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Pixie Kobichenko

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Everything posted by Pixie Kobichenko

  1. I find out about SL goings on thru the forums even tho I am aware of official LL blogs. Upcoming name changes, & Bellisseria for example. Also I enjoy idle the chitchat (what is on your tv, fave holiday food types of stuff) & games in the threads. Tho I think my SL is creeping towards becoming a thing of the past. It’s becoming longer gaps of time between my logins. I know in recent months I’ve spent more time here on the forums than inworld.
  2. No one would ever really learn to appreciate lessons learned from consequences. what if those ACME black holes a la Wyle E Coyote cartoons were real?
  3. I was never able to make it past a page or two. Same with Twilight. Didn’t get into the movies, either. I did however enjoy the Diary of a Whimpy Kid series when my son was reading them & the first few movies came out. ❤️💕
  4. @Tari Landar For me I own the brand that starts with the letter S but I no longer wear it. I now exclusively use the one that starts with a B and specifically the F version. I don’t know if were allowed to use the brand names and if we are just using the first letters if that’s too specific as well so let that fall where it may. I originally bought the S brand because it’s the first one I encountered back however many years ago. And then found out that other bodies didn’t have separate hands and feet and discover that the B brand had adjustable bewbies. So hands and feet I didn’t have to mess with other than the HUD & push up boobs were my deciding factors. There’s lots of clothes and shoes and specifically lots and lots of fitted jewelry made only for brand M. Some very nice things I would like my avatar to have but they are not available to me with my choice of body. I have on occasion messaged a few creators and asked if they were considering branching out into other bodies. If any bothered to reply back it was always “no”. I’m sure there’s a variety of factors that can or do feed into their decision. It might be as simple as they choose not to and Likely the added cost and time that might be incurred in tailoring clothes and shoes and jewelry to other bodies. Several times I have sent links to the things that I like to show my best friend and told her she should buy them just so that I can see them. Haha. I guess in the end the creators who choose not to create for my body actually do my wallet a favor and save me $$$.
  5. I’m going to assume that subscribers have nothing to do with Inworld permissions of the viewer, be it land access or group chat permissions.
  6. & there is my opening. I created the five letters game for the strict purpose of upping my post count to 500 so that I could have the sparkly stars next to my name here in the forums. While that was going on I made a point to go through and like every single person‘s response. That did nothing for my own post count and it did nothing for my reputation count. I did it because it was a nice thing to do to show appreciation for others playing in the game that I started. Within about three weeks I got to where I wanted to be and I pretty much left the game alone since then and it’s still being played. Lots of the people playing have plenty of post counts so I assume that they continue to play because they enjoy it. If all the games in the forums need to be moved to their own little sub-forum I don’t see a problem with that. But I also don’t think that the games stop anyone from clicking to a second page to see if there’s other threads they want to comment on that might possibly been pushed down because of the games. 💁‍♀️
  7. Next time I’m in the world I will look the group up. 😊
  8. There’s a place in Oklahoma called Eischens Bar. They have the oldest wood bar in the state which is pretty neat to see. They also have the best fried chicken I’ve ever eaten in my life. Any other fried chicken doesn’t compare. In fact it was featured on Food Network on Guy Fieri’s show. Sadly I now live on the other side of the state and have no real reason to be over there to have an excuse to go eat. (I do really miss the little parfait buckets though that KFC had when I was a kid). https://www.foodnetwork.com/shows/diners-drive-ins-and-dives/videos/you-picked-em
  9. I’m not on often anymore, But I enjoy looking for aquariums, planetariums, natural history museums and outdoor parks. i’m wondering if there’s some sort of group inworld for field trips?
  10. Zombieland Doubletap. Finally! 🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️💕
  11. How we lose things when we Rez items on to mesh. Although it would be nice if it was easy to locate lost things through area search.
  12. Duck sauce. The apricot based one. But you rarely get those with take away. So I settle for the thicker darker pink sweet-and-sour sauce. In fact because of this thread I asked hubby if we can have Chinese food today. I’ll be ordering Mongolian beef and crab Rangoon! I don’t care for the eggrolls from the place we will order from. I keep some frozen ones in the freezer for when I need an egg roll fix.
