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Strange things happening.

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Some weeks ago I had a chat here over the earth and its passage around the sun, I said that there would be large earthquakes when the earth crossed the solar plane, one of you said I was talking BS and that the earth was tilted and did not cross the solar plane, I put that reply down to CIA psyops, anyway we have just crossed the solar plane and had 4 large earthquakes, also the sun rose 2 days early over greenland, so I think I have been proved right, anyway that aside, I hear people have heard sounds in the sky, machine like sounds, if a large body had entered the solar system then we would hear sounds as the earth got between it and the sun, have any of you heard machine like sounds in the sky that last for an hour or so, this is important, those sounds have other elements to them that you can't hear and are electro magnetic, this would also explain the large amount of birds and animals dropping dead, the biggest thing we have to worry about is the passage of matter that is transferring itself from the sun and this large body, if we get in between them when this happens then we will fry, it will be seen as a very long and large solar flare and once this body is close enough will be constant till it moves away.


Have any of you heard sounds in the air?

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Hi, to the person that IMed me, yes they will be at night or early evening or morning as you face away from the sun and you pick up the stream as it curves round the earth and out on its paths, this implies that it is electro magnetic, imagine your self in a place were as the main current passes it creates eddies above you, and these eddies are spinning at the frequencies you can hear.

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Coby Foden wrote:

On the subject of
: since from my childhood I have seen this over and over again from different sources. :smileylol: :smileyfrustrated:

Makes me wonder - how near is this
? It never seem to get any nearer...




I dunno. The Rapture was supposed to happen last May 21 and then it got postponed to October 21. Haven't gotten an updated timetable yet. Maybe Lucinda has...

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I'm a very spiritual person, and sure.. one day this planet may not be here.

But those who want to know about these things can use other sources than a Second Life forum. My experience is posting stuff like this either will get your humoristic replies (like the previous posters) or that you freak a large group of people active on second life out (see what happened with those crazies last year, giving away all their money or commit suicide).

If the end is near.. wouldn't it be better people spent their time left happy? And let it hit them by surprise? Instead of making them fear every day? Maybe tomorrow you will walk under a bus.. because you were not paying attention but worrying about the end of days. Now wouldn't that be something? ROFL

You will not often hear me say it but in this case: Ignorance is Bliss
Let people worry about more evitable issues, like raising their kids to be respectful, caring adults who think about how we can keep this earth cleaner and healthier. 



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It is not a disaster, and will be survivable, I don't know what you have been told, but that's OK, only math's exist in my world and this can be calculated, the sounds will show the direction it is coming from, it is a long way away, I have a picture of it, it has 7 moons, so will sound like some of the things in your book, but they are not angels, they are small moons, that's all, I don't think any will hit, I think our main concerns is the solar flares, I don't know if you know this but our grid depends on huge transformers, these take 2 years to build and only 3 companies in the world make them, should a flare knock out all our transformers then it could take up to a 100 years to repair them all, now I know the US and UK gov are installing switches to short all the transformers, so they think there is something to worry about.



PS: thats no internet for a 100 years, most of you will never have electricity again in your live time.

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Here is a complete list of times that the end of the world has been predicted.


We just missed one in December and it looks like the world wont end again until this December so no need to clear your calendar until then.

BTW, I only seem to hear Children use the term "Grown Up's" where adult's tend to use the word "Educated".

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Lucinda Bulloch wrote:

I have a picture of it, it has 7 moons

Where did you acquire this "picture"?

will sound like some of the things in your book

Not my book...

should a flare knock out all our transformers then it could take up to a 100 years to repair them all

I remember when flares knocked out a good part of Canada's grid. It certainly didn't take anywhere near a hundred years to repair it.

I'll also point out that that the large solar flares that happened... last week? the week before?... that had people issuing warnings about the electrical grid seem to have had no effect on it whatsoever.

now I know the US and UK gov are installing switches to short all the transformers

Uh. Huh.



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Since the picture, I have found out more, the large black area is a cloud of iron oxide, it has a huge amount of iron and a large magnetic field, in fact it could be the largest we have ever seen on any large planet, it seems to pass our sun in a very large orbit, it may pass as close to the sun as Jupiter, that would mean that it wont come anywhere near us to hit, but if its field is as strong as some think then it will draw a lot of matter from the sun as it passes meaning it will also grow, so therefore one day in the future it will grow enough to ignite and blow of its cloud and shine like a small second sun, so way in the future we could have 2 suns, one bright and one as bright as moon light, the current size of what ever is in the cloud is about 4 times the size of Jupiter.

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