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MartinRJ Fayray

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Everything posted by MartinRJ Fayray

  1. Just like to add to the previous answers, that you can also use the "request teleport"-feature in the official LL viewer, also you can view people nearby in the People's floater, just like in third-party-viewers (fwiw you can even raise the "nearmerange" in the debug settings https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Debug_Settings to something like 4096, to make the 'near-me'-list work like a 'radar').
  2. I think this is a great opportunity! I hope that at some point LL will work on VW together with High Fidelity, because some very cool former Linden Labs developers are now part of the HF team. I am very happy that LL and Ebbe Linden listened to the community, and made the decision to re-create Second Life from scratch. Also I am more than happy that Oz is now the new technical director of Second Life, he is awesome! And I'm also glad that Maestro is still around, because he is awesome, too! Thanks a ton for listening to your customers! I'm just a bit worried that SL could lose all it's great communities if residents partly leave SL and go to the new world. The communities (clubs, themed sims, groups) are what drives Second Life, for many residents it's mainly just a chat-platform. It would really be cool if people could jump from Second Life servers to the new world and back, or have private chat and voicechat and group chat between both platforms. I think the most important target group for both, the old and the new Linden World are the existing Second Life communities. People would still come together, find friends, chat and purchase some clothes or avatars, if there was no user-generated content at all (and the former LL CEO Rod Humble, who previously developed The Sims 2 knew that pretty well, as The Sims 2 had no user-generated content at all). Of course content developers are a big and important group in SL, as they are paying for in-world stores, and have to attract visitors who go to their shops, and buy and use their content. But it's friendship and the excitement of finding new friends, and the opportunity to go to a public community-sandbox to chat and find other people who share your interests, at a place where you already found a couple of friends, which actually makes people coming back, and logging in to Second Life again, and keeps them here in this wonderful place. The most important group of residents are the existing communities, Clubs, Themed regions, Groups, FRIENDS on the friendslist. Furthermore I hope, that Linden Lab will design their new virtual world in a more global attempt, and will make use of a distributed server infrastructure when they design the regions/simulators of the new virtual Linden world. Right now who doesn't live in North-America is damned to have a ping above 200ms everywhere else in the world, because there are no region-servers (or ANY LL servers) outside the US, which makes it a lot harder to use Second Life from other parts in the world. It would be great if the new Linden world allows region-hosts in other parts of the world, like Germany or Great Britain or Asia, so that German regions for example can choose to have their region hosted in Frankfurt, to have a better ping, lower latency, and a smoother and better Second Life experience. I hope that the new Linden VW does NOT depend on a public resident wiki like it was when they created the first Second Life, there should be internal written specifications of the software, and also undocumented code is a no-go for professional software. Facebook won't buy it if you can't provide them with any written specs
  3. Hello Vinpwey, see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Policy_Regarding_Wagering_in_Second_Life Games which are similar to those in this list (and use L$ or real money) are not allowed in SL: Jeux dans cette liste ne sont pas autorisés: S'ils utilisent L$ ou réel argent. Baccarat Blackjack Craps Faro Keno Pachinko Pai Gow Poker Roulette Sic Bo Slot machines
  4. Hello Ladyblance, sadly this functionality was discontinued, due to many residents who complained about it (privacy issue).
  5. Hello Valiant, write a mail or a ticket, to give them time to respond. As the person who you were talking with already said, he can't look it up as it's not in his department. I have very good experience with LL's support, of course there are always things that they could improve, but they have to handle a huge number of support-requests, and I learned that I have to be patient. And btw. the guys from support are only humans like you and me, and probably hate the way the system works more than you do.
  6. Hello nyanyanman, just file a new jira, and refer to the old one, but make sure you do NOT file it in the wrong project. STORM for example is only for issues about either the Snowstorm project viewer, or issues that you personally wrote a fix / contribution for (which you are willing to share). Always file all issues in the BUG project.