  13. Active by what subjective ruler? I’ve gone from second life pretty much being my entire day and a lot of my night 10 years ago to in the last two or three years to only being in world two or three hours a day and now in the past year and a half to maybe two or three days a week and now in the last six or eight months maybe one hour a week total.
  14. The biggest ceremony I’ve ever had well the only, was “the passing of the gold”. haha. Which Probably wasn’t more than 2000 lindens at any one time. The only thing I’ve ever done was to make sure and pick up any Gacha items I might’ve had out so that I wouldn’t lose them before or if I did come back.
  15. Can I add though that I think it would be really neat if there was some sort of AI associated with SL. Such that something like Siri could read responses in conversations to you out loud? Sexy Australian man, sophisticated English lady, rough and flirty Texas man (oh yes I definitely meant Matthew McConaughey), alluring south American accent..... Such that with that enabled the person corresponding with you have the ability to pick the voice that you heard or you can pick the voice that you heard back. 😁👌👂
  16. No. But I really want to say that I think I remember 10 years ago having to provide my drivers license when I signed up? If it wasn’t here then it had of been Facebook or my space or pogo games because that’s about the extent of anything I’ve ever done on the Internet. But even if I had had to do that in no way could it be construed as voice verification. I pretty much laugh at all the TOS addendum’s the second life legal eagles throw on their profiles. There’s a term for what they think they’re doing (and I can’t remember what it’s called ) but it amounts basically to a passive contract. Thinking that they’re bypassing the terms of service they agreed to when they created their accounts & enforcing it thru passive consent. All the “by reading this you grant me permission to copy and paste & even if you don’t read it.”No. Those type of things just clue me in to their propensity for drama. Why do you have to already have the mindset that you’re going to have interactions that require showing others what went on between us?
  17. This question may have been posed in the past I don’t know and not really sure how to search for it ever I’m definitely not going to flip through umpteen thread pages trying to find the question That may not exist. OK that out-of-the-way what if when all this comes into action and we don’t like any of the last names available what if we want to just change your first name and keep our last name such as I would want to change from pixie Kobichenko to Shasta Kobichenko? I wonder if that’s going to be allowed?
  18. I don’t, never have- always close it with each new installation. Until reading the replies in this thread I didn’t even know what it was really for. Since I don’t play what I guess you call normal video games like World of Warcraft or anything (I do like angry birds dream blast) I wouldn’t be familiar with what other replies are referring to but I understand what they’re talking about & now I know what the mini map is for. 😁
  19. Just don’t log in. I’ve done that a few times in my 10 years. Longest away was six months. I do not advocate deleting your account. That cost money to reverse if you change your mind at some point. After 10 years my friends list has only eight names on it. All but two of those individuals has my real life Facebook. I am blessed with those close friendships over this past decade that transcends SL. Those two that are not on my Facebook Know that they can get a hold of me through Skype if I take a break.
  20. Nothing ATM. In the past few weeks however I have finished Mindhunter on Netflix, the boys on Amazon and the newest season of lost in space on Netflix. I give them all lots and lots of stars mainly because I won’t continue watching something past the initial 15 or 20 minutes if it doesn’t really catch my attention much less wind up binging a full season.
  21. You forgot help I bought such and such and can't find it oh wait there it is.
  22. I never use default be it viewer or region. It didn't make a difference. I had to turn on shaders. (I use Calwl or SheperdsDelight) - I've never run into a build having totally different colors, not even just shades on a build like that- and I've been around a really long time. I've had a houseboat & a traditional, and they didn't behave that way. But it is what it is. I probably won't keep my premium if I have to run my computer on higher graphics to render it correctly. Mostly because I don't actually use or decorate the insides of my houses. I can't be outside often in RL, so I like to be there in SL. Anyways- not a big deal- thanks all for the tips and helps.
  23. Dyna Mole came by my plot, and showed me thru a diagnostic that its all the same color, for whatever reason I have to turn on atmospheric shaders. Disappointing, cause doing that makes my computer run hotter, so I'll just make the house white. Thanks for the responses.
  24. I think it's a bug and it's not been addressed, or my house needs a fixing by a Mole. I have filed a ticket- I just can't imagine that this is deliberate on the Doyle home- it makes no sense at all to have the white front 3/4 of the house, and the two different shades of pink (the other colors did this as well): (edit- turning on Atmospheric Shaders in preferences fixes this- but I don't normally use that option unless I'm taking pictures).
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