you will need to learn how to adjust prims so that collars and necklaces and such end up exactly where you want them. In the meantime, a swimsuit is a pretty easy choice for a start. Hope you find a great one!
  21. Not exactly the right forum for this but I just sent it to you in world. Enjoy. Replace MY URL with yours of course
  22. The best, I think, that wouldn't cost you a small fortune (patent attorneys are expensive and filing feed, copyrighting a product name or logo etc.) that could easily cost considerably more than you would make back selling your product or service -- would be to get a contract with the script person as well as a non-disclosure agreement. The problem in SL is that for the most part NO ONE KNOWS WHO ANYONE REALLY IS ... So that makes this pretty much an impossible situation. If you could meet the script person in real life and do things that way, it would be much more likely to enforce any agreement. There have been court cases based on product rights in virtual platforms, but it isn't really a mainstream thing. Easier I would think to go for a breach of contract suit if it ever came to that. Even when you can sit down with the people involved, things can go wrong. SL's anonymity makes that much more likely. Good luck.
  23. Here is the official info link: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Filing-an-abuse-report/ta-p/700065 I cannot see where it talks about anonymity, but when I have filed a report in the past through the viewer, it did mention that the person you are reporting on will not know your name, so I suspect that is still true and should become obvious as you go through the process.
  24. Just as an aside to this question. Setting object To Buy when touched can be very problematic for the end user. If the object is not mod (or they don't know how to change things) they end up with that ugly green dollar sign appearing whenever they point (either on purpose or just day to day moving around) at the object. I have thrown away tons of things -- like TREES for instance -- with this problem Who wants dollar sign showing up? And when clicked on the message is something like "this doesn't appear to be for sale" because it is most often a no transfer item. So, a big suggestion that you didn't ask for *wink* is that you get a friend or make an alt and TEST how things work out for the end user. It will make you friends in the end. If you sell the CONTENTS of a vendor (the poster with the picture you have in your shop for instance) instead of a COPY this is less often a problem. But generally staying away from that BUY option is a pretty good practice. Just my opinion as a shopper and a seller
  25. Well there have been lots of reports on the negative side for the lastest official Viwer 2, but whichever viewer she is using (mentioning that would be helpful and you can add to your original post by using Options > Edit Question..) Did she do a CLEAN install, deleting the old version and all application data before installing the new? Since the problem started after the new viewer installation that is most likely the issue. There are numerous places that tell you how to do this. This is from the Kirsten's Viewer Forums. Also make sure that the graphics driver is up to date. Clearing the Cache from Outside Second Life If you're sure of what you're doing, you can clear your cache manually. With The Viewer closed, go to the appropriate pathway and delete all the files inside the "cache" folder. On Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[YOUR USERNAME]\Application Data\[VIEWER NAME]\cache Alternatively, you may use the environment variable %APPDATA%, to shorten this path to: %APPDATA%/Kirstens S20/cache On Windows 7 / Vista: C:\Users\[uSERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\[VIEWER NAME] (user settings) On Windows 7 / Vista: C:\Users\[uSERNAME]\AppData\Local\[VIEWER NAME] (user cache) On a Mac: /Users/[YOUR USERNAME]/Library/Application Support/[VIEWER NAME] Clearing Cache and Settings is a good way to get the viewer back to factory default settings and can solve a multitude of sins! 
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