  7. Hello Shahrizade, please see http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Password-and-account-information/ta-p/700017 Use this form to reset your password: https://secondlife.com/my/account/request.php?lang=en
  8. In a scenario where someone is really attacking your router/cable modem, you should immediately update the firmware on that modem, or get a newer modem of a totally different brand, also in some devices you can enable DoS-protection. Also like Freya already said, you need to make sure that you won't disclose your IP-address again. To be sure that this is not an attack directed against your avatar in SL, you should first test with a new ALT account (go to https://join.secondlife.com/ and create a new account), though, and see if the disconnects stop then. Another scenario could be that you've been using an insecure or even manipulated viewer/client all the time, or that the bad guy just incidentally heard of recent problems of your ISP (or even the wifi in your home, if he's someone who knows you IRL) and is just trying to scare you. These are all totally hypothetical scenarios, of course. Either way, you should download the official client from http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ and only use this viewer for a while. If this is really an attack against your cable modem or router, you will need to find out (by eliminating possibilities) in what way you were disclosing your IP-address. Did you use a third-party-viewer which could be manipulated? Stop using voice until the issue is resolved, turn it off completely in settings. Remove all addons from your browser (at least those which are suspicious and not very commonly used), or even use an anonymous browser for your day-to-day use. Use messengers like Skype or ICQ only from a smartphone which doesn't connect to your local Wi-Fi/network, but only via cellular network, and remove all add-ins from Skype. Don't use any suspicious software at all. You could also get a 3G-access point with Wi-Fi (starting at about 40 USD at Amazon) and only use this instead of the connection you're currently using, because typically these devices get a new IP every time you connect them to the internet. I hope this helps. PS: android devices can horribly easily get hacked (just opening a manipulated website is enough for an attacker to get access to almost everything on your phone or tablet, unless it's using Android 4.2 or higher), so don't connect your phone to your wi-fi until you solved the issue.
  9. Hello, did you download the viewer from this page: http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ Second Life runs best on a wired LAN (as opposed to WIFI), if you tried logging in from a computer with WiFi or cellular network, try again using a wired LAN.
  10. A warm welcome from good ol' Europe, Sir! Since I figured that this is the 'make a wish' - thread, I have only one simple wish: Please stop implementing new features in Second Life, and really focus on fixing thousands of the well-known bugs and issues, instead! Good luck and have fun as our new god : P PS: I am very well aware there are one- or two-hundred developers in your team(s) who want to contribute their ideas and visions to SL, but there are so many things to fix which have been around broken or semi-broken for ages. E.g. we really need LSL - the scripting language - practically re-done (LSL 3.0), as there are so many caveats that it takes many times more hours than it should take to create the most simple things, because you have to work-around known issues which cannot be adressed without breaking existing content. The (legacy) avatar (Avatar 2.0) practically needs to be re-done (e.g. the left and right leg have been inverted since the first day of SL, the attachment-points are not symmetrical... and so on). The sim-crossings need to be re-done. ...
  11. Hello MissyMae, here are a few tips: Try to log in with a *really* old viewer and delete the folders ( e.g. http://code.google.com/p/phoenixviewer/downloads/detail?name=Phoenix_Viewer- or http://download.cloud.secondlife.com/Viewer-1/Second_Life_1-23-5-136262_Setup.exe - more here: http://virtyou.com/viewer_track/ ) Purge your entire Trash and Lost & Found (rightclick -> empty contents), and also try to individually delete the folders from Trash/Lost&Found. Put copies of a random copyable object into these folders and then relog, then log back in and try to delete the folders (and relog again). Also try renaming them, relog and delete them again. Also check http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/stuck_folders_outside_inventory_system_folder_work-around
  12. Hello Charlotte, when I read Whirly's comments in your Jira correctly, this is a Firestorm-specific bug in the current public beta 4.5.1 (38838). So either use an older version of Firestorm that didn't have the bug, or use another viewer until this gets fixed (e.g. use the official V3 from http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ when you want to upload images).
  13. Oh no, come on, as if anyone here cares about using literals instead of constants in SL. Actually the literal '0' is the only value that I *DO* accept in every code - in every programming language. It's an absolute waste of time to replace it. IF you do replace everything, then put PUBLIC_CHANNEL in the scripts, but for the records: it is the greatest waste of time since SL was started to make an automation for that. Strife. There are probably a hundred broken scripts in the wiki, why should one care about the literal '0' in some scripts. (PS I know that this was not your idea, Strife, so I'm not aiming this at you). My vote is: don't change anything at all. Do *NOT* link to the PUBLIC_CHANNEL page in all lsl scripts in the wiki. Do *NOT* use ANY automation to replace neither the constant 'PUBLIC_CHANNEL' NOR the literal '0'. You will break some pages and scripts as the only result. I *DO* use the constant PUBLIC_CHANNEL in my own scripts, but in my opinion it would be an absolute waste of time to change it, since I *do* tolerate the literal '0'. What a complete waste of time. This is such a horrible nonsense, I'm sorry if this hurts anyone.... While I agree that it is a bad programming practice to use literal values in code, the literal 0 most likely NEVER gets replaced in my own code. Or I would end up neurotically writing crazy lines of code like this some day: for (iIntegerCounter3 = sSmallIntMyCounterInitialValueWhichIsActuallyZero; iIntegerCounter3 < sSmallIntMyHighestAllowedValueInThisForLoop; iIntegerCounter3 = iIntegerCounter3 + iSmallIntMyValueIsOne); What a cant discussion this is, imho. Just: wow! FWIW In the poll on sluniverse I actually voted for 0. Darien explained to me that using 0 would require less compile time (as PUBLIC_CHANNEL gets replaced with 0 by the compiler). Honestly, the very last thing that I would personally complain about when I get a script from some other scripter, is if he types 0 instead of PUBLIC_CHANNEL. I would rather complain about the font-type or color he used in his editor, or about his intendation, or about the name of his variables, than I would complain about that. This whole Haiku project is a waste of time, in my humble opinion.
  14. To be more specific, Fluffy is a top 8 sandbox! PROOF: http://i.imgur.com/4v6HsKw.png
  15. Hello Jackson, this can take a couple of hours. Try again tomorrow, if it does not work, contact support at http://support.secondlife.com/contact-support
  16. Hello Oltidessa, press Ctrl-Alt Q for the Develop menu and then go to Avatar - Character Tests in the viewer menu, and select "Test Male". This will reset your avatar to the default avatar. Then you can attach one item after the other, until you find the item that caused the errormessage. In some viewers the error message window should give a hint about the position of the item.
  17. Hello Audree91, can you test if it works when you teleport to a different region? If the bug is limited to a specific region, go to https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ and choose "Land & Region" then "Report an offline region" and explain what is going wrong and request a region restart.
  18. Hello Alayni, I can think of one case where this could happen: if you enabled materials (by changing the texture-settings) for the building, it will use the new prim-accounting system for the entire build, which could dramatically increase it's land-impact. See http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Calculating-land-impact/ta-p/974163
  19. Hello Annika, currently LL is restarting a part of the grid, try to log in to another region (change the region name in the 'Start At' field on the login screen). See also http://status.secondlifegrid.net/
  20. Hello MaryElizabeth2501, she can also try a different browser.
  21. Hello, let me copy-paste Rolig's brilliant answer to another resident's similar question http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Please-Help-I-don-t-Know-What-To-Do/qaq-p/2336735 "Submit a support ticket under the category Account Issue. Explain your situation and ask them to help reset your password and send it to your new e-mail address. They will give you a hard time, because they'll want you to prove who you are. They'll probably ask you to fax documentation of some kind."
  22. Hello Trezz, my suggestion is to test other driver-versions with the Second Life viewer. You don't need to install the other driver versions (I know this is a pain), instead you can just copy the opengl -driver into the Second Life program directory. Instructions and more information about that can be found here: http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-12100#comment-122495 (this also works for the official viewer). Good luck!
  23. Hello and Greetings, Denovo, Educational Institutions get a 50% discount on setup-fees and maintenance fees, see https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Education_and_Non-Profit_Discount_Terms_and_Conditions To talk directly with a Linden Lab representative, please contact education@lindenlab.com or use live chat via this url: https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/?type=land Another option would be the third-party software solution "Open Sim" (an open-source Second Life-like server software for virtual worlds) together with Open Sim-capable Third-Party-Viewers (e.g. Firestorm), which is basically free, but you will need your own hardware (e.g. an off-the-shelf PC) to set it up. With tools like e.g. "Open Sim on a stick" it's pretty easy to do so.
  24. In addition to Rolig's suggestions, you could also do a simple relog, often missing inventory pops up there after relogging. If all of that doesn't help, check these help pages: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Finding_lost_objects
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